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RabbitMQ Performance Tool

We have created a couple of tools to facilitate benchmarking RabbitMQ in different usage scenarios. One part of these tools is the PerfTest Java class, the other part is a couple of HTML/JS tools that will let you plot the results obtained from the benchmarks into nicely looking graphs.

The following blog posts show some examples of what can be done with this library:

RabbitMQ Performance Measurements, part 1. RabbitMQ Performance Measurements, part 2.

Running benchmarks

Let's see how to run some benchmarks and then display the results in HTML using this tool.

To run a benchmark we need to create a benchmark specification file, which is simply a JSON file like this one:

[{'name': 'consume', 'type': 'simple', 'params':
[{'time-limit': 30, 'producer-count': 4, 'consumer-count': 2}]}]

Place this code in a file called publish-consume-spec.js and then go to the root folder of the binary distribution and run the following command to start the benchmark:

bin/runjava com.rabbitmq.perf.PerfTestMulti
publish-consume-spec.js publish-consume-result.js

This command will start a benchmark scenario where four producers will send messages to RabbitMQ over a period of thirty seconds. At the same time, two consumers will be consuming those messages.

The results will be stored in the file publish-consume-result.js which we will now use to display a graph in our HTML page.

Displaying benchmark results

Provided you have included our libraries (refer to the "Boilerplate HTML" section to know how to do that), the following HTML snippet will display the graph for the benchmark that we just ran:

<div class="chart"
  data-x-axis="time (s)"
  data-y-axis="rate (msg/s)"
  data-y-axis2="latency (μs)"

Here we use HTML's data attributes to tell the performance library how the graph should be displayed. We are telling it to load the consume scenario, showing time in seconds on the x-axis, the rate of messages per second on the y-axis and a second y-axis showing latency in microseconds; all of this displayed in a time kind of graph:

Publish Consume Graph

If instead of the CSS class "chart" we use the "small-chart" CSS class, then we can get a graph like the one below:

<div class="small-chart"

Small Chart Example

Finally, there's a type of graphs called "summary" that can show a summary of the whole benchmark. Here's the HTML for displaying them:

<div class="summary"

And this is how they look like:

Summary Graph

Types of graphs

We support several types of graphs, that you can specify using the data-type attribute:

  • time: this graph can plot several variables on the y-axis while plotting the time on the x-axis. For example you could compare the send and receive rate over a period of time.

In the previous section we showed how to display these kind of graphs using HTML.

  • series: will plot how changing a variable affects the results of the benchmark, for example, what's the difference in speed from sending small, medium and large messages?. This type of graph can show you that.

Here's an HTML example of a series graph:

<div class="chart"
  data-y-axis="rate (msg/s)"
  • x-y: we can use this one to compare, for example, how message size affects the message rate per second. Refer to the second blogpost for an example of this kind of graph.

1 -> 1 sending rate message sizes

Here's how to represent an x-y graph in HTML:

<div class="chart"
  data-plot-keys="send-msg-rate send-bytes-rate"
  data-x-axis="message size (bytes)"
  data-y-axis="rate (msg/s)"
  data-y-axis2="rate (bytes/s)"
  • r-l: This type of graph can help us compare the sending rate of messages vs. the latency. See scenario "1 -> 1 sending rate attempted vs latency" from the first blogpost for an example:

1 -> 1 sending rate attempted vs latency

Here how's to draw a r-l graph with HTML:

<div class="chart"
  data-x-axis="rate attempted (msg/s)"
  data-y-axis="rate (msg/s)"

To see how all these benchmark specifications can be put together take a look at the various-spec.js file in the HTML examples directory, The various-result.js file in the same directory contains the results of the benchmark process run on a particular computer and various.html shows you how to display the results in an HTML page.

Supported HTML attributes

We can use several HTML attributes to tell the library how to draw the chart. Here's the list of the ones we support.

  • data-file: this specifies the file from where to load the benchmark results, for example data-file="results-mini-2.7.1.js". This file will be loaded via AJAX. If you are loading the results on a local machine, you might need to serve this file via HTTP, since certain browsers refuse to perform the AJAX call otherwise.

  • data-scenario: A results file can contain several scenarios. This attribute specifies which one to display in the graph.

  • data-type: The type of graph as explained above in "Types of Graphs".

  • data-mode: Tells the library from where to get the message rate. Possible values are send or recv. If no value is specified, then the rate is the average of the send and receive rates added together.

  • data-latency: If we are creating a chart to display latency, then by specifying the data-latency as true the average latency will also be plotted alongside send msg rate and receive msg rate.

  • data-x-axis, data-y-axis, data-y-axis2: These attributes specify the label of the x and the y axes.

  • data-series-key: If we want to specify from where which JSON key to pick our series data, then we can provide this attribute. For example: data-series-key="minMsgSize".

  • data-x-key: Same as the previous attributed, but for the x axis. Example: data-x-key="minMsgSize".

