The Forge's website - tracks machine usage and calculates charges for members.
The first step of any install is to clone the repo to your local machine.
To install using docker you must first install Docker and Docker-Compose. Then run the following command to start up the containers.
- docker-compose up -d
And then once the containers are up attach to the web container using the following command
- docker exec -it forge-web bash
To install the app, you must have a working Python 3.7.x installation and PostgreSQL.
Required Python libraries:
- psycopg2
- argon2-cffi
- django
- sendgrid
- google-api
- bcrypt
To automatically install requirements run the following command:
- pip install -r requirements.txt
The app is currently configured for the docker install and should be changed in forge/
. The main change would be to set the database hostname
to either localhost
or the ip of your postgres server. The app will expect a database user postgres@hostname:5432
with password password
and a database called "forge_devel". Contact the web mainters if you are having trouble connecting.
Before running the app for the first time, you should set up the database through Django. You can do this by running the following commands. If using docker make sure to connect to the container.
- python makemigrations
- python migrate
- python createsuperuser
Afterwards, you can run the app by either restarting the docker-compose or running the following command (depending on how you installed):
- python runserver
The site will be accessible at localhost:8000 if using the normal install or localhost:80 if using docker. To access the Django admin panel, point your browser to site/admin.
You will want to initialize the database with some values. First go to /admin/auth/user/
and select your account. You will want to create and add the following groups
You will also want to create a machine at /admin/machine_management/machine/
and create slots for it at /admin/machine_management/machineslot/
. This will allow you to use the site with full functionality
The django app is split into the multiple apps with their own specific purposes.
- apis - in charge of generic api functionality
- business - implements business, purchasing, and semester logic
- data_management (In Progress) - data collection integration
- forge - root django app with generic pages and settings
- machine_management - controls models and machine functionality
- machine_usage - in charge of the machine forms/interactions with machines
- myforge - controls functionality of the login section
- use_management - implements user capabilities and permissions
Take a look at the current issues and the current project to see priorities.