In this exercise, you will learn how to navigate through your Dynatrace environment in order to understand the root-cause of different application performance anomalies.
10 minutes
Copy the file script-request-load.exe from the student share folder and paste it to the desktop.
Open the terminal by clicking on the icon in the Windows menu.
Navigate to the desktop with
cd Desktop
. -
We will now launch a script to overload the cloud HANA database with 400 requests. Insert your (e.g. p2000499901trial) in the following command and insert/launch it in the terminal. Then wait until you get Code 200.
script-request-load.exe "https://espmcloudweb<YOUR-SUBACCOUNT-NAME>$skip=0&$top=20&$orderby=Name%20asc&$inlinecount=allpages" 400
Note: you may use Notepad to replace your in the URL.
Open Dynatrace and navigate to Problems. Then wait a second (or a minute ;) until a problem has been recognized and click on the new red tile.
Click on Analyse response time degradation to see more details about the problem.
Here we can clearly see that the problem is coming from the database. Click on Connection Acquisition in sap to see more details.
The Dynatrace offers an overview with all details needed to better understand and solve the problem.
This time we want to simulate an issue on the on-premise backend side. Double-click the icon Stop Cloud Connector.
Note: As the machine where the Cloud Connector is installed has no agent installed, Dynatrace will analyse the problem as coming from the backend system. To have a better root-cause analysis of the issue, an option would be to download the Dynatrace agent and install it on the host of the Cloud Connector.
Open the Neo application (Webshop) and click on a product to trigger an error. Then refresh the page a couple of time to simulate some load on the page.
Open Dynatrace and go to Problems. First we need to reset the time filter, that is still active from the first debugging session. Click on the time settings on the top right corner and select Last 1 hour in the tab Preset to display the new problem.
Wait a couple of minute until the new problem is visible and click on it
Under the section Requests click the red-colored tile Failure rate.
Click on Analyse response time degradation to understand which requests fail.
Click on Show potential root causes to display the underlying root causes.
Press the buttonDetails to display the specific request causing the issue.
We see then the request sent to the Cloud Connector is the problem.