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73 lines (53 loc) · 3.51 KB

File metadata and controls

73 lines (53 loc) · 3.51 KB

Source Code OJ


Alias Service Version Port
nginx Nginx 1.16.0 80
subcode PHP FPM 7.4 8080
mastercode PHP FPM 7.4 8081
livecode Node JS 12.10.0 8082
docode Node JS 12.10.0 8083
minio Minio RELEASE.2020-12-29T23-29-29Z 8084
db_mysql MySQL 5.7.22 3306
redis Redis DB 5.0.5 6379
rabbitmq Rabbit MQ 3.7.18 5672, 15672
phpmyadmin PhpMyAdmin latest 50
judgeMod judgeMod - -

Getting Started

  1. If you have nginx running natively, you've to stop that first.
    • To check: sudo service nginx status
    • To stop: sudo service nginx stop
    • To stop starting in every boot up: sudo systemctl disable nginx
    • NB: Sometimes it is possible that apache2 is running, stop it by applying the same process, replace nginx by apache2(Ubuntu) or httpd (CentOS)
  2. Open your /etc/hosts and add the following entries: code.local judge.code.local master.code.local live.code.local content.code.local mysql.code.local redis.code.local rmq.code.local
  1. Clone this repo by this command:

    • git clone --recursive
    • Copy .env.example as .env and fill up values with string containing at least 10 character and digit
    • HOST_IP should be the ip adsress of the host pc.
  2. Run ./ and choose 1 for the first time. This command will pull/build docker images, run dependency installation and some housekeeping tasks.

  3. Run docker-compose up or docker-compose up -d to deploy the system.

Keep Up To Date

If any of the submodule update on this system, you can fecth and deploy the updates by following steps:

  1. git pull --recurse-submodules && git submodule update --recursive

  2. If any of the submodule updates its dependency, then you have to run


    to update, otherwise this step is optional.

  3. docker-compose stop && docker-compose up -d


  • This environment by default assumes that your Linux system user id and group id is 1000:1000. If it is not then you may face some file permission related issue on linux system.

  • Though this docker environment is built to serve a specific project, this environment can be used to use as developemnt setup for any Laravel/VueJs/ReactJs/NodeJs project.

Feel free to:

  • submit issue
  • drop request to add more environment
  • tweaks suggestion