compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
shifted s l is the smarter version of Syntax.Endo.shifted that collapses multiple displacements, representing the level l shifted by the displacement s.
When it (directly or indirectly) attempts to shift the top level.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
shifted s l is the smarter version of Syntax.Endo.shifted that collapses multiple displacements, representing the level l shifted by the displacement s.
When it (directly or indirectly) attempts to shift the top level.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
shifted s l is the smarter version of Syntax.Endo.shifted that collapses multiple displacements, representing the level l shifted by the displacement s.
When it (directly or indirectly) attempts to shift the top level.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
shifted s l is the smarter version of Syntax.Endo.shifted that collapses multiple displacements, representing the level l shifted by the displacement s.
When it (directly or indirectly) attempts to shift the top level.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
compose s1 s2 composes the operators s1 and s2. Note that Foo^s1^s2 in McBride's notation is understood as compose (compose ... s2) s1 with the reversed order.
"mugen" is the transliteration of "無限" in Japanese, possibly a learned borrowing of "無限" from Chinese. It literally means "without limits", and is widely used in anime for the obvious reason. It is fitting in the context of universe polymorphism.
This tutorial is for an implementer (you!) to integrate this library into your type theory implementation as quickly as possible. We will assume you are already familiar with OCaml and dependent type theory, and are using a typical OCaml package structure.
Following Conor McBride’s crude but effective stratification and our algebraic reformulation, a universe level in this library is represented as a pair of a variable together with some displacement. For example, a universe level might be x + 10, meaning the variable level x shifted (bumped) by 10 levels. The shifting of 10 levels is the displacement. For the same variable x, the level x + n is larger than x + m if n is larger than m, while levels x + n and y + m are in general incomparable for different variables x and y. Substituting x + n1 for y in y + n2 results in the level x + (n1 + n2).
While this scheme (with only a variable and some displacement) looks limited, we proved that it is in a sense universal if you allow all mathematically possible displacements beyond natural numbers. We also call the minimum algebra of displacements that would make the scheme work a displacement algebra. See our POPL paper for more details.
This library implements several displacement algebras you could choose from, along with a uniform interface to construct and compare universe levels.
Choose Your Displacements
The first step is to choose your favorite displacements. We will use Mugen.Shift.Int (integers) as the starting point, and it is easy to switch to another displacement algebra later. Other displacements are under Mugen.Shift and Mugen.ShiftWithJoin.
Free Level Expressions
Free level expressions are expressions freely generated by only variables and shifting operators. In contrast, we will have a different kind of level expressions embedded in your datatype holding terms or types. The free level expressions are the only ones that can be compared against each other; the embedded ones must be converted to free ones for comparison. More on this point later.
Save the following content as the file for free level expressions, assuming that you are using integers to represent variables.
module Param =
+ (** Your chosen displacement algebra *)
+ module Shift = Mugen.Shift.Int
+ (** The representation of variables in free level expressions *)
+ type var = int
+ (** The equality checker for variables *)
+ let equal_var : var -> var -> bool = Int.equal
+include Param
+(** An alias of the type of displacements *)
+type shift = Shift.t
+(** An alias of the type of free level expressions *)
+type t = (shift, int)
+(** Smart constructors for free level expressions *)
+include Mugen.Builder.Free.Make (Param)
+(** Comparators for free level expressions *)
+include Mugen.Theory.Make (Param)
Take a look at for the definition of free level expressions.
Extend Your Syntax
Now we have the free level expressions ready, you need to extend your datatype to embed levels and define the conversion functions to free ones. A typical datatype holding terms or types will have the following pattern:
type t =
+ | Var of int (* maybe using De Bruijn indexes or levels *)
+ (* ... more syntax follows ... *)
There are three steps to add level expressions to your datatype
Change the Datatype
The idea is to use Mugen.Syntax.endo, instead of, so that displacements can syntactically apply to any term or type in your language (but most of them will be ill-formed terms or types). The first parameter of Mugen.Syntax.endo is the type of displacements, and the second parameter is your datatype. It needs to be defined together with your datatype due to the mutual recursion; in the following example, we choose to add a new constructor, ULvl, to embed level expressions:
(** Use [endo] to embed levels into your datatype. *)
+type ulvl = (ULvl.shift, t) Mugen.Syntax.endo
+(** The datatype of terms. *)
+and t =
+ | Var of int
+ (* ... more syntax follows ... *)
+ | ULvl of ulvl
You can take a look at Mugen.Syntax.endo for the definition of embedded level expressions.
