In this implementation we used the DDPG algorithm DDPG to triain the agent to play Tennis.
- file contains neural network architecture for actor and critic models
- file implements Agent and ReplayBuffer classes
- checkpoint_actor.pth file contains model checkpoint for actor neural network
- checkpoint_critic.pth file contains model checkpoint for critic neural network
Hyperparameters (defined in
- BUFFER_SIZE = int(1e5) (replay buffer size)
- BATCH_SIZE = 128 (minibatch size)
- GAMMA = 0.99 (discount factor)
- TAU = 1e-3 (for soft update of target parameters)
- LR_ACTOR = 1e-4 (learning rate of the actor)
- LR_CRITIC = 1e-4 (learning rate of the critic)
- WEIGHT_DECAY = 0 (L2 weight decay)
- UPDATE_EVERY = 1 (how many steps to take before updating target networks)
- The Actor neural network consists of three fully connected (FC) layers.
- The input has 24 channels (each agent observes a state with length: 24)
- The output channels of the first FC layer is: 256
- The input and output channels of the second FC layer are: 256, 128
- The input channels of the third FC layer are: 128
- The output has 2 channels (actions: movement toward (or away from) the net, and jumping)
- The Critic neural network consists of three fully connected (FC) layers.
- The input has 24 channels (each agent observes a state with length: 24)
- The output channels of the first FC layer is: 256
- The input channels of the second FC layer is: 256 + 2 (actions)
- The output channels of the second FC layer is: 128
- The output has 1 channel
DDPG took 1880 episodes to solve the environment!
Episode 100 Average Score: -0.003 Score: -0.005
Episode 200 Average Score: -0.003 Score: -0.005
Episode 300 Average Score: 0.001 Score: -0.0055
Episode 400 Average Score: 0.004 Score: -0.005
Episode 500 Average Score: 0.011 Score: -0.005
Episode 600 Average Score: 0.012 Score: 0.0455
Episode 700 Average Score: -0.002 Score: -0.005
Episode 800 Average Score: 0.006 Score: -0.0055
Episode 900 Average Score: 0.044 Score: 0.0455
Episode 1000 Average Score: 0.063 Score: 0.045
Episode 1100 Average Score: 0.063 Score: -0.005
Episode 1200 Average Score: 0.106 Score: 0.0955
Episode 1300 Average Score: 0.115 Score: 0.1455
Episode 1400 Average Score: 0.153 Score: 0.0455
Episode 1500 Average Score: 0.123 Score: 0.2455
Episode 1600 Average Score: 0.174 Score: 0.0955
Episode 1700 Average Score: 0.212 Score: 0.0955
Episode 1800 Average Score: 0.361 Score: 0.1955
Episode 1880 Average Score: 0.502 Score: 0.3955
Environment solved in 1880 episodes!
- As future improvements, I would like to implement Distributed Distributional Deterministic Policy Gradients (D4PG) algorithm and compare its performance with the current impelmentation of DDPG in playing the Tennis environment.