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2465 lines (2231 loc) · 66.9 KB

File metadata and controls

2465 lines (2231 loc) · 66.9 KB


Comments in Javascript

// Comment something

Multiline comments

/*Text xzy*/

Declare and assign string (possible with "" or '') - "var" was the earlier version in the past for that

let intStr = "7"

Linebreak and Tab should not used - is morely css-stuff for formating

"/n /t"

Declare a variable and assign int (also signed int like -36)

let age = 24

Defining without assigning (var gets value undefined)

let var

Define 2 variables (one without value and one with value)

let var, age = 25

Define and assign 3 variables (a=5, b=8, c=12)

let [a, b, c] = [5, 8, 12]

Declare a constant and assign int (constant can not be changed like variables)

const age = 25

Declare and assign float (also signed float like +4.5763

let float = 5.14876

Change String to Int with base 10

let intNum = parseInt(intStr,10);

Declare and assign string

let floatStr = "5.14673"

Change String to Float

let floatNum = parseFloat(floatStr);

Defines+Assigns a variable (if user exists/has a value use that - otherwise initialize with "guest"

let v = user || "guest"

Open windows for entering something and store in const inp

const inp = prompt("Enter:")

Convert numeric value to string


2nd method to convert numeric value to string

num + ""

3rd method to convert number / int to a String


Converts String to Number / Int


Shows the type of the variable as string (eg. "number", "string", "boolean")

typeof (x)

Modulo / Rest of the division (=> 1)

7 % 2

Check 2 values / variables (result in true / false)

x == y

Equal value and equal type

x === y

Not equal

x != y

Not equal value and not equal type

x !== y

Greater, lesser, greater + equal , lesser + equal


Check if value is NaN (NotANumber) - eg. when converting with Number() and the value is no number


Check if n is a integer


Makes variable +1


Outputs variable num in console


Outputs element as table (eg. for objects, arrays)


Alert information in a window


Alert some text with outputing the variable "name" between (using backticks "`"

alert(`Bla ${name} bla`)

Round to 2 decimal digits

n = n.toFixed(2)

Swap 2 variables

[x, y] = [y, x]

Exit javascript node program



Define a string

let s = "this is a test"

String with linebreak \n

let s = "this \n text"

extract only the first character


last char of a string


slicing 2 chars from pos 3 and 4


slice from pos 3 to the end


shows the length of the string


Lowercase the whole string

s = s.toLowerCase()

Uppercase the whole string

s = s.toUpperCase()

Returns the second char of a string


Search if "xyz" is int the string - returns the position where found - when not found returns -1"xyz")

Check if string/chars are in


Replace "abc" with "xyz" for any occurrences in the string (only working for new browsers!)

sNew = s.replaceAll("abc","xyy)

2nd method for replacing everything (works for more browsers!)

sNew = s.replace(/abc/g,"xyz")

Concatenate 2 strings

sNew = s1.concat(s2)

Delete all whitespaces at the beginning and the end


Repeat string 3 times


Split the words in a array

s.split(" ")

Delete all whitespaces at the beginning and the end


Fills leading zero in a string with allways 3 chars - eg. 006


Find Index of first occurence of this string


Outputs the x character in the string => second char of the string (same as s[1])


Get the last 3 chars of the string


2nd variant: Get the last 3 chars of the string


Return Ascii-Code of the first character of the string


Returns True if the string end with "?"


Returns char for specific ascii-code

char = String.fromCharCode(65)

Check if char is in A-Z


Spread-Operator for string (=> build array with each character)


Convert object-element to string

s = JSON.stringify(obj)

Convert datetime-object to string in format "yyyy-mm-dd"



Define an array

let arr = [];

Define an array and initialize it

let arr = [6,7,8];

Define multidim array

let mat= [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]

Get second element => 7


Access last element in array


Get element in the matrix => 5


Replace the third element

arr[2] = 9

Returns list as a string => "6,7,8"


Must allways be compared with triple = (only == would be wrong)

a1 === a2

Total count of the elemets in the array


Extracts and delete element at the end (fast!)


Extracts and delete element at the begin (slow!)


Append new elements to the array at the end (fast!)


Add new elements to the array at the beginning (slow!)


Copy elements from index 2 to index 3 => result is one char at index 2

ergArr = arr.slice(2,3)

Copy the last 2 elements of the array

ergArr = arr.slice(-2)

Delete 1 element beginning from index 2


Delete 2 elements beginning from the index 0 - and insert the elements 10 and 11


From index -1 delete 0 elements and add 3 and 4


Delete 2 elements beginning from the index 0 - and assign them to ergArr

ergArr = arr.splice(0,2)

x > 0) => Return true if all elements are bigger than 0


Concatenate 2 arrays to one

ergArr = arr1.concat(arr2)

Returns first index position of element "xyz" (if not exists result is -1)


Return the last index position of the element "xyz"


Check if string exists in the array


Reverse the entire array


Split the words in a array

arr = varStr.split(" ")

Join the elements from the array in a string with ", " as seperator

varStr = arr.join(", ")

Check if object is an array (if array = true)


Iterate through index of the array

for (let i=0; i < arr.lenth; i++) {do smth.}

Iterate through array elements

for (let elem of arr) {alert(arr)}

Convert a node-list to an array


2nd method for converting node-list to an array


Concatenate the array to a string seperated by " "

arr.join(" ")

a > b ? 1 : -1) => Order array ascending


a > b ? -1 : 1) => Order array descending


Ordering long method with function

arr.sort(function(a,b) {return a > b ? 1 : -1}

Find max value in an array with spread operator


Find min value in an array with spread operator


Array Destrucuring Expl1 (a will be "Ha" and b will be "Ho"

let [a,b] = ["Ha","Ho","Hi","He"]

Array Destrucuring Expl2 (a will be "Ha" and d will be "He"

let [a,,,d] = ["Ha","Ho","Hi","He"]