Boilerplate HTML

The file ../html/examples/sample.html shows a full HTML page used to display some results. You should include the following Javascript Files:

<!--[if lte IE 8]><script language="javascript"type="text/javascript" src="../lib/excanvas.min.js"></script><![endif]-->
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jquery.flot.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../perf.js"></script>

Our perf.js library depends on the jQuery and jQuery Flot libraries for drawing graphs, and the excanvas library for supporting older browsers.

Once we load the libraries we can initialize our page with the following Javascript:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
  var main_results;
        url: 'publish-consume-result.js',
        success: function(data) {
        fail: function() { alert('error loading publish-consume-result.js'); }

We can then load the file with the benchmark results and pass that to our render_graphs function, which will take care of the rest, provided we have defined the various divs where our graphs are going to be drawn.

Writing benchmark specifications

Benchmarks specifications should be written in JSON format. We can define an array containing one or more benchmark scenarios to run. For example:

[ {'name': 'no-ack-long', 'type': 'simple', 'interval': 10000,
  'params': [{'time-limit': 500}]},

 {'name': 'headline-publish', 'type': 'simple', 'params':
  [{'time-limit': 30, 'producer-count': 10, 'consumer-count': 0}]}]

This JSON object specifies two scenarios 'no-ack-long' and 'headline-publish', of the type simple and sets parameters, like producer-count, for the benchmarks.

There are three kind of benchmark scenarios:

  • simple: runs a basic benchmark based on the parameters in the spec as seen in the example above.
  • rate-vs-latency: compares message rate with latency.
  • varying: can vary some variables during the benchmark, for example message size as shown in the following scenario snippet:
{'name': 'message-sizes-small', 'type': 'varying',
 'params': [{'time-limit': 30}], 'variables': [{'name':
 'min-msg-size', 'values': [0, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000]}]},

Note that min-msg-size gets converted to minMsgSize.

You can also set the AMQP URI. See the URI Spec. Default to "amqp://localhost" . For example:

[{'name': 'consume', 'type': 'simple', 'uri': 'amqp://rabbitmq_uri',
  'params': [{'time-limit': 30, 'producer-count': 4, 'consumer-count': 2}]}]

Supported scenario parameters

The following parameters can be specified for a scenario:

  • exchange-type: exchange type to be used during the benchmark. Defaults to 'direct'
  • exchange-name: exchange name to be used during the benchmark. Defaults to whatever exchangeType was set to.
  • queue-names: list of queue names to be used during the benchmark. Defaults to a single queue, letting RabbitMQ provide a random queue name.
  • routing-key: routing key to be used during the benchmark. Defaults to an empty routing key.
  • random-routing-key: allows the publisher to send a different routing key per published message. Useful when testing exchanges like the consistent hashing one. Defaults to false.
  • producer-rate-limit: limit number of messages a producer will produce per second. Defaults to 0.0f
  • consumer-rate-limit: limit number of messages a consumer will consume per second. Defaults to 0.0f
  • producer-count: number of producers to run for the benchmark. Defaults to 1
  • consumer-count: number of consumers to run for the benchmark. Defaults to 1
  • producer-tx-size: number of messages to send before committing the transaction. Defaults to 0, i.e.: no transactions
  • consumer-tx-size: number of messages to consume before committing the transaction. Defaults to 0, i.e.: no transactions
  • confirm: specifies whether to wait for publisher confirms during the benchmark. Defaults to -1. Any number >= 0 will make the benchmarks to use confirms.
  • auto-ack: specifies whether the benchmarks should auto-ack messages. Defaults to false.
  • multi-ack-every: specifies whether to send a multi-ack every X seconds. Defaults to 0.
  • channel-prefetch: sets the per-channel prefetch. Defaults to 0.
  • consumer-prefetch: sets the prefetch consumers. Defaults to 0.
  • min-msg-size: the size in bytes of the messages to be published. Defaults to 0.
  • time-limit: specifies how long the benchmark should be run. Defaults to0.
  • producer-msg-count: number of messages to be published by the producers. Defaults to 0.
  • consumer-msg-count: number of messages to be consumed by the consumer. Defaults to 0.
  • msg-count: single flag to set the previous two counts to the same value.
  • flags: flags to pass to the producer, like "mandatory", or "persistent". Defaults to an empty list.
  • predeclared: tells the benchmark tool if the exchange/queue name provided already exists in the broker. Defaults to false.

Starting a web server to display the results

Some browsers may need to use a web server (file:// wouldn't work).

From the html directory, you can start a web server with Python:

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer

As an alternative, from the root directory of the binary distribution, you can launch a Java-based web server:

bin/runjava com.rabbitmq.perf.WebServer

The latter command starts a web server listening on port 8080, with the html directory as its base directory. You can then see the included sample at http://localhost:8080/examples/sample.html. To change these defaults:

bin/runjava com.rabbitmq.perf.WebServer ./other-base-dir 9090

At last, if you want a quick preview of your results (same layout as the first 'consume' scenario above), ensure the scenario name is 'benchmark' in the result file and launch the following command:

$ bin/runjava com.rabbitmq.perf.BenchmarkResults my-result-file.js

The latter command will start a web server on port 8080 and open a browser window to display the results.