Add Converters
(** Conversion to free level expressions *)
+let rec to_ulvl : t -> ULvl.t =
+ function
+ | Var i -> Mugen.Syntax.Var i
+ | ULvl endo -> endo_to_ulvl endo
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "to_ulvl"
+and endo_to_ulvl : ulvl -> ULvl.t =
+ let module M = Mugen.Syntax in
+ function
+ | M.Shifted (l, s) -> ULvl.shifted (to_ulvl l) s
+ | M.Top ->
Add Smart Constructors
Comparing Levels
The most common tasks are to compare two embedded levels. The code is straightforward---the ULvl module you have created comes with comparators for free level expressions. It is sufficient to convert embedded level expressions to free ones and compare them accordingly. Copy and paste the following code snippet after the definition of your datatype:
(** Conversion to free level expressions *)
+let rec to_ulvl : t -> ULvl.t =
+ function
+ | Var i -> Mugen.Syntax.Var i
+ | ULvl endo -> endo_to_ulvl endo
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "to_ulvl"
+and endo_to_ulvl : ulvl -> ULvl.t =
+ let module M = Mugen.Syntax in
+ function
+ | M.Shifted (l, s) -> ULvl.shifted (to_ulvl l) s
+ | M.Top ->
Now, the comparators for embedded level expressions can be defined as followed:
You might have noticed that there is a "top" level---we added the top level for convenience.
Building Levels
Another common task in a real system is to parse user inputs and construct corresponding (embedded) level expressions. The recommended approach is to use smart constructors that will consolidate displacements when building level expressions. To do so, these smart constructors need to know how to check whether an expression in your datatype is a level expression. Here is the snippet to copy and paste to summon smart constructors:
(** Include smart constructors for universe levels *)
+ Mugen.Builder.Endo.Make
+ (struct
+ (** Your chosen displacement algebra *)
+ module Shift = ULvl.Shift
+ (** The type of embedded level expressions *)
+ type level = t
+ (** A function to embed a level expression *)
+ let level (l : ulvl) : t = ULvl l
+ (** A function to check whether an expression is an embedded level expression *)
+ let unlevel : t -> ulvl option = function ULvl l -> Some l | _ -> None
+ end)
See Remember that you have included the smart constructors in previous steps.
The essential one
let _ = shifted l s
to obtain the level l shifted by the displacement s. Constructing the displacement s depends on your chosen displacement algebra. If you were using integers, aliasing the stock Mugen.Shift.Int as ULvl.Shift), then the shifting by 10 levels can be implemented as:
let _ = shifted l (ULvl.Shift.of_int 10)
For convenience, we also introduced the top level
let _ = top
that will be greater than any other level. (Note that you cannot shift the distinguished top level!)
Concluding Notes
That's it! Now you have rich universe levels. Here are a few remarks:
Ugly Printers for Debugging
It is recommended to write your own pretty printer. However, if you wish to dump the universe levels, check out Mugen.Syntax.Free.dump for free level expressions and Mugen.Syntax.Endo.dump for embedded ones.
Changing the Displacement Algebra
It is trivial to switch to another displacement algebra by aliasing ULvl.Shift to another module implementing the interface Mugen.Shift.S. Changing the displacement algebra only affects how displacements are constructed and printed.
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+ Highlight.js v11.7.0 (git: 82688fad18)
+ (c) 2006-2022 undefined and other contributors
+ License: BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+var hljs=function(){"use strict";var e={exports:{}};function t(e){
+return e instanceof Map?e.clear=e.delete=e.set=()=>{
+throw Error("map is read-only")}:e instanceof Set&&(e.add=e.clear=e.delete=()=>{
+throw Error("set is read-only")
+}),Object.freeze(e),Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).forEach((n=>{var i=e[n]
+;"object"!=typeof i||Object.isFrozen(i)||t(i)})),e}
+e.exports=t,e.exports.default=t;class n{constructor(e){
+ignoreMatch(){this.isMatchIgnored=!0}}function i(e){
+return e.replace(/&/g,"&").replace(//g,">").replace(/"/g,""").replace(/'/g,"'")
+}function r(e,...t){const n=Object.create(null);for(const t in e)n[t]=e[t]
+;return t.forEach((e=>{for(const t in e)n[t]=e[t]})),n}
+const s=e=>!!e.scope||e.sublanguage&&e.language;class o{constructor(e,t){
+this.buffer+=i(e)}openNode(e){if(!s(e))return;let t=""
+const n=e.split(".")