Array Destrucuring Expl3 (a will be "Ha" and rest will be ["Ho","Hi","He"]

let [a,] = ["Ha","Ho","Hi","He"]

Swapping values (a will be b and b will be a)

[a,b] = [b,a]

Iterate trough array by index and element (with shortform)

Outputs index and Outputs element of array
(return is not working here - forEach loops are allways running for all elements)

arr.forEach((elem,idx) => {

Iterate through array by elements and index (with longform)

Outputs index and Outputs element of array
(return is not working here - forEach loops are allways running for all elements)

arr.forEach(function(elem,idx) {

Iterate trough an array with 1sec pause at every element

names.forEach((name, i) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, i * 1000);

Map Method - Short Method (Maps a functionality to all elements of the array - every element multiplicated by 2)

    let newarr = => x * 2);

Map Method - Long Method (for more code)

    let newarr = (function(x) {
        x = x * 2

Filter Method - Long Method (Filters all values which are > 6 eg. in a new array)

let newarr = arr.filter (function(x){
    if (x > 6) {
        return true

Filter Method - Short Method in one line

let newarr = arr.filter(x => x > 6);

Reduce Method - for doing something with the array and output / calculate something
"total" is the new calculation element - result of this is the sum of all elements of the array
every element is added to total - 0 is the default value of "total"

erg = arr.reduce ((total, elem) => {
    return total + elem

FindIndex Method - find the index-location of an element in the array (if nothing is found it returns -1)

let idx = arr.findIndex(x => {
  return x < 10;

Some Method - checks whether at least one element in the array passes the test - returns boolean answer
1st line defines the check function - 2nd line checks the array with the function

const even = (element) => element % 2 === 0;

Every Method - checks whether all elements in the array passed the test by the defined function - return boolean answer
1st line defines the check function - 2nd line checks the array with the function

const isLower = (elem) => elem < 40;

example for a setTimeout
the first and second message will appear immediately - the middle message only after 2 seconds

console.log('First message!');
setTimeout(() => {
   console.log('This message will always run last...');
}, 2000);
console.log('Second message!');


If condition with else if and else

if (condition is true) {
    =>Do something
}else if (condition is true){
    =>Do something else
    =>Default else

If structure with logical and

if (a == 9) && (b == 7) { c = "Hurra!" }

If structure with logical or

if (a == 9) || (b == 7) { c = "Hurra!" }

If structure with logical not

if !(a > 13)

Switch Expression

switch (expression) {           // Switch expression for multiple options
case value1: case value 4       // Do something when expression is value1 or value4
    // Do something
    break;                      // Break necessary for any case / value
case value2:                    // Do something when expression is value2
    // Do something
default:                        // When no case is mathing - then do this
    => Do something

Iteration from 1 to 5 with for-loop

for (let i=1; i<=5; i++) {}

Iteration backwards from 3 to 0 with for-loop

for (let i=3; i>=0; i--) {}

Iterate through an array

for (let i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {}

Iterate through a string

for (let char of text) {}

Iterate through the keys of an object

for (let key in obj) {}

For loop with pause at any iteration

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  setTimeout(() => {                            // Pause at any iteration for 5 seconds / 5000 ms
  }, i * 5000);

While loop with break condition

while (x < 4) {
    if xyz === "abc" {break}

Do While loop with break condition

do {} while (x < 4)

Endless while loop - has to be exited somewhere

while (true) {}

Iterate through array by elements (x)

arr.forEach((x) => {

Are all falsy values - can checked with if (xyz)...


Ternary Operator for if - if isNight=true then s=Night - else s=Day

isNight ? s="Night" : s="Day"


Normal Function Decleration

function addFunc(x=0,y=0) {    // Define a function    - with default value 0 if no input is given
    let erg = x+y              // Calculate erg
    return erg}                // Return erg value
addFunc(3,5)                   // Function Call

Function Expression (used for anonymous functions)

const add = function(x,y) {...}     // Define a function expression (function is assigned to an variable
add(3,5)                            // Function Call

Anonymous Function with Fat Arrow syntax

const add = (x,y) => {...}
add(3,5)                            // Function Call
let h = a => a % 3                  // Even shorter without parentees

return-statement with "?" or "||"

return (age > 18) ? true : console.log('Did parents allow');    // When age > 18 returns true - otherwise output something in the console
return (age > 18) || console.log('Did parents allow');          // Same logic with "||"

Use Rest Parameters to accept any number of arguments

function max(...numbers) {                // Any numbers of arguments
    => do something with a loop

AddEventListener with parameters in the function

document.querySelector("#dayToday").addEventListener("click",function() {   // define addEventListener as normal but use "function ()"
    toggleBackground("today", 6)                                            // call the function with parameters inside
}, false);


properties = attributes of the object (eg. color, shape, minutes, seconds)
methods = functions of the object (eg. start/stop on a stopclock)
everything in javascript is an object (with properties / methods)
eg. arr.length is a property of the object array
eg. arr.pop() is a method of the object array

Define an object (literal syntax)

let obj = {}

2nd method to define object (construtor syntax)

let obj = new Object()

Define an object and initialize it

let obj = {
    name: "John",
    age: 30,                // last "," i allowed and called trailing / hanging (its easier so to add/remove/move properties of the object)
    shout() {               // Defines a method for the object
        return "Hurra!"

