The Livechat Widget API allows developers to integrate Livechat widget functionalities into their apps seamlessly. The code must be after the Livechat Widget installation script and wrapped as a callback of RocketChat();
{% hint style="info" %} You can call multiple Livechat Widget APIs on the same page. The Widget API information is stored in the local storage of the browser. {% endhint %}
To set a custom field for a visitor, you can use the following:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
RocketChat(function() {
this.setCustomField('fieldName1', 'Any value you want to store');
this.setCustomField('fieldName2', 'A value set just once', false); // you can pass false as the third parameter to not overwrite an already set value
{% endcode %}
To change the color of the online status on the Livechat widget, use the following:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
RocketChat(function() {
color: '#04436A', // widget title background color
fontColor: '#FFFFFF', // widget title font color
iconColor: '#1d74f5', // widget icon color
title: "Welcome to Rocket.Chat", // default widget title when the status of service is online
offlineTitle: "Service is offline", // default widget title when the status of service is online
position: 'right', // Already mentioned, can be left or right
background: 'red', // Already mentioned, follows CSS standards
guestBubbleBackgroundColor: 'blue', // Changes the background color of the message bubble for the guest. Accepts simple colors like hexadecimal and valid color names.
agentBubbleBackgroundColor: 'green', // Changes the background color of the message bubble for the agent. Accepts simple colors like hexadecimal and valid color names.
hideGuestAvatar: true, // Hides/shows guest avatar. It can be either true or false. Default is false.
hideAgentAvatar: false, // Hides/shows agent avatar. It can be either true or false. Default is true.
{% endcode %}
{% hint style="info" %} The following theme options are exclusively available to workspaces subscribed to any of Rocket.Chat's premium plans:
- agentBubbleBackgroundColor
- guestBubbleBackgroundColor
- background
- hideAgentAvatar
- hideGuestAvatar
- position {% endhint %}
To remove the theme options, set the field value as undefined
. Note that omitting the field itself does not remove the customization value.
RocketChat(function() {
color: undefined,
fontColor: '#FFFFFF',
To automatically assign a Livechat widget to a specific department (for example, to use a unique Livechat widget on more than one website), use the following :
RocketChat(function() {
this.setDepartment('FILL HERE DEPARTMENT NAME - case sensitive');
To set an external token for a visitor, use this:
RocketChat(function() {
To set the visitor name field, use this:
RocketChat(function() {
this.setGuestName('visitor name');
To set the visitor email field, use this:
RocketChat(function() {
To register the visitor without using the registration form, use this:
RocketChat(function() {
token: 'FHwaLnp8fzjMupSAj', // The token field is not required. If it is not passed, a new token will be generated
name: 'visitor Name',
email: '',
department: 'my_department', // The department field is not required,
customFields: [ // The customFields field is not required. If it is passed it needs to be an Array, where each item needs to be an object with key and value fields
{key: 'my_custom_field_a', value: 'my_custom_field_a_value', overwrite: true},
{key: 'my_custom_field_b', value: 'my_custom_field_b_value', overwrite: true}
To determine a list of attributes and their corresponding values for a guest:
RocketChat(function () {
name: 'Johnnie Walker',
serviceID: '3455566'
{% hint style="info" %} This method is essential when using an external service to send livechat trigger messages. {% endhint %}
To select a language for the widget, use this:
RocketChat(function() {
{% hint style="info" %} See supported languages here. {% endhint %}
Set a specific agent before the conversation starts. Use this to set up:
RocketChat(function() {
_id: 'h24yNtyoCmvp96wgt',
username: '',
To configure all the settings in just one method, use this:
RocketChat(function() {
theme: {
color: '#04436A',
fontColor: '#FFFFFF',
iconColor: '#1d74f5',
title: "Welcome to Rocket.Chat",
offlineTitle: "Service is offline",
hideGuestAvatar: false,
hideAgentAvatar: true
department: 'sales',
guestToken: 'FHwaLnp8fzjMupSAj',
language: 'en',
setGuestMetadata: { name: 'Johnnie Walker', serviceID: '3455566'},
You can either hide or show widget in your application. To hide the widget use this:
RocketChat(function() {
To show widget, use this:.