+;return[`${t}${n.shift()}`,,t)=>`${e}${"_".repeat(t+1)}`))].join(" ")
+closeNode(e){s(e)&&(this.buffer+="")}value(){return this.buffer}span(e){
+this.buffer+=``}}const a=(e={})=>{const t={children:[]}
+;return Object.assign(t,e),t};class c{constructor(){
+this.rootNode=a(),this.stack=[this.rootNode]}get top(){
+return this.stack[this.stack.length-1]}get root(){return this.rootNode}add(e){}openNode(e){const t=a({scope:e})
+if(this.stack.length>1)return this.stack.pop()}closeAllNodes(){
+for(;this.closeNode(););}toJSON(){return JSON.stringify(this.rootNode,null,4)}
+walk(e){return this.constructor._walk(e,this.rootNode)}static _walk(e,t){
+return"string"==typeof t?e.addText(t):t.children&&(e.openNode(t),
+t.children.forEach((t=>this._walk(e,t))),e.closeNode(t)),e}static _collapse(e){
+"string"!=typeof e&&e.children&&(e.children.every((e=>"string"==typeof e))?e.children=[e.children.join("")]:e.children.forEach((e=>{
+c._collapse(e)})))}}class l extends c{constructor(e){super(),this.options=e}
+addText(e){""!==e&&this.add(e)}addSublanguage(e,t){const n=e.root
+return new o(this,this.options).value()}finalize(){return!0}}function g(e){
+return e?"string"==typeof e?e:e.source:null}function d(e){return p("(?=",e,")")}
+function u(e){return p("(?:",e,")*")}function h(e){return p("(?:",e,")?")}
+function p(...e){return>g(e))).join("")}function f(...e){const t=(e=>{
+const t=e[e.length-1]
+;return"object"==typeof t&&t.constructor===Object?(e.splice(e.length-1,1),t):{}
+function b(e){return RegExp(e.toString()+"|").exec("").length-1}
+const m=/\[(?:[^\\\]]|\\.)*\]|\(\??|\\([1-9][0-9]*)|\\./
+;function E(e,{joinWith:t}){let n=0;return>{n+=1;const t=n
+;let i=g(e),r="";for(;i.length>0;){const e=m.exec(i);if(!e){r+=i;break}
+"("===e[0]&&n++)}return r})).map((e=>`(${e})`)).join(t)}
+const x="[a-zA-Z]\\w*",w="[a-zA-Z_]\\w*",y="\\b\\d+(\\.\\d+)?",_="(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|(\\b\\d+(\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)([eE][-+]?\\d+)?)",O="\\b(0b[01]+)",v={
+contains:[v]},M=(e,t,n={})=>{const i=r({scope:"comment",begin:e,end:t,
+;const s=f("I","a","is","so","us","to","at","if","in","it","on",/[A-Za-z]+['](d|ve|re|ll|t|s|n)/,/[A-Za-z]+[-][a-z]+/,/[A-Za-z][a-z]{2,}/)
+;return i.contains.push({begin:p(/[ ]+/,"(",s,/[.]?[:]?([.][ ]|[ ])/,"){3}")}),i
+},S=M("//","$"),R=M("/\\*","\\*/"),j=M("#","$");var A=Object.freeze({
+SHEBANG:(e={})=>{const t=/^#![ ]*\//
+;return e.binary&&(e.begin=p(t,/.*\b/,e.binary,/\b.*/)),r({scope:"meta",begin:t,
+"on:begin":(e,t)=>{[1]},"on:end":(e,t)=>{!==e[1]&&t.ignoreMatch()}})});function I(e,t){
+"."===e.input[e.index-1]&&t.ignoreMatch()}function T(e,t){
+void 0!==e.className&&(e.scope=e.className,delete e.className)}function L(e,t){
+t&&e.beginKeywords&&(e.begin="\\b("+e.beginKeywords.split(" ").join("|")+")(?!\\.)(?=\\b|\\s)",
+e.__beforeBegin=I,e.keywords=e.keywords||e.beginKeywords,delete e.beginKeywords,
