public class HelloWorld {
public static void main (String [] args ) {
System .out .println ("Hello, World!" );
String name = "John" ;
int age = 30 ;
if (age >= 18 ) {
System .out .println ("You are an adult." );
} else {
System .out .println ("You are a minor." );
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++) {
System .out .println (i );
int count = 0 ;
while (count < 10 ) {
System .out .println (count );
count ++;
int [] myArray = {1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 };
int firstElement = myArray [0 ];
import java .util .ArrayList ;
ArrayList <String > names = new ArrayList <>();
List (ArrayList) Operations
names .add ("Alice" );
names .remove ("Bob" );
public static int add (int a , int b ) {
return a + b ;
import java .nio .file .*;
String content = Files .readString (Paths .get ("file.txt" ));
import java .nio .file .*;
Files .write (Paths .get ("output.txt" ), "Hello, World!" .getBytes ());
try {
int result = 10 / 0 ;
} catch (ArithmeticException e ) {
System .out .println ("Error: Division by zero" );
public class Person {
String name ;
int age ;
Person person = new Person ();
person .name = "Alice" ;
person .age = 25 ;
public void greet () {
System .out .println ("Hello, my name is " + name );
public class Student extends Person {
String school ;
public interface Drawable {
void draw ();
Lambda Expressions (Java 8+)
Runnable runnable = () -> {
System .out .println ("Running a task" );
import java .util .Arrays ;
int [] sortedNumbers = Arrays .copyOf (numbers , numbers .length );
Arrays .sort (sortedNumbers );
String text = "Hello, World!" ;
String upperText = text .toUpperCase ();
Collections .reverse (numbersList );
int max = Collections .max (numbersList );
int min = Collections .min (numbersList );
int listSize = numbersList .size ();
ArrayList <Integer > copiedList = new ArrayList <>(numbersList );
String [] words = text .split (", " );
String joinedText = String .join (", " , words );
String formattedText = String .format ("My name is %s and I am %d years old." , name , age );
int absoluteValue = Math .abs (-5 );
import java .util .Random ;
Random random = new Random ();
int randomNumber = random .nextInt (100 );
import java .time .LocalDateTime ;
LocalDateTime currentTime = LocalDateTime .now ();
import java .util .HashSet ;
HashSet <String > uniqueNames = new HashSet <>();
uniqueNames .add ("Alice" );
uniqueNames .remove ("Bob" );
import java .util .HashMap ;
HashMap <String , Integer > scoreMap = new HashMap <>();
scoreMap .put ("Alice" , 95 );
int aliceScore = scoreMap .get ("Alice" );
List Comprehension with Streams (Java 8+)
List <Integer > evenNumbers = numbersList .stream ()
.filter (n -> n % 2 == 0 )
.collect (Collectors .toList ());
Multithreading with Thread class
Thread thread1 = new Thread (() -> {
for (int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i ++) {
System .out .println ("Thread 1: " + i );
thread1 .start ();
Multithreading with ExecutorService
ExecutorService executorService = Executors .newFixedThreadPool (2 );
executorService .submit (() -> System .out .println ("Task 1" ));
executorService .submit (() -> System .out .println ("Task 2" ));
executorService .shutdown ();
Exception Handling with Custom Exceptions:
class CustomException extends Exception {
public CustomException (String message ) {
super (message );
try {
throw new CustomException ("This is a custom exception." );
} catch (CustomException e ) {
System .out .println (e .getMessage ());
Working with Date and Time using the java.time package:
import java .time .LocalDate ;
LocalDate today = LocalDate .now ();
File reading with buffered reader
import java .io .BufferedReader ;
import java .io .FileReader ;
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new FileReader ("file.txt" ))) {
String line ;
while ((line = br .readLine ()) != null ) {
System .out .println (line );
File writing with buffered writer
import java .io .BufferedWriter ;
import java .io .FileWriter ;
try (BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter (new FileWriter ("output.txt" ))) {
bw .write ("This is some text." );
Serializing and Deserializing Objects
import java .io .*;
class Person implements Serializable {
String name ;
int age ;
// Serialization
Person person = new Person ();
try (ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream (new FileOutputStream ("person.ser" ))) {
out .writeObject (person );
// Deserialization
try (ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream (new FileInputStream ("person.ser" ))) {
Person deserializedPerson = (Person ) in .readObject ();
Database connection with JDBC
import java .sql .*;
String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb" ;
String user = "username" ;
String password = "password" ;
try (Connection connection = DriverManager .getConnection (url , user , password );
Statement statement = connection .createStatement ()) {
ResultSet resultSet = statement .executeQuery ("SELECT * FROM users" );
while (resultSet .next ()) {
String name = resultSet .getString ("name" );
int age = resultSet .getInt ("age" );
Working with regular expressions
import java .util .regex .*;
Pattern pattern = Pattern .compile ("\\ b\\ d{3}-\\ d{2}-\\ d{4}\\ b" );
Matcher matcher = pattern .matcher ("My SSN is 123-45-6789." );
boolean found = matcher .find ();
Sending email with JavaMail API
import javax .mail .*;
import javax .mail .internet .*;
Properties properties = new Properties ();
properties .put ("" , "" );
Session session = Session .getInstance (properties );
MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage (session );
message .setFrom (new InternetAddress ("" ));
message .addRecipient (Message .RecipientType .TO , new InternetAddress ("" ));
message .setSubject ("Test Email" );
message .setText ("This is a test email." );
Transport .send (message );
Working with JSON using Gson (Google JSON library)
import com .google .gson .*;
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject ();
jsonObject .addProperty ("name" , "Alice" );
jsonObject .addProperty ("age" , 25 );
String jsonString = jsonObject .toString ();
Creating and using Enums:
enum DaysOfWeek {
Working with Collections (Java Collections Framework)
List <String > names = new ArrayList <>();
Map <String , Integer > scores = new HashMap <>();
Set <String > uniqueNames = new HashSet <>();
Using try-with-resources for Auto-Closable Resources
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new FileReader ("file.txt" ));
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter (new FileWriter ("output.txt" ))) {
String line ;
while ((line = br .readLine ()) != null ) {
bw .write (line );
Sorting Collections (e.g.,'Collections.sort()')
List <Integer > numbers = new ArrayList <>();
Collections .sort (numbers );
Using Java Streams and Collectors (Java 8+)
List <String > fruits = Arrays .asList ("apple" , "banana" , "cherry" );
List <String > filteredFruits = fruits .stream ()
.filter (fruit -> !fruit .equals ("banana" ))
.collect (Collectors .toList ());
Functional interfaces and Lambdas (Java8+)
@ FunctionalInterface
interface MathOperation {
int operate (int a , int b );
MathOperation addition = (a , b ) -> a + b ;
Working with threads and synchronization
class Counter {
private int count = 0 ;
public synchronized void increment () {
count ++;
Handling Date and Time Zones (Java 8+)
import java .time .ZoneId ;
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId .of ("America/New_York" );