Access property / shows value of the key "name" (1st method) => John (dot.notation)

Shows value of the key "name" (2nd method) => John (bracket notation)


Shows key "age" of the object => 30 (dot notation)


Add a new propertie to the object

obj.newOne = "xyz"

Add a new method to the object

obj.newMethod = function(var) { someth...}

Call the new method


Check if key is in the object

age in obj

Delete a property of an object (dot notation)

delete obj.age

Delete a property of an object (bracket notation)

delete obj["age nr"]

Check if a property / method is in an object

if ("property" in obj) {...}

Read the keys of an object into an array

arr = Object.keys(obj)

Read the values of an object into an array

arr = Object.values(obj)

Read alle key / value pairs of an object into an (nested) array

arr = Object.entries(obj)

Check if xyz i part of the object


Check if Object is empty

Object.keys(obj).length === 0 && obj.constructor === Object

Iterate through the keys of the object and outputs key and value

for (let key in obj) {
    console.log(key, obj[key]

Other example for an object
teacher count must have quotations cause it contains a space character

var school = {
  name: 'The Starter League',
  location: 'Merchandise Mart',
  "teacher count": 10
  students: 120,
  teachers: ['Jeff', 'Raghu', 'Carolyn', 'Shay']

4 Pillars of Object Orientation

  • Abstraction = hide everything internally what is not usable for the user of the object
  • Encapsulation = very object should be independent and not dependencies outside
  • Inheritance = objects can take the properties of existing objects
  • Polymorphism = redefine methods for derived classes (object can behave in different ways)


Make a Object with the old method

function MakeCar (carMake,carModel,carColor){       // Define the constructor function
    this.make = carMake,                            // Define properties for the constructor
    this.carModel = carModel,                       // "this" is referencing to the actual object
    this.carColor = carColor,
    this.honk = function(){                         // Define a mtehod for the constructor
        alert(`BEEP ${this.carModel} BEEP`)         // Alert something when the method is called (with prop this.carModel)
let car1 = new MakeCar("Honda","Civic","black")     // Create a new car1 (with codeword "new")
let car2 = new MakeCar("Tesla","Roadster","red")    // Create a new car1

Make a Object with the shorthand

let robotFactory = (model, mobile) => {             // Define constructor with two parameters
    return {
        model: model,                               // property1
        mobile: mobile,                             // property2
        beep(){                                     // method
            console.log("Beep Boop")

Make a Object with the new class method (longhand)

class MakeCar{                                      // Define the classs
    constructor (carMake,carModel,carColor){        // Define properties for the class
        this.make = carMake                         // Assign the properties of the class to the concrete individual object
        this._carModel = carModel                    // "this" is referencing to the actual object (use "_" to indicate that this properties should only changed with getters)
        this.carColor = carColor
    honk(){                                         // Define a method for the class
        alert("BEEP ${this.carModel} BEEP")         // Alert something when the method is called (with prop this.carModel)
let car1 = new MakeCar("Honda","Civic","black")     // Create a new car1 (with codeword "new")
let car2 = new MakeCar("Tesla","Roadster","red")    // Create a new car1

Give new property and function

MakeCar.prototype.wash = true                       // Give all the created cars from the class "MakeCar" a new property "wash"
MakeCar.prototype.newFunc = function () {           // Give all the created cars from the class "MakeCar" a new function "newFunc"
    console.log("We have a new function!"

Define a getter in the class (returns the name-property of the class-element
So when somebody is requesting for - the return will be for _name
When somebody is changing with = "xzy" - nothing happens, cause the property is named _name
Of course with there would be a change possible - but this is very bad practice cause due the "" the variable should not be touched

  get name() {
    return this._name;

Inherit a class from another class
The class Cat inherits from the class Animal with the keyword "extends"
With super - the attributes name and age will be taken / inherit from the class Animal

class Animal {
  constructor(name, age){ = name
	this.age = age
  speak() {

class Cat extends Animal {
  constructor(name, age, usesLitter) {
    super(name, age);
    this._usesLitter = usesLitter;

Define static function - this can only be done for the class itself (or for the instances of the class)

    static generateName() {...}


4 pillars of object orientation in practice class Animal { // ENCAPSULATION - storing properties and methods together in one object constructor(name) { // (made it easier to add new stuff / easier to read) this._name = name // ABSTRACTION - name of the object will be set to _name (so hidden) } get name() { // using a getter to return when somebody wants the name with return this._name } speak() { console.log(${this._name} makes a sound) } }

class Dog extends Animal { // INHERITANCE - make class from another class (share parent properties / methods) constructor(name, breed) { // (helps to elimante redundant code) super(name) // grabs / inherits the "this._name = name" from the class Animal this._breed = breed // abstract the breed with _breed (could / should not be touched from anybody) } get breed() { return this_breed } speak() { super.speak() // grab the speak method from the parent class Animal console.log(${this._name} barks) // get an additonal output (so one line from the parent class and one individual) } }

class Cat extends Animal { constructor(name, breed) { super(name) this._breed = breed } get breed(){ return this._breed } speak() { super.speak() console.log(${} meows) } }

let simba = new Dog("Simba", "Shepard") let machi = new Dog("The Machine", "Pitbull") let salem = new Cat("Salem", "American Shorthair")

let farm = [simba,machi,salem] for (a of farm) { // POLYMORPHISM code written to use interface (eg. speak-function) and a.speak() // knows how to use it at different objects (eg. barks or meows) } // (helps to avoid if/else and switch cases)


Add Eventlistener

document.querySelector('#check').addEventListener('click',func1)        // New Method / create an Event Listener / execute function "func1" when mouse is clicked
...'onmouseenter'...                                                    // New Method / create an Event Listener / exceute function "func2" when mouse-cursor is over the element
...'input'...                                                           // Event Listener with trigger input
...'change'...                                                          // Event Listener with trigger every change in the element
...'mousemove'...                                                       // Event Listener with trigger when mouse is moved over the element
...'transitionend'...                                                   // Event Listener with trigger when the transistion ends
document.getElementById("green").onclick = funcGreen                    // Old Method / Waiting for click on this element (by ID) as a "event-listener"

E.G. document.querySelector('=>idBlue').addEventListener('click',changeToBlue)

function funcGreen() {                                      // Define function
    .style.backgroundColor = "rgba(241,63,247,1)"           // Change BackGroundColor-Style to rgba-color green (as inlinecode in the rendering - not in the html-code)
  document.querySelector("body").style.color = "white"      // Change Fontcolor to white (as inlinecode in the rendering - not in the html-code)