+void 0===e.relevance&&(e.relevance=0))}function B(e,t){
+Array.isArray(e.illegal)&&(e.illegal=f(...e.illegal))}function D(e,t){
+if(e.begin||e.end)throw Error("begin & end are not supported with match")
+;e.begin=e.match,delete e.match}}function H(e,t){
+void 0===e.relevance&&(e.relevance=1)}const P=(e,t)=>{if(!e.beforeMatch)return
+;if(e.starts)throw Error("beforeMatch cannot be used with starts")
+;const n=Object.assign({},e);Object.keys(e).forEach((t=>{delete e[t]
+},e.relevance=0,delete n.beforeMatch
+;function $(e,t,n="keyword"){const i=Object.create(null)
+;return"string"==typeof e?r(n,e.split(" ")):Array.isArray(e)?r(n,e):Object.keys(e).forEach((n=>{
+Object.assign(i,$(e[n],t,n))})),i;function r(e,n){
+t&&(>e.toLowerCase()))),n.forEach((t=>{const n=t.split("|")
+;i[n[0]]=[e,U(n[0],n[1])]}))}}function U(e,t){
+return t?Number(t):(e=>C.includes(e.toLowerCase()))(e)?0:1}const z={},K=e=>{
+console.error(e)},W=(e,...t)=>{console.log("WARN: "+e,...t)},X=(e,t)=>{
+z[`${e}/${t}`]||(console.log(`Deprecated as of ${e}. ${t}`),z[`${e}/${t}`]=!0)
+},G=Error();function Z(e,t,{key:n}){let i=0;const r=e[n],s={},o={}
+;for(let e=1;e<=t.length;e++)o[e+i]=r[e],s[e+i]=!0,i+=b(t[e-1])
+;e[n]=o,e[n]._emit=s,e[n]._multi=!0}function F(e){(e=>{
+e.scope&&"object"==typeof e.scope&&null!==e.scope&&(e.beginScope=e.scope,
+delete e.scope)})(e),"string"==typeof e.beginScope&&(e.beginScope={
+_wrap:e.beginScope}),"string"==typeof e.endScope&&(e.endScope={_wrap:e.endScope
+if(e.skip||e.excludeBegin||e.returnBegin)throw K("skip, excludeBegin, returnBegin not compatible with beginScope: {}"),
+;if("object"!=typeof e.beginScope||null===e.beginScope)throw K("beginScope must be object"),
+if(e.skip||e.excludeEnd||e.returnEnd)throw K("skip, excludeEnd, returnEnd not compatible with endScope: {}"),
+;if("object"!=typeof e.endScope||null===e.endScope)throw K("endScope must be object"),
+G;Z(e,e.end,{key:"endScope"}),e.end=E(e.end,{joinWith:""})}})(e)}function V(e){
+function t(t,n){
+return RegExp(g(t),"m"+(e.case_insensitive?"i":"")+(e.unicodeRegex?"u":"")+(n?"g":""))
+}class n{constructor(){
+;const t=this.matcherRe.exec(e);if(!t)return null
+;const n=t.findIndex(((e,t)=>t>0&&void 0!==e)),i=this.matchIndexes[n]
+;return t.splice(0,n),Object.assign(t,i)}}class i{constructor(){
+if(this.multiRegexes[e])return this.multiRegexes[e];const t=new n
+;return this.rules.slice(e).forEach((([e,n])=>t.addRule(e,n))),
+return 0!==this.regexIndex}considerAll(){this.regexIndex=0}addRule(e,t){
+const t=this.getMatcher(this.regexIndex);t.lastIndex=this.lastIndex
+;let n=t.exec(e)
+const t=this.getMatcher(0);t.lastIndex=this.lastIndex+1,n=t.exec(e)}
+return n&&(this.regexIndex+=n.position+1,
+e.contains&&e.contains.includes("self"))throw Error("ERR: contains `self` is not supported at the top-level of a language. See documentation.")
