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58 lines (40 loc) · 20.8 KB

Deprecated Endpoints

The methods and endpoints of the Rest API and Realtime API that have been depreciated are listed below.


Endpoints to be removed

EndpointRelease deprecatedPlanned removalDescription
/users.createToken6. endpoint will be removed.
/licenses.get6. endpoint is replaced by /
/licenses.isEnterprise6. endpoint is replaced by /
/livechat/room.visitor5. endpoint will be removed.
/livechat/inquiries.queued5. endpoint is replaced by /livechat/inquiries.queuedForUser

Removed endpoints

The following endpoints have been removed:

Endpoint Release deprecated Release removed
/livechat/office-hours 5.0.0
/v1/info 1.0.0 1.12.0
/emoji.custom 1.0.0 1.12.0
/permissions.list 0.73.0 1.11.0
/permissions 0.66.0 0.69.0
/channels.cleanHistory 0.64.0 0.67.0
/user.roles 0.63.0 0.66.0

Renamed endpoints

The following endpoints have been replaced:

Endpoint Renamed endpoint Release
/livechat/business-hours.list /livechat/business-hours 5.0.0
/livechat/departments.available-by-unit/:unitId /livechat/units/:unitId/departments/available 5.0.0
/livechat/ /livechat/units/:unitId/departments 5.0.0
/livechat/monitors.list /livechat/monitors 5.0.0
/livechat/units.getOne /livechat/monitors/:username 5.0.0
/livechat/priorities.list /livechat/priorities 5.0.0
/livechat/priority.getOne /livechat/priorities/:priorityId 5.0.0
/livechat/tags.list /livechat/tags 5.0.0
/livechat/tags.getOne /livechat/tags/:tagId 5.0.0
/livechat/units.list /livechat/units 5.0.0
/livechat/units.getOne /livechat/units/:unitId 5.0.0
/livechat/unitMonitors.list /livechat/units/:unitId/monitors 5.0.0

Changes in parameters

ParameterEndpoints affectedRelease deprecatedPlanned removalDescription
query and fields query parametersAll endpoints5. parameters are removed to avoid malicious queries. Check the endpoints for alternatives.
roleroles.getUsersInRole4. parameter will stop being interpreted as the role name as a fallback (enter the role ID instead).
roleNameroles.addUserToRole4. parameter will stop being accepted (use the roleId parameter instead).
roleNameroles.removeUserFromRole4. parameter will stop being accepted (use the roleId parameter instead).
appIdoauth-apps.get6. parameter will stop being accepted (use the clientId or _id parameters instead).

Realtime API

MethodRelease deprecatedRemoval

Replaced methods

MethodRelease deprecatedPlanned removalDescription
muteUserInRoom6. by the /rooms.muteUser endpoint.
unmuteUserInRoom6. by the /rooms.unmuteUser endpoint.
inserOrUpdateUser6. upsert won't be allowed anymore (the method will be completely removed).
livechat:removeTrigger6. by the /livechat/triggers/:_id (DELETE) endpoint.
livechat:discardTranscript6. by the /livechat/transcript/:rid (DELETE) endpoint.
livechat:getAgentOverviewData6. by the /livechat/analytics/agent-overview endpoint.
livechat:getAnalyticsOverviewData6. by the /livechat/analytics/overview endpoint.
livechat:requestTranscript6. by the /livechat/transcript/:rid endpoint.
livechat:saveAppearance6. by the /livechat/appearance endpoint.
livechat:saveTrigger6. by the /livechat/triggers endpoint.
livechat:getAgentData6. by the /livechat/ endpoint.
livechat:resumeOnHold6. by the /livechat/room.resumeOnHold endpoint.
deleteMessage6. by chat.delete endpoint.
livechat:saveIntegration6. by the /omnichannel/integrations (POST) endpoint.
addOauthApp6. by the oauth-apps.create endpoint.
livechat:closeRoom6. by the /livechat/room.close or /livechat/room.closeByUser endpoints.
listEmojiCustom5. by emoji-custom.list endpoint.
getAvatarSuggestion5. by the users.getAvatarSuggestion endpoint.
refreshClients5. is now triggered by assets.setAsset and assets.unsetAsset.
eraseRoom5. by rooms.delete endpoint.
checkUsernameAvailability5. by users.checkUsernameAvailability endpoint.
Mailer:unsubscribe5. by the mailer.unsubscribe endpoint.
Mailer.sendMail5. by the mailer endpoint.
sendConfirmationEmail5. by users.sendConfirmationEmail endpoint.
livechat:changeLivechatStatus5. by the /livechat/agent.status endpoint.
livechat:webhookTest5. by the /livechat/webhook.test endpoint.
livechat:saveInfo5. by the /livechat/room/ endpoint.
livechat:addAgent5. by the /livechat/agent endpoint.
livechat:addManager5. by /livechat/manager endpoint.
livechat:getCustomFields5. by the /livechat/custom-fields endpoint.
livechat:getNextAgent5. by the /livechat/ endpoint.
livechat:getTagsList5. by the /livechat/tags endpoint.
livechat:loadHistory5. by the /livechat/messages.history/:rid endpoint.
livechat:loginByToken5. by th /livechat/visitor/:token endpoint.
livechat:pageVisited5. by the /livechat/page.visited endpoint.
livechat:registerGuest5. by the /livechat/visitor endpoint.
livechat:removeAgent5. by the /livechat/users/agent/:_id endpoint.
livechat:removeDepartment5. by the /livechat/department/:_id endpoint.
livechat:removeManager5. by the /livechat/users/manager/:_id endpoint.
livechat:saveDepartmentAgents5. by the /livechat/department/:_id/agents endpoint.
livechat:saveSurveyFeedback5. by the /livechat/room.survey endpoint.
livechat:searchAgent5. by the /livechat/users/agent/:_id endpoint.
livechat:sendOfflineMessage5. by the /livechat/offline.message endpoint.
livechat:setCustomField5. by the /livechat/visitor endpoint.
livechat:setDepartmentForVisitor5. by the /livechat/visitor endpoint.
livechat:transfer5. by the /livechat/room.forward endpoint.
roomNameExists5. by rooms.nameExists endpoint.
removeWebdavAccount5. by webdav.removeWebdavAccount endpoint.
getPasswordPolicy5. by the pw.getPolicy endpoint.

Changes in parameters

MethodParameters affectedRelease deprecatedPlanned removalDescription
apps (POST)downloadOnly6. parameter will stop being accepted.
authorization:removeUserFromRoleroleId4. parameter will stop being interpreted as the role name as a fallback (use the role ID instead).
authorization:deleteRoleroleId4. parameter will stop being interpreted as the role name as a fallback (use the role ID instead).
authorization:addUserToRoleroleId4. parameter will stop being interpreted as the role name as a fallback (use the role ID instead).