Use EventListner for alle elements with a specific class

let elements = document.querySelectorAll(".panel");             // Select all elements with class "panel"
elements.forEach(elem => elem.addEventListener("click",func1))  // Iterate trough every element and create EventListener - when clicked start func1 for the element
function func1() {                                              // Function is run with the activated Element for the EventListener

Old Method / Select an element by ID


New Method / Select (first) a or .class or =>id


Select all elements which have h2 and store it in the constante c

const c = document.querySelectorAll("h2")

Element-Listener waiting for a click7


Change BackgroundColor


Change Font Color


Hide element in DOM

.style.display = "none"

Change Text of the selected element

.innerText = "xyz"

Concatenate 3 variables with space between (old method)

.innerText = v1 + " " + v2 + " " + v3

Concatenate 3 variables with space between (new method with the "`"-char called template string)

.innerText = `${v1} ${v2} ${v3}`

Read the value/text of the field


Show the ID of the selected element


Set the src of a image


Change class of the element to "MyClass"

.className = "MyClass";

Manipulate classes informations


Toggle the class hidden (when triggered class is deleted OR added (when the next click occured)


Add the class hidden


Check if element contains class "cl"


Remove the class from the element


Call function "func1" every second (1000ms)

setInterval(func1, 1000)

{do something},10000) => Do something any 10 seconds


Func1 is running with a delay of at least 2 seconds (with own seperate function)

setTimeout(func1, 2000)

{do something},1000) => Do something and wait 1 second (function direct in the statement)


Add some elments to an ul-element

var li = document.createElement("li")           // create new li-element
li.textContent = "new text"                     // add text to the new element
document.querySelector("ul").appendChild(li)    // append the new li-element to the ul-element


Read all control- and input-elements
Output is not an array - its a node-list (does not have all methods like an array)

let inputs = document.querySelectorAll(".controls input");

input.addEventListener("change", handleUpdate)); => Wait for change in any element and call the function "handleUpdate"


Handle Update
(For definition and using the variables in CSS have a look at CSS.txt)

function handleUpdate() {
    const suffix = this.dataset.sizing || '';       // read the sizing-parameter for the triggered element (used data-sizing in html)`--${}`, this.value + suffix);
        // set the variable in css (name according to --name in css)
        // use the value from the read element from the adventlistener
        // and use the suffix which is read above
        // full property looks eg. like "--spacing: 10px"

request data from API get data back in JSON format
Reading / Fetching the informations from an API-url
Request the API-content and output as JSON-information
alle the information is stored in data
last part is the error handling when something wrong happens

    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(data => {
    .catch(err => {
        console.log("error ${err}")

Using a API using async / await

async function getSomethingFromAPI() {
	const res = await fetch("url").catch(e => {
		console.log("Error - Fetch not possible...")
	if (!data) {
		console.log("Error - Data / JSON wrong...")
	} else {
		const data = await res.json()

sometimes the URL also has a search query parameter
"s" is the parameter and "margarita" the serach string
eg. https:/
here are used 2 parameters - one "api-key" and the second "data"

=>eg. use horoscope api
need to use browserify
so the require can also run with html (otherwise it only works in the IDE)
parse the JSON-content to an object: let obj = JSON.parse(body)


library for javascript

  • Traversing
  • Manipulating
  • Events
  • Effects"></script> => include before body-tag

<script src="

put all jQuery code in this function (waiting until the the page has loaded an the DOM is ready)


Class selector


Descendant selector

$('li strong');

Multiple selector

$('em, i');

Attribute selector


Pseudo-class selector



Assign variable to actual date

let now = new Date()

Returns numeric acttual date as number (helpful to calculate some timespans)

let t1 =

Assign actual seconds from actual date variable "now"

let secondes = now.get.Seconds()

Convert datetime-object to string in format "yyyy-mm-dd"



Random number between 1 and 6 like a cube (Math.random returns value between 0 and 1)

Math.floor(Math.random()*6) + 1

Nearest Upward rounding => 44


Return the square-root => 3


Use PI


Round down the float => 5


First number to the power of the second => 8


Creates the cube root => 3


Returns the absolute number => 3


Returns the Minimum of the values => 1


Returns the Maximum of the values => 3



Allows to store data across browser sessions
Set item to local storage (name is the key and Bob is the value)

localStorage.setItem ("name","Bob")

Get item from local storage (name is the key)

localStorage.getItem ("name")

Delete item from local storage (name is the key)

localStorage.delItem ("name")

Delete the whole local storage



Define module with Node.js (in a file)

let Obj = {}            // define an object
Obj.prop = "xyz"        / define something in the object eg. a function
module.exports = Obj    // export the file as module to node.js

Use a module

const Obj = require('./module.js');     // import the module for using
Obj.funcFromModule                      // use the function from the module

Define module with export

let Menu = {};
export default Menu;