RocketChat(function() {
You can either open or close the widget on your website. To open the widget by default, use this:
RocketChat(function() {
To close the widget, use this:
RocketChat(function() {
Assign a business unit to a widget instance so that the widget will only allow the visitors to select departments connected to that particular business unit on the widget's registration form.
{% hint style="info" %} Enterprises need to deal with hundreds of business units in the same workspace, and each Business Unit represents a specific website where Live Chat is installed. Therefore, once a BU is set, only departments associated with the current BU set should be available on the Live Chat Registration Form. {% endhint %}
RocketChat(function() {
To clear any connected business unit on the widget, use this:
RocketChat(function() {
You can hide specific system messages in the livechat widget conversation. Use the method as follows:
RocketChat(function() {
['uj' // User joined
'ul' // User left
'livechat-close' // Chat closed
'livechat-started' // Chat started
'livechat_transfer_history' // Chat transferred ]
Fired when the chat widget is maximized.
RocketChat(function() {
this.onChatMaximized(function() {
// do whatever you want
console.log('chat widget maximized');
Fired when the chat widget is minimized.
RocketChat(function() {
this.onChatMinimized(function() {
// do whatever you want
console.log('chat widget minimized');
Fired when the chat is started (when the first message is sent).
RocketChat(function() {
this.onChatStarted(function() {
// do whatever you want
console.log('chat started');
Fired when the chat is ended either by the agent or the visitor.
RocketChat(function() {
this.onChatEnded(function() {
// do whatever you want
console.log('chat ended');
Fired when the pre-chat form is submitted.
RocketChat(function() {
this.onPrechatFormSubmit(function(data) {
// data is an object containing the following fields: name, email and deparment (the department _id)
// do whatever you want
console.log('pre-chat form submitted');
Fired when the offline form is submitted.
RocketChat(function() {
this.onOfflineFormSubmit(function(data) {
// data is an object containing the following fields: name, email and message
// do whatever you want
console.log('offline form submitted');
Fired when the widget is hidden.
RocketChat(function() {
this.onWidgetHidden(function(data) {
// do whatever you want
console.log('chat widget hidden');
Fired when an agent is assigned to the chat.
RocketChat(function() {
this.onAssignAgent(function(data) {
// data is an object containing the following fields: name, username and status
// do whatever you want
console.log('Agent assigned');
Fired when the widget is shown.
RocketChat(function() {
this.onWidgetShown(function(data) {
// do whatever you want
console.log('chat widget shown');
Fired when the status of the current agent changes.
RocketChat(function() {
this.onAgentStatusChange(function(data) {
// data is an object containing the following fields: name, username and status
// do whatever you want
console.log('The status of the agent has changed');
Fired when a visitor tries to start a new conversation and the Livechat service is offline.
RocketChat(function() {
this.onServiceOffline(function(data) {
// do whatever you want
console.log('The Livechat service is offline');
Version | Description |
6.7.0 | Added setGuestMetadata method. |
3.1.0 | Added setAgent and initialize methods. Also, improved the setTheme method adding more options to customize the widget |
3.0.0 | Added onServiceOffline callback |
2.2.0 | Added maximizeWidget and minimizeWidget methods. |
1.3.0 | Added onAssignAgent and onAgentStatusChange methods. |
1.1.0 | Added showWidget and hideWidget methods along with onWidgetHidden and onWidgetShown events |
1.0.0 | Added setLanguage method |
0.66.0 | Added setGuestToken , setGuestName , setGuestEmail and registerGuest methods. |
0.53.0 | Added callback events and the ability to pass a flag to setCustomField so the value passed does not get wrote if there is already an existing value. |
0.36.0 | Added setTheme method |
0.26.0 | Added setCustomField method |