Update the details of a specific department.
HTTP Method | URL | Requires Auth |
PUT | /api/v1/livechat/department/:_id | yes |
{% hint style="info" %} Permissions required:
{% endhint %}
Key | Example Value | Description |
_id * | iTfLCX3qqwKgf5uqg | The department ID that you want to update. |
Key | Example Value | Description |
department * |
| The object which takes the department details. |
name * | testDept | The name of the department you are creating. |
email * | abc@testdept.com | The email ID associated with the department. |
enabled * | false | Whether you want to enable the department. The value can be boolean true or false . |
showOnRegistration * | false | You can let visitors choose the department they want to talk to. The option will appear to your customer in the Live Chat widget. The value can be boolean |
showOnOfflineForm * | false | If you want your department to be displayed during off-business hours. The value can be boolean true or false . |
description | Test department | A description of your department. |
agents |
| The object with the agent details that you want to add to the department. |
agentId | SQafHvoFPuB57NmBD | The agent ID that you want to assign to the department. |
count | 11 | The number of chats served by the agent. Enter a value if you want to reset the stored value. Note: This field is used by the routing algorithm to determine the agents that have served the least number of chats and assign new chats to them. |
order | 1 | The order in which agents are assigned to chats. |
curl -H "X-Auth-Token: 9HqLlyZOugoStsXCUfD_0YdwnNnunAJF8V47U3QHXSq" \
-H "X-User-Id: aobEdbYhXfu5hkeqG" \
-X PUT \
-H "Content-type:application/json" \
http://localhost:3000/api/v1/livechat/department/iTfLCX3qqwKgf5uqg \
-d '{"department": {
"enabled": true,
"name": "new from api - live",
"showOnRegistration": true},
"agents": [{
"agentId": "SQafHvoFPuB57NmBD",
"username": "john.doe"}] }'
"department": {
"_id": "iTfLCX3qqwKgf5uqg",
"enabled": true,
"name": "new from api - live",
"description": null,
"numAgents": 1,
"showOnRegistration": true,
"_updatedAt": "2016-12-13T17:30:02.643Z"
"agents": [
"_id": "DDjZbhTF74n3NBuWK",
"agentId": "SQafHvoFPuB57NmBD",
"departmentId": "iTfLCX3qqwKgf5uqg",
"username": "john.doe",
"count": 0,
"order": 0,
"_updatedAt": "2016-12-13T17:30:02.656Z"
"success": true
Version | Description |
0.42.0 | Added |