+;return e.classNameAliases=r(e.classNameAliases||{}),function n(s,o){const a=s
+;if(s.isCompiled)return a
+s.__beforeBegin=null,[L,B,H].forEach((e=>e(s,o))),s.isCompiled=!0;let c=null
+;return"object"==typeof s.keywords&&s.keywords.$pattern&&(s.keywords=Object.assign({},s.keywords),
+delete s.keywords.$pattern),c=c||/\w+/,s.keywords&&(s.keywords=$(s.keywords,e.case_insensitive)),
+})),s.starts&&n(s.starts,o),a.matcher=(e=>{const t=new i
+;return e.contains.forEach((e=>t.addRule(e.begin,{rule:e,type:"begin"
+}),e.illegal&&t.addRule(e.illegal,{type:"illegal"}),t})(a),a}(e)}function q(e){
+return!!e&&(e.endsWithParent||q(e.starts))}class J extends Error{
+const Y=i,Q=r,ee=Symbol("nomatch");var te=(t=>{
+const i=Object.create(null),r=Object.create(null),s=[];let o=!0
+;const a="Could not find the language '{}', did you forget to load/include a language module?",c={
+disableAutodetect:!0,name:"Plain text",contains:[]};let g={
+cssSelector:"pre code",languages:null,__emitter:l};function b(e){
+return g.noHighlightRe.test(e)}function m(e,t,n){let i="",r=""
+;"object"==typeof t?(i=e,
+n=t.ignoreIllegals,r=t.language):(X("10.7.0","highlight(lang, code, ...args) has been deprecated."),
+X("10.7.0","Please use highlight(code, options) instead.\n"),
+r=e,i=t),void 0===n&&(n=!0);const s={code:i,language:r};k("before:highlight",s)
+;const o=s.result?s.result:E(s.language,s.code,n)
+;return o.code=s.code,k("after:highlight",o),o}function E(e,t,r,s){
+const c=Object.create(null);function l(){if(!N.keywords)return void M.addText(S)
+;let e=0;N.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex=0;let t=N.keywordPatternRe.exec(S),n=""
+;const r=y.case_insensitive?t[0].toLowerCase():t[0],s=(i=r,N.keywords[i]);if(s){
+const n=y.classNameAliases[e]||e;M.addKeyword(t[0],n)}}else n+=t[0]
+;e=N.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex,t=N.keywordPatternRe.exec(S)}var i
+;n+=S.substring(e),M.addText(n)}function d(){null!=N.subLanguage?(()=>{
+if(""===S)return;let e=null;if("string"==typeof N.subLanguage){
+if(!i[N.subLanguage])return void M.addText(S)
+}else e=x(S,N.subLanguage.length?N.subLanguage:null)
+})():l(),S=""}function u(e,t){let n=1;const i=t.length-1;for(;n<=i;){
+if(!e._emit[n]){n++;continue}const i=y.classNameAliases[e[n]]||e[n],r=t[n]
+;i?M.addKeyword(r,i):(S=r,l(),S=""),n++}}function h(e,t){
+return e.scope&&"string"==typeof e.scope&&M.openNode(y.classNameAliases[e.scope]||e.scope),
+value:N}}),N}function p(e,t,i){let r=((e,t)=>{const n=e&&e.exec(t)
+;return n&&0===n.index})(e.endRe,i);if(r){if(e["on:end"]){const i=new n(e)
+for(;e.endsParent&&e.parent;)e=e.parent;return e}}
+if(e.endsWithParent)return p(e.parent,t,i)}function f(e){
+return 0===N.matcher.regexIndex?(S+=e[0],1):(I=!0,0)}function b(e){
+const n=e[0],i=t.substring(e.index),r=p(N,e,i);if(!r)return ee;const s=N
+}while(N!==r.parent);return r.starts&&h(r.starts,e),s.returnEnd?0:n.length}
+let m={};function w(i,s){const a=s&&s[0];if(S+=i,null==a)return d(),0
+if(S+=t.slice(s.index,s.index+1),!o){const t=Error(`0 width match regex (${e})`)
