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Releases: Riverscapes/riverscapes-tools

May 2021 Release

06 May 15:16
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This release is very minor. No new features, several small bug fixes and security updates.

February 2021 Release

19 Feb 23:57
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riverscapes-tools Februrary release

HAND in-house

We now have TauDEM installed on our cloud-running machine and are able to run our own version of HAND with every version of VBET. RSContext still retains its old 1:100K version but future VBET runs will no longer use this and will instead calculate their own based on the same reach types that VBET filters by #205 #131 #151 #111

Passthrough layer Metadata

Layers from upstream projects now pass their metadata down when other projects consume them. It's now up to RAVE to consume these changes

This is related to a bunch of tickets like:

New Tools + Features

  • RSContext: New layer Implement bankfull width buffer instead of constant. Layer has name="Estimated Bankfull Channel" and id=BANKFULL_CHANNEL #12
  • VBET Bankfull Buffer Intermediate Layer #213
  • VBET Major efficiency fixes that can cut tool time by up to 25% and keep the RAM consumption from ever spiking above what the user's machine has to work with #199 #200
  • Confinement: Added percent buffer to confinement channel with 2 knew knobs: min_buffer and bankfull_expansion_factor #204

Bugs Fixed

  • Improvements to the way our tools deal with ephemeral files #178
  • All tools: Adding raster compression to a few rasters that didn't have it #217
  • RVD: Project layers not correct #189
  • VBET: Project missing layers #187
  • VBET Memory crash for large huc 10190003 #191
  • VBET missing polygons for unattached flowlines #194
  • VBET: 50% thresholding discards main shape for HUC 10190005 #182

Known Issues

  • RVD cybercastor runs fail for large HUCS due to a memory glitch. Can still be run locally. #155
  • HAND still at 1:100K. Progress was made on calculating it ourselves but more work is needed to implement this #151
  • VBET can still fail in urban areas when slope on buildings causes the creation of too many polygons #180
  • VBET can sometimes filter out the main polygon when the raster is really noisy #182

January 2021 (Tag: Jan2021_Release)

26 Jan 20:49
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riverscapes-tools January release (1.1.0)


VBET, BRAT, Confinement and RVD all use geopackages as standard for their intermediates and output. RAVE also supports this.

RSContext uses a mix of things. SHP files are retained for all NHD exports but segmented

Note: VBET still procuces .shp files as a transition measure but they aren't referenced in the project xml and will be depprecated in the next release

VBET Improvements

In anticipation of a complete re-work of VBET we have made some initial low-hanging fixes to smooth the process

  • Implement Reach filtering in VBET #1
  • Initial VBET transformation curves we can use to further tweak things
  • Massive optimization improvements by removing unary_union operation in favour of matrix math. #173

New Tools + Features

  • Geopackage support! #116 #128 #135
  • RVD (Beta) #73
  • Confinement (Beta) #78
  • Floodplain Connectivity Tool (Prototype) #124
  • Segmentation now included in RSContext including: #120
    • 300m Segmentation of NHDFlowline layer
    • Intersection layer of NHDFLowline road and rail
    • 300m segmentation including road and rail intersections
  • RSContext has metadata for many of its layers including origin URLS for the data it provides #36
  • Reports now standard for all tools including automated layer Metadata reporting #110 #33 #112
  • Automated jekyll builds for all tools #132
  • Cosmetic and ease-of use changes documentation #137
  • Docker Support for running tools outside our systems #152
  • Raster warp operations now support geopackages

Data Changes

  • Update National Projects with latest national vegetation layers (RS-Context) (Warehouse) #161
  • Estimated Fair Market Value to National Project and RS Context (RS-Context) #113 #177

Bugs Fixed

  • RVD Not masking veg rasters (RVD) #166
  • RSContext rasters don't fill their huc8 boundaries (RS-Context #164
  • RVD Unique Constraint Failure (BRAT RVD) #163
  • BRAT is not deleting the correct Watershed Parameters (BRAT) #157
  • RSContext clipping error with vegetation rasters (RS-Context) #156
  • Vegetation raster shapes are not equal Error for huc 10190002 (RVD) #154
  • BRAT Error: Input shapes do not overlap raster (BRAT) #150
  • Attribute Tables in GPKG need to be written to gpkg_contents bug #149
  • RVD Error: riparian_values dictionary failing on huc 10190010 (RVD) #148
  • RVD Cybercastor Error bug #140
  • lots of little stability, reporting, logging fixes...

Known Issues

  • RVD cybercastor runs fail for large HUCS due to a memory glitch. Can still be run locally. #155
  • HAND still at 1:100K. Progress was made on calculating it ourselves but more work is needed to implement this #151
  • VBET can still fail in urban areas when slope on buildings causes the creation of too many polygons #180
  • VBET can sometimes filter out the main polygon when the raster is really noisy #182