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Releases: RinteRface/bs4Dash

bs4Dash 0.5.0

30 Apr 12:57
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Breaking Changes

  • remove fixed parameters from bs4DashNavbar() since it does not exist in the new
    AdminLTE version
  • rework on bs4DropdownMenuItem: change text to message, date to time. Add new params: from, src, status and type.

Major Changes

  • add link back to Thanks @statnmap
  • upgrade AdminLTE3 version to rc4
  • add bs4DashSidebar() input binding to indicate the state (collapse: FALSE, open: TRUE) as well as
    updatebs4Sidebar() to programmatically toggle its state
  • add bs4Controlbar() input binding to indicate the state (collapse: FALSE, open: TRUE) as well as
    updatebs4Controlbar() to programmatically toggle its state
  • add bs4Card() input binding to indicate the state (collapse: FALSE, open: TRUE, maximize, closed, ...) as well as
    updatebs4Card() to programmatically toggle its state
  • add bs4InsertTab() to programmatically insert bs4TabPanel() in bs4TabSetPanel()
  • add bs4RemoveTab() to programmatically remove bs4TabPanel() in bs4TabSetPanel()

New features

  • bs4DashPage() has a new sidebar_mini parameter. When TRUE, the sidebar has a minimum
    width when collapsed (you still see icons). When false, it behaves like in shinydashboard
  • bs4InfoBox() can now navigate between tabs if the tabName parameter is specified. It must however correspond
    to an existing bs4TabItem() in the body!
  • bs4ValueBox() has a footer argument. It is different from the href parameter. Thanks @stefanfritsch
  • add expand_on_hover parameter to bs4DashSidebar()
  • add compact parameters to bs4DashNavbar() to reduce the navbar size
  • add getAdminLTEColors() to preview all available color themes
  • by default, bs4DashSidebar() has a fixed layout. This prevent from not seeing sidebar items
    if the body contains too many elements
  • bs4DashPage() has options to change the bs4Controlbar() behavior when it expands (see controlbar_overlay)
  • bs4SidebarMenu() has 3 new parameters: flat (design effect), child_indent and compact
  • add sidebar in bs4Card()
  • add bs4UserMenu() for bs4DashNavbar()
  • add bs4Ribbon(), a sort of enhanced label for cards or any content
  • add bs4Quote(), an improved blockquote tag for Bootstrap 4

Bug Fix

  • fix #66 and #71: sidebar_collapsed was not working. Thanks @analytichealth and @federicomarini
  • remove hardcoded style for navbar dropdown icons
  • remove hardcoded style for navbar icons (fixed in the last adminLTE3 release). Thanks @federicomarini
  • fix height issue in bs4Card(). Thanks @analytichealth
  • Rework the column() function from Shiny to make it work with Bootstrap 4. Thanks @federicomarini
  • fix bs4DashNavbar() background color issue.
  • rework bs4DashBody() so that when no element is in the sidebar and no tabItems
    are in the body, margin between the sidebar, the controlbar is not 0
  • when btn_name is NULL in bs4Jumbotron(), do not show a button. Thanks @davidlvb
  • fix bs4ProgressBar(): remove height and width parameters. Add size parameter. This
    fix the progress behaviour which was wrong

bs4Dash 0.4.0

30 Apr 12:54
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Major changes

  • add bs4DashControlbarMenu(), bs4DashControlbarItem() and updatebs4ControlbarMenu()
  • add updatebs4TabItems() and updateTabItems() to programatically update the selected
    sidebar tab and the corresponding body tab
  • add updatebs4TabSetPanel() and updateTabsetPanel() (aliases) to dynamically update bs4TabSetPanel() from
    the server side
  • add maximizable option for bs4Card() and bs4TabCard(). In other words, allow full screen option
  • Fix #8: add input binding to the bs4SidebarMenu(). Now by adding an id to the menu,
    the user can recover the currently selected tab. Thanks @rpodcast
  • add aliases to make bs4Dash closer to shinydashboard (the conversion is easier).
    For instance bs4DashPage() can also be dashboardPage()
  • update adminLTE dependencies
  • add vertical mode to bs4TabSetPanel()
  • add bs4SidebarMenuSubItem()
  • add bs4Table(), bs4TableItems() and bs4TableItem()

Breaking changes

  • add text arg to bs4SidebarMenuItem()
  • Now the ... arg is for bs4SidebarMenuSubItem()

Minor Changes

  • Fix #41: add disable argument to bs4DashSidebar() and bs4DashControlbar(). Thanks @jamiebono
  • images are centered in userPost()
  • add startExpanded arg to bs4SidebarMenuItem()
  • add bs4TabSetPanel() to the gallery