+;throw t.languageName=e,t.badRule=m.rule,t}return 1}
+const t=e[0],i=e.rule,r=new n(i),s=[i.__beforeBegin,i["on:begin"]]
+;for(const n of s)if(n&&(n(e,r),r.isMatchIgnored))return f(t)
+;return i.skip?S+=t:(i.excludeBegin&&(S+=t),
+const e=Error('Illegal lexeme "'+a+'" for mode "'+(N.scope||"")+'"')
+;throw e.mode=N,e}if("end"===s.type){const e=b(s);if(e!==ee)return e}
+if("illegal"===s.type&&""===a)return 1
+;if(A>1e5&&A>3*s.index)throw Error("potential infinite loop, way more iterations than matches")
+;return S+=a,a.length}const y=O(e)
+;if(!y)throw K(a.replace("{}",e)),Error('Unknown language: "'+e+'"')
+;const _=V(y);let v="",N=s||_;const k={},M=new g.__emitter(g);(()=>{const e=[]
+;for(let t=N;t!==y;t=t.parent)t.scope&&e.unshift(t.scope)
+;e.forEach((e=>M.openNode(e)))})();let S="",R=0,j=0,A=0,I=!1;try{
+;const e=N.matcher.exec(t);if(!e)break;const n=w(t.substring(j,e.index),e)
+return w(t.substring(j)),M.closeAllNodes(),M.finalize(),v=M.toHTML(),{
+;throw n}}function x(e,t){t=t||g.languages||Object.keys(i);const n=(e=>{
+const t={value:Y(e),illegal:!1,relevance:0,_top:c,_emitter:new g.__emitter(g)}
+;return t._emitter.addText(e),t})(e),r=t.filter(O).filter(N).map((t=>E(t,e,!1)))
+;r.unshift(n);const s=r.sort(((e,t)=>{
+if(e.relevance!==t.relevance)return t.relevance-e.relevance
+;if(e.language&&t.language){if(O(e.language).supersetOf===t.language)return 1
+;if(O(t.language).supersetOf===e.language)return-1}return 0})),[o,a]=s,l=o
+;return l.secondBest=a,l}function w(e){let t=null;const n=(e=>{
+let t=e.className+" ";t+=e.parentNode?e.parentNode.className:""
+;const n=g.languageDetectRe.exec(t);if(n){const t=O(n[1])
+;return t||(W(a.replace("{}",n[1])),
+W("Falling back to no-highlight mode for this block.",e)),t?n[1]:"no-highlight"}
+return t.split(/\s+/).find((e=>b(e)||O(e)))})(e);if(b(n))return
+}),e.children.length>0&&(g.ignoreUnescapedHTML||(console.warn("One of your code blocks includes unescaped HTML. This is a potentially serious security risk."),
+console.warn("The element with unescaped HTML:"),
+console.warn(e)),g.throwUnescapedHTML))throw new J("One of your code blocks includes unescaped HTML.",e.innerHTML)
+;t=e;const i=t.textContent,s=n?m(i,{language:n,ignoreIllegals:!0}):x(i)
+;e.innerHTML=s.value,((e,t,n)=>{const i=t&&r[t]||n
+}),k("after:highlightElement",{el:e,result:s,text:i})}let y=!1;function _(){
+}function O(e){return e=(e||"").toLowerCase(),i[e]||i[r[e]]}
+function v(e,{languageName:t}){"string"==typeof e&&(e=[e]),e.forEach((e=>{
+r[e.toLowerCase()]=t}))}function N(e){const t=O(e)
+;return t&&!t.disableAutodetect}function k(e,t){const n=e;s.forEach((e=>{
+"undefined"!=typeof window&&window.addEventListener&&window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",(()=>{
+highlightBlock:e=>(X("10.7.0","highlightBlock will be removed entirely in v12.0"),
+X("10.7.0","Please use highlightElement now."),w(e)),configure:e=>{g=Q(g,e)},
+_(),X("10.6.0","initHighlighting() deprecated. Use highlightAll() now.")},
+_(),X("10.6.0","initHighlightingOnLoad() deprecated. Use highlightAll() now.")
