Introduction to problem solving through programs, Steps to develop a program, Representation of Algorithm, Software development life cycle, Programming approaches, Types of programming languages, Introduction to C, Developing a C program, Console input and output functions, Syntax and Semantic errors.
Identifiers and Keywords, Data types, Constants, Variables, Declarations, Expressions, Statements, Arithmetic operators, Unary operators, Relational and logical operators, Assignment operators, Conditional operators.
Branching, if-else statement, switch statement, goto statement, Looping, while statement, do-while statement, for statement, Nested control structures, break statement, continue statement.
Defining an array, processing an array, Multidimensional arrays, Searching algorithm, Linear search, sorting algorithm, Bubble sort algorithm, Strings, Defining a string, Initialization of strings, Reading and writing a string, Prodcessing the strings.
Functions, Overview, Defining a function, Accessing a function, Function prototypes, Passing arguments to a function, Passing arrays to functions, Recursion.
Pointers, Passing pointers to functions, Pointers and one dimensional arrays, Dynamic memory allocation, Operations on pointers, Struture, Processing a structure, Array of structures, Structures and pointers, Self-referential structures, File handling.