From 95f75b669e6f172cfad2774a885fa858a77f0170 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Galiffi Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 09:10:41 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Remove duplicate list entries (#148) Signed-off-by: David Galiffi --- | 83 ------------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 83 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index d19002f5..66c7a257 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -129,89 +129,6 @@ A collection of examples to enable new users to start using ROCm. Advanced users - [remove_points]( Simple program that demonstrates the usage of the `thrust` random number generation, host vector, generation, tuple, zip iterator, and conditional removal templates. It generates a number of random points in a unit square and then removes all of them outside the unit circle. - [saxpy]( Simple program that implements the SAXPY operation (`y[i] = a * x[i] + y[i]`) using rocThrust and showcases the usage of the vector and functor templates and of `thrust::fill` and `thrust::transform` operations. - [vectors]( Simple program that showcases the `host_vector` and the `device_vector` of rocThrust. - - [hipBLAS]( - - [gemm_strided_batched]( Showcases the general matrix product operation with strided and batched matrices. - - [her]( Showcases a rank-2 update of a Hermitian matrix with complex values. - - [scal]( Simple program that showcases vector scaling (SCAL) operation. - - [hipCUB]( - - [device_radix_sort]( Simple program that showcases `hipcub::DeviceRadixSort::SortPairs`. - - [device_sum]( Simple program that showcases `hipcub::DeviceReduce::Sum`. - - [hipSOLVER]( - - [gels]( Solve a linear system of the form $A\times X=B$. - - [geqrf]( Program that showcases how to obtain a QR decomposition with the hipSOLVER API. - - [gesvd]( Program that showcases how to obtain a singular value decomposition with the hipSOLVER API. - - [getrf]( Program that showcases how to perform a LU factorization with hipSOLVER. - - [potrf]( Perform Cholesky factorization and solve linear system with result. - - [syevd]( Program that showcases how to calculate the eigenvalues of a matrix using a divide-and-conquer algorithm in hipSOLVER. - - [syevdx]( Shows how to compute a subset of the eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix A using the Compatibility API of hipSOLVER. - - [sygvd]( Showcases how to obtain a solution $(X, \Lambda)$ for a generalized symmetric-definite eigenvalue problem of the form $A \cdot X = B\cdot X \cdot \Lambda$. - - [syevj]( Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors from a real symmetric matrix using the Jacobi method. - - [syevj_batched]( Showcases how to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors (via Jacobi method) of each matrix in a batch of real symmetric matrices. - - [sygvj]( Calculates the generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors from a pair of real symmetric matrices using the Jacobi method. - - [rocBLAS]( - - [level_1]( Operations between vectors and vectors. - - [axpy]( Simple program that showcases the AXPY operation. - - [dot]( Simple program that showcases dot product. - - [nrm2]( Simple program that showcases Euclidean norm of a vector. - - [scal]( Simple program that showcases vector scaling (SCAL) operation. - - [swap]( Showcases exchanging elements between two vectors. - - [level_2]( Operations between vectors and matrices. - - [her]( Showcases a rank-1 update of a Hermitian matrix with complex values. - - [gemv]( Showcases the general matrix-vector product operation. - - [level_3]( Operations between matrices and matrices. - - [gemm]( Showcases the general matrix product operation. - - [gemm_strided_batched]( Showcases the general matrix product operation with strided and batched matrices. - - [rocPRIM]( - - [block_sum]( Simple program that showcases `rocprim::block_reduce` with an addition operator. - - [device_sum]( Simple program that showcases `rocprim::reduce` with an addition operator. - - [rocRAND]( - - [simple_distributions_cpp]( A command-line app to compare random number generation on the CPU and on the GPU with rocRAND. - - [rocSOLVER]( - - [getf2]( Program that showcases how to perform a LU factorization with rocSOLVER. - - [getri]( Program that showcases matrix inversion by LU-decomposition using rocSOLVER. - - [syev]( Shows how to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors from a symmetrical real matrix. - - [syev_batched]( Shows how to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for