+},registerLanguage:(e,n)=>{let r=null;try{r=n(t)}catch(t){
+if(K("Language definition for '{}' could not be registered.".replace("{}",e)),
+!o)throw t;K(t),r=c}||(,i[e]=r,r.rawDefinition=n.bind(null,t),r.aliases&&v(r.aliases,{
+languageName:e})},unregisterLanguage:e=>{delete i[e]
+;for(const t of Object.keys(r))r[t]===e&&delete r[t]},
+anyNumberOfTimes:u};for(const t in A)"object"==typeof A[t]&&e.exports(A[t])
+;return Object.assign(t,A),t})({});return te}()
+;"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module&&(module.exports=hljs);/*! `reasonml` grammar compiled for Highlight.js 11.7.0 */
+(()=>{var e=(()=>{"use strict";return e=>{
+const n="~?[a-z$_][0-9a-zA-Z$_]*",a="`?[A-Z$_][0-9a-zA-Z$_]*",s="("+["||","++","**","+.","*","/","*.","/.","..."].map((e=>e.split("").map((e=>"\\"+e)).join(""))).join("|")+"|\\|>|&&|==|===)",i="\\s+"+s+"\\s+",r={
+keyword:"and as asr assert begin class constraint do done downto else end exception external for fun function functor if in include inherit initializer land lazy let lor lsl lsr lxor match method mod module mutable new nonrec object of open or private rec sig struct then to try type val virtual when while with",
+built_in:"array bool bytes char exn|5 float int int32 int64 list lazy_t|5 nativeint|5 ref string unit ",
+literal:"true false"
+begin:"\\(\\.\\s"+n+"\\)\\s*=>"}]};g.push(m);const d={className:"constructor",
+begin:"\\b("+a+"\\.)+\\{",end:/\}/}],contains:g};return b.push(v),{
+;hljs.registerLanguage("reasonml",e)})();/*! `javascript` grammar compiled for Highlight.js 11.7.0 */
+(()=>{var e=(()=>{"use strict"
+;const e="[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*",n=["as","in","of","if","for","while","finally","var","new","function","do","return","void","else","break","catch","instanceof","with","throw","case","default","try","switch","continue","typeof","delete","let","yield","const","class","debugger","async","await","static","import","from","export","extends"],a=["true","false","null","undefined","NaN","Infinity"],t=["Object","Function","Boolean","Symbol","Math","Date","Number","BigInt","String","RegExp","Array","Float32Array","Float64Array","Int8Array","Uint8Array","Uint8ClampedArray","Int16Array","Int32Array","Uint16Array","Uint32Array","BigInt64Array","BigUint64Array","Set","Map","WeakSet","WeakMap","ArrayBuffer","SharedArrayBuffer","Atomics","DataView","JSON","Promise","Generator","GeneratorFunction","AsyncFunction","Reflect","Proxy","Intl","WebAssembly"],s=["Error","EvalError","InternalError","RangeError","ReferenceError","SyntaxError","TypeError","URIError"],r=["setInterval","setTimeout","clearInterval","clearTimeout","require","exports","eval","isFinite","isNaN","parseFloat","parseInt","decodeURI","decodeURIComponent","encodeURI","encodeURIComponent","escape","unescape"],c=["arguments","this","super","console","window","document","localStorage","module","global"],i=[].concat(r,t,s)
+;return o=>{const l=o.regex,b=e,d={begin:/<[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+/,
+const a=e[0].length+e.index,t=e.input[a]
+;if("<"===t||","===t)return void n.ignoreMatch();let s
+;">"===t&&(((e,{after:n})=>{const a=""+e[0].slice(1)
+;const r=e.input.substring(a)
+});const v=[].concat(h,A.contains),p=v.concat([{begin:/\(/,end:/\)/,keywords:g,
+className:"title.function",relevance:0};var I;const x={
+begin:/^\s*['"]use (strict|asm)['"]/
+keywords:"return throw case",relevance:0,contains:[h,o.REGEXP_MODE,{
+beginKeywords:"while if switch catch for"},{
+;hljs.registerLanguage("javascript",e)})();/*! `sql` grammar compiled for Highlight.js 11.7.0 */
+(()=>{var e=(()=>{"use strict";return e=>{
