{% hint style="info" %} 👉 Trouble installing or deploying Rocket.Chat? Join our Weekly Technical Helpline to get real-time help from our team! {% endhint %}
Whether you are a newbie, developer, or nontechnical person, Rocket.Chat offers a variety of deployment methods you can get started with regardless of the platform you intend to use.
{% hint style="info" %} Our recommended choice is to use Docker and Docker Compose {% endhint %}
Before we dive into deployment, make sure you meet the hardware-requirements.md
Some of our most popular and simple deployment methods are
{% content-ref url="../../../quick-start/installing-and-updating/rapid-deployment-methods/docker-and-docker-compose/" %} docker-and-docker-compose {% endcontent-ref %}
{% content-ref url="snaps/" %} snaps {% endcontent-ref %}
{% content-ref url="rocketchatctl.md" %} rocketchatctl.md {% endcontent-ref %}