Import module with import

import Menu from './menu';


running synchronous - outputs 1,2,3

function houseOne(){ console.log('Paper delivered to house 1')}
function houseTwo(){console.log('Paper delivered to house 2')}
function houseThree(){console.log('Paper delivered to house 3')}

running asynchronous - outputs 1,3 and then after 3 seconds 2
in the 2nd function the setTimeout-api is called with a delay of 3000ms / 3 seconds

function houseOne(){ console.log('Paper delivered to house 1')}
function houseTwo(){
	setTimeout(() => console.log('Paper delivered to house 2'), 3000)
function houseThree(){console.log('Paper delivered to house 3')}

running asynchronous - outputs 1, after 3sec => 2 and immediately afterwards 3
the 2nd function is using a callback (using a function)
setTimeout is called with a 3sec delay - then 2 is printed - and then with callback() 3 as the argument of the function 2

function houseOne(){ console.log('Paper delivered to house 1')}
function houseTwo(callback){
    setTimeout(() => {
        console.log('Paper delivered to house 2')
    }, 3000)
function houseThree(){console.log('Paper delivered to house 3')}

using a promise (promise is an object)

const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {		// define the promise and asign to a variable
    const error = false
        resolve('Promise has been fullfilled')			// when the promise is resolved
        reject('Error: Operation has failed')			// when there is an error
    .then(data => console.log(data))		// doing this when the promise is resolved
    .catch(err => console.log(err))			// doing this when the promise is not resolved has an error

using async / await

function houseOne(){
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            resolve('Paper delivered to house 1')
        }, 1000)
function houseTwo(){
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            resolve('Paper delivered to house 2')
        }, 5000)
function houseThree(){
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            resolve('Paper delivered to house 3')
        }, 2000)
async function getPaid(){						// defining a async function
    const houseOneWait = await houseOne()		// awaits the ending of function houseOne
    const houseTwoWait = await houseTwo()		// waiting for ending function houseTwo
    const houseThreeWait = await houseThree()	// waiting for ending function houseThree
getPaid()										// after 5seconds (longest functtion running) the output is done

create an executor function

const executorFunction = (resolve, reject) => {
  if (someCondition) {
      resolve('I resolved!');
  } else {
      reject('I rejected!');

construct a new variable with "new Promise"

const myFirstPromise = new Promise(executorFunction)

example for a promise handling with resolve, reject and .then

let prom = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  let num = Math.random();
  if (num < .5 ){
  } else {
    reject('Ohhh noooo!');

const handleSuccess = (resolvedValue) => {

const handleFailure = (rejectionReason) => {

prom.then(handleSuccess, handleFailure);

example using a promise with .then and .catch
.then is handling the resolved part and .catch is handling the rejected part

  .then((resolvedValue) => {
  .catch((rejectionReason) => {

define a async-function with function declaration:

async function myFunc() {
  // Function body here

define a async-function with function expression

const myFunc = async () => {
  // Function body here

example for handling a async function

async function withAsync(num){
  if (num === 0){
      return 'zero';
    } else {
      return 'not zero';


create xml http request object instances

const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()

assing the url

const url =  ''

set the resonse type to json

xhr.responseType = 'json'

{} =>

xhr.onreadystatechange = ()

use GET statement for reading an URL

xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
  if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
    return xhr.response;
  }'GET', url);

use POST statement for writing something back to an URL

const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
const url = '';
const data = JSON.stringify({id: '200'});

xhr.responseType = 'json';

xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
  if(xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE){
    return xhr.response;
}'POST', url);


home of node.js

docu of the modules

check if and which node.js version is installed

node --version

node package manager - show the installed version

npm --version

create a package.json files with all necessary project informations

npm init

initialize node-project - with the parameter "-y" without prompting for additonal informations

npm init -yarn

install module "uuid" - node_modules folder is created - dependencie is added to package.json

npm install uuid

install module as development dependencie

npm install -D nodemon

install all modules according to the dependencies in the package.json

npm install

update the dependencies of the project

npm update

install several modueles in one line

npm i ejs dotenv

how to link 2 js-files

// in the first file:
const pers = {            // define object in a file
    name: "John",
    age: 30
module.exports = pers     // make object usable for other files

// in the second file:
const person = require("./person")      // use person from other file

Setup a simple server

const http = require("http")
const fs = require("fs")
http.creatorServer((req,res) => {
	fs.readFile("demofile.html", (err, data) => {
		res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"})

Module path
The path module provides utilities for working with file and directory paths.

const path = require("path")    // include module
console.log(__filename)         // outputs the whole path of the file
path.basename(__filename)       // outputs only the filename
path.dirname(__filename)        // outputs the dirname of the file
path.extname(__filename)        // outputs the extention of the file
path.parse(__filename)          // outputs several infos as object (root,dir,base,ext,name)
path.parse(__filename).base     // outputs only the base filename
path.join(__dirname, "test", "hello.html")  // use dirname and appends the 2 text-infos to the path

Module fs
The fs module enables interacting with the file system const fs = require("fs") // include module

// Create folder
fs.mkdir(path.join(__dirname, "/test"), {}, (err)  =>  {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log("Folder created...")

// Create and (over)write to file
// write file to the joined path
// name of the file is "hello.txt"
// content of the file is "Hello World!"
fs.writeFile(path.join(__dirname, "/test", "hello.txt"), "Hello World!", (err)  =>  {
    if (err) throw err
    console.log("File written to...")

// Create and append to file
fs.writeFile(path.join(__dirname, "/test", "hello.txt"), "Hello World!", (err)  => {...})

// Read file
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, "/test", "hello.txt"), "utf8", (err, data)  =>  {
    if (err) throw err

// Rename file
fs.rename(path.join(__dirname, "/test", "hello.txt"),
            path.join(__dirname, "/test", "hello2.txt"), (err, data)  =>  {
    if (err) throw err
    console.log("File renamed...")