each matrix in a batch of real symmetric matrices. - - [syev_strided_batched]( Shows how to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for multiple symmetrical real matrices, that are stored with an arbitrary stride. - - [rocSPARSE]( - - [level_2]( Operations between sparse matrices and dense vectors. - - [bsrmv]( Showcases a sparse matrix-vector multiplication using BSR storage format. - - [bsrxmv]( Showcases a masked sparse matrix-vector multiplication using BSR storage format. - - [bsrsv]( Showcases how to solve a linear system of equations whose coefficients are stored in a BSR sparse triangular matrix. - - [coomv]( Showcases a sparse matrix-vector multiplication using COO storage format. - - [csritsv]( Showcases how find an iterative solution with the Jacobi method for a linear system of equations whose coefficients are stored in a CSR sparse triangular matrix. - - [csrmv]( Showcases a sparse matrix-vector multiplication using CSR storage format. - - [csrsv]( Showcases how to solve a linear system of equations whose coefficients are stored in a CSR sparse triangular matrix. - - [ellmv]( Showcases a sparse matrix-vector multiplication using ELL storage format. - - [gebsrmv]( Showcases a sparse matrix-dense vector multiplication using GEBSR storage format. - - [gemvi]( Showcases a dense matrix-sparse vector multiplication. - - [spitsv]( Showcases how to solve iteratively a linear system of equations whose coefficients are stored in a CSR sparse triangular matrix. - - [spmv]( Showcases a general sparse matrix-dense vector multiplication. - - [spsv]( Showcases how to solve a linear system of equations whose coefficients are stored in a sparse triangular matrix. - - [level_3]( Operations between sparse and dense matrices. - - [bsrmm]( Showcases a sparse matrix-matrix multiplication using BSR storage format. - - [bsrsm]( Showcases how to solve a linear system of equations whose coefficients are stored in a BSR sparse triangular matrix, with solution and right-hand side stored in dense matrices. - - [csrmm]( Showcases a sparse matrix-matrix multiplication using CSR storage format. - - [csrsm]( Showcases how to solve a linear system of equations whose coefficients are stored in a CSR sparse triangular matrix, with solution and right-hand side stored in dense matrices. - - [gebsrmm]( Showcases a sparse matrix-matrix multiplication using GEBSR storage format. - - [gemmi]( Showcases a dense matrix sparse matrix multiplication using CSR storage format. - - [sddmm]( Showcases a sampled dense-dense matrix multiplication using CSR storage format. - - [spmm]( Showcases a sparse matrix-dense matrix multiplication. - - [spsm]( Showcases a sparse triangular linear system solver using CSR storage format. - - [preconditioner]( Manipulations on sparse matrices to obtain sparse preconditioner matrices. - - [bsric0]( Shows how to compute the incomplete Cholesky decomposition of a Hermitian positive-definite sparse BSR matrix. - - [bsrilu0]( Showcases how to obtain the incomplete LU decomposition of a sparse BSR square matrix. - - [csric0]( Shows how to compute the incomplete Cholesky decomposition of a Hermitian positive-definite sparse CSR matrix. - - [csrilu0]( Showcases how to obtain the incomplete LU decomposition of a sparse CSR square matrix. - - [csritilu0]( Showcases how to obtain iteratively the incomplete LU decomposition of a sparse CSR square matrix. - - [gpsv]( Shows how to compute the solution of pentadiagonal linear system. - - [gtsv]( Shows how to compute the solution of a tridiagonal linear system. - - [rocThrust]( - - [device_ptr]( Simple program that showcases the usage of the `thrust::device_ptr` template. - - [norm]( An example that computes the Euclidean norm of a `thrust::device_vector`. - - [reduce_sum]( An example that computes the sum of a `thrust::device_vector` integer vector using the `thrust::reduce()` generalized summation and the `thrust::plus` operator. - - [remove_points]( Simple program that demonstrates the usage of the `thrust` random number generation, host vector, generation, tuple, zip iterator, and conditional removal templates. It generates a number of random points in a unit square and then removes all of them outside the unit circle. - - [saxpy]( Simple program that implements the SAXPY operation (`y[i] = a * x[i] + y[i]`) using rocThrust and showcases the usage of the vector and functor templates and of `thrust::fill` and `thrust::transform` operations. - - [vectors]( Simple program that showcases the `host_vector` and the `device_vector` of rocThrust. ## Prerequisites