+const 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table","insert into","primary key","foreign key","not null","alter table","add constraint","grouping sets","on overflow","character set","respect nulls","ignore nulls","nulls first","nulls last","depth first","breadth 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+$pattern:/\b[\w\.]+/,keyword:((e,{exceptions:r,when:t}={})=>{const n=t
+;return r=r||[],>e.match(/\|\d+$/)||r.includes(e)?e:n(e)?e+"|0":e))
+begin:r.either("double precision","large object","with timezone","without timezone")
+;hljs.registerLanguage("sql",e)})();/*! `bash` grammar compiled for Highlight.js 11.7.0 */
+(()=>{var e=(()=>{"use strict";return e=>{const s=e.regex,t={},n={begin:/\$\{/,
+begin:s.concat(/\$[\w\d#@][\w\d_]*/,"(?![\\w\\d])(?![$])")},n]});const a={
+contains:[e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE,t,a]};a.contains.push(c);const o={begin:/\$?\(\(/,
+;hljs.registerLanguage("bash",e)})();/*! `shell` grammar compiled for Highlight.js 11.7.0 */
+(()=>{var s=(()=>{"use strict";return s=>({name:"Shell Session",
+begin:/^\s{0,3}[/~\w\d[\]()@-]*[>%$#][ ]?/,starts:{end:/[^\\](?=\s*$)/,
+subLanguage:"bash"}}]})})();hljs.registerLanguage("shell",s)})();/*! `plaintext` grammar compiled for Highlight.js 11.7.0 */
+(()=>{var t=(()=>{"use strict";return t=>({name:"Plain text",
+;hljs.registerLanguage("plaintext",t)})();/*! `graphql` grammar compiled for Highlight.js 11.7.0 */
+(()=>{var e=(()=>{"use strict";return e=>{const a=e.regex;return{name:"GraphQL",
+})();/*! `ocaml` grammar compiled for Highlight.js 11.7.0 */
+(()=>{var e=(()=>{"use strict";return e=>({name:"OCaml",aliases:["ml"],
+keyword:"and as assert asr begin class constraint do done downto else end exception external for fun function functor if in include inherit! inherit initializer land lazy let lor lsl lsr lxor match method!|10 method mod module mutable new object of open! open or private rec sig struct then to try type val! val virtual when while with parser value",
+built_in:"array bool bytes char exn|5 float int int32 int64 list lazy_t|5 nativeint|5 string unit in_channel out_channel ref",
+literal:"true false"},illegal:/\/\/|>>/,contains:[{className:"literal",
+relevance:0},{begin:/->/}]})})();hljs.registerLanguage("ocaml",e)})();/*! `json` grammar compiled for Highlight.js 11.7.0 */
+(()=>{var e=(()=>{"use strict";return e=>{const a=["true","false","null"],n={
+scope:"literal",beginKeywords:a.join(" ")};return{name:"JSON",keywords:{
+illegal:"\\S"}}})();hljs.registerLanguage("json",e)})();/*! `python` grammar compiled for Highlight.js 11.7.0 */
+(()=>{var e=(()=>{"use strict";return e=>{
+const n=e.regex,a=/[\p{XID_Start}_]\p{XID_Continue}*/u,i=["and","as","assert","async","await","break","case","class","continue","def","del","elif","else","except","finally","for","from","global","if","import","in","is","lambda","match","nonlocal|10","not","or","pass","raise","return","try","while","with","yield"],s={
+},t={className:"meta",begin:/^(>>>|\.\.\.) /},r={className:"subst",begin:/\{/,
+}]},p={className:"comment",begin:n.lookahead(/# type:/),end:/$/,keywords:s,
+contains:[{begin:/# type:/},{begin:/#/,end:/\b\B/,endsWithParent:!0}]},m={
+contains:["self",t,g,b,e.HASH_COMMENT_MODE]}]};return r.contains=[b,g,t],{
+className:"meta",begin:/^[\t ]*@/,end:/(?=#)|$/,contains:[g,m,b]}]}}})()
+;hljs.registerLanguage("python",e)})();/*! `xml` grammar compiled for Highlight.js 11.7.0 */
+(()=>{var e=(()=>{"use strict";return e=>{
+const a=e.regex,n=a.concat(/[\p{L}_]/u,a.optional(/[\p{L}0-9_.-]*:/u),/[\p{L}0-9_.-]*/u),s={
+name:"HTML, XML",