Module os The os module provides operating system-related utility methods and properties.
include module

const path = require("os")

outputs the os platform (eg. win32 for windows, darwin for macos)


outputs architecture (eg. x64, x32)


cpu informations (model,speed,times for every core)


free memory (eg. 18717655040)


total memory (eg. 34237403136 for 32GB RAM)


home directory of the user (eg. c:\Users\Max)


uptime of the computer in seconds (eg. 13463)

=> Module url
=> The url module provides utilities for URL resolution and parsing.
const url = require("url")  => include module
const myUrl = new URL("")     => assign URL
myUrl.href          => the whole url (eg.
myUrl.toString()    => 2nd method to get the whole url
myUrl.hostname      => the hostname of the url (eg.          => the host of the url (including port number - when it exists in the url)
myUrl.pathname      => the pathname (eg. /htmlFinanztools/en/aktienbewertungInSekundenEN.html)        => the search-parameters of the url (eg. ?id=100&status=active)
myUrl.searchParams  => show parameters (eg. URLSearchParams { 'id' => '100', 'status' => 'active' }
myUrl.searchParams.append('abc','123')  => add a parameter with id=abc and value=123

=> Loop through params

console.log(${name}: ${value}))

=> Module http
=> The HTTP interfaces in Node.js are designed to support many features of the protocol
const http = require("http")  => include module

// Create Server // Outputs Hello World! on the link "localhost:5000"

http.createServer((req, res)

res.write("Hello World!") res.end()
console.log("Server running...")) // running on port 5000

}).listen(5000, ()
=> Simple Server

const http = require('http') // http-module needed const fs = require('fs') // fs-module (filesystem) needed

http.createServer((req, res)

{ // reads file and shows it in browser

fs.readFile('demofile.html', (err, data)

res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}) res.write(data) res.end() }) }).listen(8000) // listening on port 8000 - access with localhost:8000

=> Simple GET-API

initial steps: npm init touch server.js npm install express --save

const express = require("express") // use express for CRUD const app = express() // Create(POST), Read(GET), Update(PUT), Delete(DELETE) const PORT = 8000


app.get("/", (request, response)

response.sendFile(__dirname + "/index.html") // response is at html-file })

{ // server listening on port 8000

app.listen(PORT, ()

console.log(Server running on port ${PORT}) })

=> Server with Client connection

//Server server.js: const express = require("express") const app = express() const cors = require("cors") const PORT = 8000 app.use(cors()) let savage = { "age": 28, "birthname": "Sayaa Bin Abraham-Joseph", "birthLocation": "London, England" }
{ // returns the savage object

app.get("/api/savage", (request, response)

response.json(savage) })
{ // listen on port (first entry for hosting on eg. horuku - second one for localhost)

app.listen(process.env.PORT || PORT, ()

console.log(Server running on port ${PORT}) })

// Client Main.js: document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click",getRapName) async function getRapName(){ try { const res = await fetch("http://localhost:8000/api/savage") const data = await res.json() console.log(data) } catch(err) { console.log(err) } }

// Client index.html


Get Rappers birth name


Click Me <script src= "js/main.js"></script> JSX: show the "title" only when "showtitle" is true using a ternary expression ```markdown {showTitle ? title : ""} ``` Define States with default value "" (title is the state, setTitle the state-function) ```markdown const [title, setTitle] = useState("") ``` ```markdown

=> Javascript library for building user interfaces especially for single-page applications (like facebook, twitter etc.) => React allows developers to create large web applications that can change data, without reloading the page components => webpage is divided in many components (like on facebook) props => every component has some properties (size, color, shape, etc.) - arguments are passed into components states => and components have states (like the counter for likes / dislikes / unread messages etc.) - if state changed => component has to react and re-render react => contains the APIs for creating components react-dom => contains the APIs for rendering to the browser DOM JSX => syntax extension to JS

npx create-react-app nameProject => create react app in a folder with the name "nameProject" npm install --global yarn => install yarn (if not allready installed) yarn start => start the react app (default on http://localhost:3000/) standard-folder "public" / index.html => is the base setup for html-file (important is

- where everything get rendered from react) standard-folder "public" / favicon.ico => icon of the tab standard-folder "public" / manifest.json => name, shortname of the react-app (description of the application) standard-folder "src" / index.js => entry-point for the react-app (get everything from App and render this to the div-element with the root-id) standard-folder "src" / app.js => main react-app called App

=> call the component "Info" => 2nd method to call the component "Info" {title} => JSX: use the variable "title" in the react html code => Define a prop "text" in a component-call and a numeric prop "number" function AddItem(props) => Use the props in the component (access with props.text or props.number) function AddItem(text, number) => Or use the props destructured in the component function AddItem({text, number=99}) => Define component with default prop for "number"


=> Render the props.number in a paragraph-tag

import { useState } from "react" => Import useState const [count, setCount] = useState(0) => Define States with default value 0 (count is the state, setcount the state-function)

Title: {title}

=> Use the variable in the tags Update Counter => function is called when the button is pressed const updateCounterClicked = () => {setCount(count + 1)} => count i incread by one in the function (=when the button is pressed)

=> Use component in a seperate file

Define component in sepearte file: export default function Info() {
Import the component and use it: import Info from "./Info.js"


Define function as normal: function Info() {
Export the function at the bottom: export default Info;
Import the component and use it: import Info from "./Info.js"

=> Simplest possible App.js file

import './App.css'; function App() { return (

My website is running!

); } export default App; ```markdown

=> Example for a component with class based syntax

import React from "react"

class Info extends React.Component {
render() {
const title = "This is my title."
const showTitle = true

return (
        <p>Manage your stuff</p>

export default Info;

Example (with old Class syntax)

index.html in folder <public> with: <div id="root"></div>
    => defines initial root-element where all the input goes to
index.js in folder <src> with: ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
    => renders APP and put this in the div with id=root
    => Import components with:
        import React, { Component } from 'react';
        import './App.css';
        import Header from './Header';
        import SectionMain from './SectionMain';
        import Aside from './Aside';
        import Footer from './Footer';
    => Render components
        class App extends Component {
          render() {
            return (
              <div className="App">
                // call Header with the 2 props
                <Header backColor="green" width="50%"></Header>
    => Import react and styling-file
        import React, { Component } from 'react';
        import './Footer.css';
    => Render components
        class Footer extends Component {
          render() {
            return (
                <footer className="Footer">

        export default Footer;

header.js class Header extends Component { render() { // header get 2 props const style = { width: this.props.width, backgroundColor: this.props.backColor } // using the style object from above to style the header return (

); } }


Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that
runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.


Is a framework for building web applications on top.
It simplifies the server creation process that is already available in Node.


