The tugbot_ros2_pkgs
package is designed to enable the Tugbot robot to run in a ROS 2 environment using Ignition Gazebo. This package provides the necessary launch files, configurations, and dependencies to get Tugbot up and running seamlessly.
- SLAM Integration: Utilizes SLAM Toolbox for mapping and localization.
- Teleoperation: Includes teleoperation via keyboard.
- Sensor Data Conversion: Converts PointCloud2 data to LaserScan for compatibility with navigation packages.
- Navigation: Integrated with ROS 2 Navigation Stack (Nav2) for autonomous navigation.
- ROS 2 (Tested on Foxy, Galactic, and Humble)
- Ignition Gazebo
- Python 3.x
Clone the repository into your ROS 2 workspace:
git clone
Navigate to your ROS 2 workspace and build the package:
cd ~/ros2_ws colcon build --packages-select tugbot_ros2_pkgs
Source your workspace:
source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 launch tugbot_gazebo