Typos found:
Book: Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations Peter E. Kloeden, Eckhard Platen equation 5.8.11
- In definition of D^p_j1j2j3: fourth summand should read \zeta_j1,r \eta_j3,l+r instead of j1.
- In definition of b_j: there is a 1/\pi factor missing before sum.
- In definition of C^p_j1j2: second term should be +1/r\eta_j1,r\eta_j2,l instead of -l/r
Paper: Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations Tom R. Evensen, Stine N. Naess, Arnjolt Elgsaeter equation 12
- Prefactor of dyadic product matrix should read (1/f**2 - sin f / (2 f (1- cos f))), factor of 1/2 is misplaced
- Last summand (proportional to identity + cross matrix) should be prefactored by 1/2
Paper: Rotational Brownian Dynamics simulations of clathrin cage formation Ioana M. Ilie, Wouter K. den Otter, and Wim J. Briels equation A16
- First summand should be transposed equation A15
- First summand should be without the 1/2 factor
- Second summand should be with the 1/2 factor
- cos(a) should be replaced by (1 - a**2 /2)