Nodemon restarts the server automatically when you save a file that’s used by the server.js
npm install nodemon --save-dev          // insatllation as development dependency

Add this in package.json
    "scripts": {
        "dev": "nodemon server.js"
now you can start nodemon with: npm run dev

is an acronym for Create, Read, Update and Delete.

It is a set of operations we get servers to execute (POST, GET, PUT and DELETE requests respectively).
This is what each operation does:
    Create (POST) - Make something
    Read (GET)- Get something
    Update (PUT) - Change something
    Delete (DELETE)- Remove something
POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE requests let us construct Rest APIs.

Package Managers
to automatically download 3rd party packages

help automate the process of downloading and upgrading libraries from a central repository
npm (starting 2015) - node package manager
yrn (starting 2016, alternative to npm - but npm packages under the hood)
bower (starting 2013 - older one, was in before npm / yarn popular)

Module Bundler
to create a single script file

A JavaScript module bundler is a tool that gets around the problem with a build step
(which has access to the file system) to create a final output that is browser compatible
(which doesn’t need access to the file system
browserify (starting 2011)
webpack (starting 2015)

to use future JavaScript features

Transpiling code means converting the code in one language to code in another similar language.
for CSS eg. Sass, Less, Stylus
for JavaScript eg. babel, TypeScript, CoffeeScript (starting 2010)

Task Runner
to automate different parts of the build process

For frontend development, tasks include minifying code, optimizing images, running tests, etc.
npm scripts (nowadays the most popular - use the capabilities built into the npm)
grunt, gulp (in earlier times)

Template Engines

EJS Embedded Java Script

Testing APIs in an web-applicaton

Embedded Javascript Template

HTML with Javsscript logic in it
eg. for flexible li-elements from a db
<% for (let i=0; i<info.length; i++) {%>
    <li class="rapper">
        <span><%= info[i].stageName %></span>
        <span><%= info[i].birthName %></span>
        <span class="del">delete</span>
<% } %>

For testing api endpoints

curl --version                  => Check the installed curl version
curl     => show all apis from github
curl      => show all repos from a specific user (zellwk)
curl\?sort\=pushed    => show all repos with parameters ("\" have to be before the "=")
curl -X POST                  => tries to create an repo via api (use -X before the command)
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v      => shows the header of the api
curl -X POST <URL> -d property1=value1 -d property2=value2              => send data via the api with the -d properties
curl -x POST -u "username:password"   => send post-request with authentification (use -u property)

Passport is authentication middleware for Node.js. Extremely flexible and modular, Passport can be unobtrusively dropped in to any Express-based web application. A comprehensive set of strategies support authentication using a username and password, Facebook, Twitter, Azure AD and many more

Architectural Concept which is used by many frameworks (ruby on rails, django, laravel, etc.)
stands for: Model / View / Controller

never repeat yourself / structured programming
Client (Browser,HTML,CSS,JS) => Server (Linux,Windows,PHP,Ruby,Python) => Database (MySQL,PostgresQL,NoSQL,MongoDB)
View is the Client (only thing the user sees, speaks only with controller, manly html and css)
Controller is the Server (processes requests, server-side logic, middle man between view and model)
Model is the Database (Adding/Retrieving from or to the database, speaks only with the controller)

MONGOOSE Define schemas for the db in the mongoDB Define how the data-collection (table) in mongoDB looks like


full example see: \DEV\LeonNoel-100Devs\class33\rap-names-express
Setting up the project

mkdir api-project		// make new directory for project
cd api-project			// change directory to the project
npm init				// initzialize npm project / npm-environment
npm install express		// install express
npm install mongodb/	// install mongodb/
npm install ejs			// install ejs

Setup Server / Middleware

const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient
const PORT = 2121       // define port for localhost-access

app.set('view engine', 'ejs')
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }))

Connect to DB
database in this example on Atlas MongoDB
under "Database Access": create an user with password (can be different than the normal Atlas MongoDB login)
under "Network Access": whitelist the IP with which the access is be done
store the critical credentials info in a sepearte file called ".env"

// make an ".env" file where the DB-string is stored - and add .env to the .gitignore so the file get not public on github later
DB_STRING = mongodb+srv://<Username from Database Access>:<Password for that user>
// define basis for db-connection
let db,
    dbConnectionStr = process.env.DB_STRING,
    dbName = 'rap'
// connect to mongoDB (with error handling)
MongoClient.connect(dbConnectionStr, { useUnifiedTopology: true })
    .then(client => {
        console.log(`Connected to ${dbName} Database`)
        db = client.db(dbName)
    .catch(err =>{
        console.log(`Connection to db not possible - error ${err}`)

<<<<<<< HEAD
Setup Server

Listen to the Server / Port
process.env.PORT for Heroku-Access and PORT for localhost-access


app.listen(process.env.PORT || PORT, ()=> {
    console.log(`Server running on port ${PORT}`)

GET / Read Access example for the API
Read data from the db collection "rappers" - sort them according hte likes - an put it in an array
Call the index.ejs file with the input for "data" (= the array)
(1) server.js: app.get
(2) server.js: reads data from mongodb and triggers the index.ejs to render
(3) index.ejs: renders the file with the given data from mongodb
(4) index.ejs: spits out the actual html

app.get('/',(request, response)=>{
    db.collection('rappers').find().sort({likes: -1}).toArray()
    .then(data => {
        response.render('index.ejs', { info: data })
    .catch(error => console.error(error))

POST / Create example for the API
Add element to the db collection "rappers" -
with the information for stageName / birthName from the form on index.ejs and the field likes with 0
console log on the server and redirect to / for the GET to refreh the page index.ejs (new element get displayed)
(1) index.ejs: form with action ("/insertxyz" and method (POST) - has a text-input and a submit
(2) index.ejs: when submit is clicked the api-action /insertxyz is called with the data
(3) main.js: insert the new collection/dataset in the db
(4) main.js: call the method "/" again to update the index.ejs with GET'/addRapper', (request, response) => {
    db.collection('rappers').insertOne({stageName: request.body.stageName,
    birthName: request.body.birthName, likes: 0})
    .then(result => {
        console.log('Rapper Added')
    .catch(error => console.error(error))