Bug Fix

  • fix overflow-y issue in bs4TabCard()
  • fix #44: update bs4InfoBox() class. Thanks @henry090.
  • update adminLTE dependencies (fix sidebar horizontal overflow, ...)
  • hide the bs4DashControlbar() toggle if no bs4DashControlbar() is given in bs4DashPage()
  • fix wrong url in attachmentBlock() image (and replace http by https)
  • fix #24: No right border on collapsed sidebar menu items. Thanks @aldomann
  • Tooltips z-index is lower than sidebar's z-index, this cause tooltips are not showing up
    (see ColorlibHQ/AdminLTE#2105)
  • after Bootstrap 4.3.1 update the table color in the green calendar widget changed to black, caused by bootstrap (see ColorlibHQ/AdminLTE#2105)

bs4Dash 0.3.0

30 Apr 12:50
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Breaking change

  • rework bs4TabSetPanel() and bs4TabCard(). bs4TabSetPanel() can now be used independently of bs4TabCard().
    Need to provide id argument to bs4TabCard().

Major changes

  • update adminLTE3 to the latest release
  • update to bootstrap 4.3.1
  • add preloader options to bs4DashPage()
  • add collapsible and closable to bs4TabCard(). Buttons visible by default. PR by @statnmap
  • add preloader options to bs4DashPage()
  • move to RinteRface
  • add bs4Sortable() and all necessary javascript dependencies
  • add userPost(), userPostMedia(), userPostTagItems() and userPostTagItem()
  • add userMessages() and userMessage()
  • add descriptionBlock(), attachmentBlock() and cardPad()
  • add bs4SidebarUserPanel()
  • add cardProfile(), cardProfileItemList() and cardProfileItem()
  • add bs4SocialCard() and cardComment()

Minor changes

  • add collapse_status argument to userPost()
  • add glyphicons (BS3 old dependency) thanks to @ntncmch
  • add overflow argument to bs4Card() to enable or disable overflow
  • hide bs4Card() footer when footer is NULL
  • patch for bs4Accordion(): click on 1 item collapse all other items in the same accordion
    add an id argument.
  • add licence
  • add controlbar_collapsed argument to bs4DashPage()
  • fix #16: add side argument to bs4TabCard(). Thanks @stephLH
  • fix #11: add width arg to bs4DashControlbar(). Thanks @stephLH
  • fix #14: remove bs4TabCard() max-height attribute. Thanks @stephLH
  • add hex icon
  • add menuIcon arg and align arg to bs4DropdownMenu(), add id arg to bs4DashControlbar() PR by @bjornlind
  • add background and header colours like cards to bs4TabCard(). PR by @statnmap

Bug fix

  • Fix icon rendering issue due to a change in shiny 1.2.0 dependencies (font awesome)
  • Fix #19: Whenever a bs4Card() starts on a collapsed state, the content is displayed when
    uncollapsed is pressed. Thanks @stanmap for the remark. (See here for a similar issue)
  • bs4Card(): the collapse icon changes to + and - depending on the current collapse status.
  • fix various issues in bs4DropdownMenu()
  • fix #12: Compatibility with shinyWidgets pickerInput. Thanks @pvictor
  • fix #13 in bs4TabPanel(): handle tabName with space and with punctuation characters. Thanks @stephLH
  • fix bs4TabCard(): when the user set 2 or more active tabs at the same time, only
    the first one is selected
  • related to #16: modify bs4Dash.js file so that only the first body content tab is selected
    and not that of the bs4TabCard(), as they have the same class (tab-pane).

bs4Dash 0.2.0

30 Apr 12:43
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Major changes

  • bs4Dash now works on (previously, there was a problem with tab navigation)
  • major update of all dependencies (bootstrap 4, fontawesome, ionicons, ...) with

Minor changes

  • close and collapse buttons not shown when the title is NULL in bs4Card()
  • bs4ValueBox() footer is not shown when the external link is NULL
  • bs4ValueBox() external link opens in a new page
  • add sidebar_collapsed argument to bs4DashPage() to control the sidebar opening at start
  • update bs4DashGallery(). Add a "theme" argument
  • add ionicon() (implementation of ionicons)
  • fix vignette titles
  • add a "fixed" argument to the bs4DashNavbar() (#7, thanks @Thercast)
  • update Readme

bs4Dash 0.1.0

30 Apr 12:39
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bs4Dash 0.1.0

  • initial release