description |
ubuntu Hirsute hippo 21.04 @udroid |
{% hint style="danger" %} This suite is no longer supported and archived. {% endhint %}
"-" -> Supported but not released yet.
"❌" -> Not supported.
"✅" -> Supported and avalible to install
UBUNTU 21.04 | ✅ | ❌ | - |
- Whitesur themes and icons by vinceliuice with some edits to keep the Linux feel - Ubuntu Regular fonts
- xfce4-panel 2 replaced with plank with a theme made by *fkorpsvart *
- normal xfce4 -> all xubuntu packages
- All the default wallpapers and third party wallpapers are moved to the default Xfce backgrounds folder
- window shadows are turned off by default
- set to light themes as default (cause using white colors in software rendering is less stressful)
- Thanks to @GxmerSam suggestion this time Xorg extensions of tigervnc comes right out of the box for slight performance improvement in vnc
- A handy app for xhdipi transition thanks to @mizzunet for noticing #21
- libre core apps come pre-installed cause the project is moving for educational purposes mostly
- comes with a non-root user hippo to solve issues with apps running in root #19
& some under the hood fixes................