PUT / Update example for the API
Update the element in the db collection "rappers" -
Search for stageName and birthName and update the likes-element with +1
make new sort + console.log informatin and response json
(1) main.js: eventlistener in the client-side js
(2) main.js: when element is clicked call the function and make an fetch to the api-call
(3) main.js: awaits response and gives to the server.js the data (put-method, headers, body with the data)
(4) server.js: get the data from the main.js and updates the db - response to the main.js
(5) main.js: awaits the response and reloads the page - so the updated data can be seen

app.put('/addOneLike', (request, response) => {
    db.collection('rappers').updateOne({stageName: request.body.stageNameS, birthName: request.body.birthNameS,likes: request.body.likesS},{
        $set: {
            likes:request.body.likesS + 1
        sort: {_id: -1},
        upsert: true
    .then(result => {
        console.log('Added One Like')
        response.json('Like Added')
    .catch(error => console.error(error))


DELETE example for the API
Delete the element in the db collection "rappers" -
according to the stageName
console.log informatin and response json
(1)-(5): same as the PUT example only with the methode DELETE

app.delete('/deleteRapper', (request, response) => {
    db.collection('rappers').deleteOne({stageName: request.body.stageNameS})
    .then(result => {
        console.log('Rapper Deleted')
        response.json('Rapper Deleted')
    .catch(error => console.error(error))

HTML example for index.ejs
the css and client-js file is stored in the folder "public" - so it get linked with the ejs-file
all rappers get from the array "info" (is given from data from the server.js file) -
is dynamically written to the html-file (ejs build the html-code and "spits" it out)
in the second part are the form fields for adding new rappers on the html-page

// Show current rappers
<h1>Current Rappers</h1>
<ul class="rappers">
<% for(let i=0; i < info.length; i++) {%>
    <li class="rapper">
        <span><%= info[i].stageName %></span>
        <span><%= info[i].birthName %></span>
        <span><%= info[i].likes %></span>
        <span class='fa fa-thumbs-up'></span>
        <span class='fa fa-trash'></span>
<% } %>

// Add a rapper
<h2>Add A Rapper:</h2>
<form action="/addRapper" method="POST">
    <input type="text" placeholder="Stage Name" name="stageName">
    <input type="text" placeholder="Birth Name" name="birthName">
    <input type="submit">

Local JS example (for the index.ejs)
1st Part: Adenvetlistener for Icons
2nd Part: Deleting and element
3rd Part: Updating the likes / +1 like

// AdventListener for all trash and thumbs-up icons
const deleteText = document.querySelectorAll('.fa-trash')
const thumbText = document.querySelectorAll('.fa-thumbs-up')
    element.addEventListener('click', deleteRapper)
    element.addEventListener('click', addLike)

// Function for handling deleting locally
// Read the stageName and birthName for the element which should be deleted
// and handover this information to the API (server.js)
// Finally reload the index.ejs with "location.reload()"
async function deleteRapper(){
    const sName = this.parentNode.childNodes[1].innerText
    const bName = this.parentNode.childNodes[3].innerText
        const response = await fetch('deleteRapper', {
            method: 'delete',
            headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
            body: JSON.stringify({
              'stageNameS': sName,
              'birthNameS': bName
        const data = await response.json()

// Function for handling a +1 like
// Read the stageName and birthName for the element which should be +1 liked
// and handover this information to the API (server.js)
// Finally reload the index.ejs with "location.reload()"
async function addLike(){
    const sName = this.parentNode.childNodes[1].innerText
    const bName = this.parentNode.childNodes[3].innerText
    const tLikes = Number(this.parentNode.childNodes[5].innerText)
        const response = await fetch('addOneLike', {
            method: 'put',
            headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
            body: JSON.stringify({
              'stageNameS': sName,
              'birthNameS': bName,
              'likesS': tLikes
        const data = await response.json()



Keys to provide in the config.js
clientID: in Azure Active Directory => App registration => take the id
clientSecret: in the App-Registrierung => Certificates & secrets => take the value

=> in Azure Active Directory
- in App registrations
- New registration and give name eg. TestBlablabla
- choose "in any organizational directory AND personal microsoft accounts"
- register
- copy application client-id to in config.js at client-id

=> in the registered Application and in Authentication
- redirect uri: http://localhost:2121/auth/openid/return from config.js
- front-chanell logout URL: https://localhost:2121
- check ID tokens checkbox

=> in the registered Application and in Certificates & secrets
- new client secret
- enter description and expires
- copy the value (not id!) in config.js at client-secret

PKG (create executable from node.js)
create an executable (for all plattforms and standard node-version)

pkg nameOfFile.js

create exe with specific node-version for windows

pkg scrapeAppStore.js --targets node12-win-x64

HEROKU (hosting web-apps, running scripts in the cloud)

Hosting APIs in the cloud

// Initial setup
git init (when .git is not in the folder of the api)
echo '{}' > composer.json               // for PHP: additional when deploying an PHP-api
echo "web: node server.js" > Procfile   // for Express: create profile (tells heroku what the server-file is)
git add .
git commit -m "upd"
heroku login -i                         // login to heroku
heroku create simple-rap-api            // create entry on heroku
heroku git:remote -a simple-rap-api     // name of the app on heroku
git push heroku master                  // push everything to heroku (or git push heroku main)
set config vars in heroku under <seetings> in the app

// Ongoing updates
git add .
git commit -m "upd"
heroku login -i
heroku git:remote -a financerapidapi
git push heroku main (or git push heroku master)

NODEMAILER (send mails)