This is the reportportal-plugin reporter plugin for TestCafe.
Needs npm version>=6.9.0 (sudo npm install -g npm@6.9.0)
Add the below to your external project: In package.json under "dependencies" add:
"testcafe-reporter-reportportal-plugin": "npm:@redislabs/testcafe-reporter-reportportal-plugin@^0.1.1",
In .npmrc add:
npm install @redislabs/testcafe-reporter-reportportal-plugin@0.1.1
When you run tests from the command line, specify the reporter name by using the --reporter
testcafe chrome 'path/to/test/file.js' --reporter reportportal-plugin
testcafe chrome 'path/to/test/file.js' --reporter=reportportal-plugin
When you use API, pass the reporter name to the reporter()
.reporter('reportportal-plugin') // <-
Required | Argument | Description | Example |
Yes | rdomain | The domain of the report portal. https://{domain}/ | |
Yes | rtoken | The token to auth report portal with. Taken from the 'Profile' of your user. | --rtoken=gfkbv5994350mg |
Yes | rlaunch | The name of your launch. Required (Unless replaced by rlaunch-id argument). | --rlaunch=my-launch |
Yes | rproject | The name of your project. | --rproject=my-project |
No | rlaunch-id | The ID of an existing launch, can replace the rlaunch parameter. | --rlaunch-id=fjvkdnvjgnf |
No | rsuite | An optional suite name, adding a suite will put all tests under the suite instead of directly under the launch. | --rsuite=my-suite-name |
No | rprotocol | An optional ability to override the protocol of the API protocol. {protocol}://{domain}/. | --rprotocol=http |
No | disable-live-reporting | An optional ability to disable the live reporting | --disable-live-reporting |
in order to run tests in this plugin environment , in your cli run: (your reportportal parameters are listed under your reportportal profile)
npm run test ./tests/test.e2e.ts -- --rprotocol=https --rlaunch=launchName --rsuite=suitName --rdomain=YourReportportalDomain --rtoken=yourReportportalToken --rproject=YourReportportalProject
testcafe chrome:headless tests/test.e2e.ts --rprotocol=https --rsuite=suitName --rdomain=YourReportportalDomain --rtoken=yourReportportalToken --rproject=YourReportportalProject --rlaunch=launchName --reporter reportportal-plugin
- extend LogAppender and implement its methods.
- in index.js: await this.logManager.addAppenders( { type: ConsoleLogAppender }, { type: ReportPortalAppender } );
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Redis forked from Dani Tseitlin (