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executable file
163 lines (122 loc) · 4.39 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
163 lines (122 loc) · 4.39 KB

###alert(string) This function prints the parameter provided by string to the console window,


alert("Hello World!");
//> Hello World!

###acmd_alias_create(aliasName, cost, cooldownSeconds, permissionNeeded, functionToRun) Requires SEconomy, AliasCmd & Scripting

Creates an AliasCmd that everyone with permissionNeeded permission can run, if they have the money to. functionToRun gets executed with the player that executed it. Commands do not have to have permissions to run if everyone is supposed to be able to use your alias, nor does it have to have a cost (ie, the command can be free)

  • Parameters

    • aliasName: The name of the slash-command to add.
    • cost: A string with the amount of money the command costs a player to run. Use "0" for free.-
    • cooldownSeconds: The time in seconds in between a player being allowed to re-execute the alias. Use "0" for no cooldown.
    • permissionNeeded: A string with the permission users need to run the command. Use "" for no permission required.
    • functionToRun: A function(player, args) that is executed when a user executes your alias.
      • player points to the player object that executed it
      • args refers to the CommandArgs that come with a command.
  • Returns

    • N/A


//Create a free alias called test, with no permissions and no cooldown.
acmd_alias_create("test", "0", 0, "", function(player, args) {
    tshock_msg(player, "You typed /test!!!");

// /test
// You typed /test!!!


###dump(object) This function describes an object to the console, used for debugging purposes.


var object = {
    "test": "test"



###jist_for_each_player(callBackForEachPlayer) This function executes callBackForEachPlayer for each player that is currently online in your server. It acts as a fast iterator, much like foreach in other programming languages such as C#.

  • callBackForEachPlayer must be a function(player).
  • player is of type TShockAPI.TSPlayer.


jist_for_each_player(function(player) {
    alert(player.Name + " is online!");

//Wolfje is online!
//Panther is Online!

###jist_player_count() returns the amount of players online in your server.


var onlinePlayers = jist_player_count();

alert("There are " + onlinePlayers + " players online in my server.");

//> There are 16 players online in my server.

###jist_random(from, to) This function generates a random number between from and to.
Both parameters must be integers.


alert(jist_random(1, 10));
alert(jist_random(1, 10));
alert(jist_random(1, 10));

###jist_repeat(numberOfTimes, functionToRepeat) Simple fast iterator, that repeats functionToRepeat numberOfTimes times. Can be used in place of a regular loop if need be.

  • functionToRepeat must be a function(index)
    • index is the zero-based index of the number of times the function has repeated


alert("Counting to 4!");
jist_repeat(5, function(i) {

//Counting to 4!

###jist_run_after(milliseconds, functionToRun, args) Queues a function provided by functionToRun to run after the specified amount of time provided by milliseconds. args are any parameters you would like to pass to functionToRun.

This function is extremely similar to setTimeout in browser javascript. It's asynchronous and is extremely useful for executing pieces of script after a certain period.

  • functionToRun must be a function(args)
  • args are optional


alert("This line runs immediately");
jist_run_after(5000, function(args) {
    alert("This line runs after 5 seconds");

//This line runs immediately
//(5 second pause)
//This line runs after 5 seconds

###jist_task_queue(hours, minutes, seconds, functionToRun) Adds a recurring scheduled task that will run functionToRun every hours:minutes:seconds, and keep running it every hours:minutes:seconds until Jist is reloaded, or the task is stopped.

  • functionToRun must be a function().
  • returns a task ID that is used to identify the scheduled task, so it can be later stopped if required.


var recurringTaskID = jist_task_queue(0, 5, 0, function() {
    alert("This function is executing every five minutes!");