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Exercise 4: Implement the Base BO Behavior - Late Numbering


In the previous exercise (see Exercise 3), you've enhanced the BO Behavior Definition and Projection.

In the present exercise, you will define and implement the base BO behavior for late numbering.


Reminder: Do not forget to replace the suffix placeholder ### with your choosen or assigned assigned suffix in the exercise steps below.

About Numbering

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Numbering is about setting values for primary key fields of entity instances during runtime. Different types of numbering are supported in RAP which can be divided into two main categories:

  • Early numbering: In an early numbering scenario, the primary key value is set instantly after the modify request for the CREATE is executed. The key values can be passed externally by the consumer or can be set internally by the framework or an implementation of the FOR NUMBERING method. The latter will be implemented in the present exercise.
  • 📌Late numbering: In a late numbering scenario, the key values are always assigned internally without consumer interaction after the point of no return in the interaction phase has passed, and the SAVE sequence is triggered.

Further reading: Numbering

Exercise 4.1: Implement the Late Numbering

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Implement the late numbering for the travel and the booking BO entities in the behavior implementation class ABAP classZRAP110_BP_TRAVELTP_###, aka behavior pool. Both, the primary key of the travel and the booking instances will be implemented in the same class: create travel entity instances and create booking instance by association. Late numbering was defined in Exercise 3.2.

Late numbering is always implemented in the method adjust_numbers of the local saver class of the root entity.

PS: A simplified implementation of number ranges is provided in this exercise.

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  1. Open the behavior implementation class of the Travel entity ABAP classZRAP110_BP_TRAVELTP_### and navigate to the method adjust_numbers of the local saver class LSC_TRAVEL

  2. Insert the source code provided below in the method implementation as shown on the screenshot.

    Replace all occurences of the placeholder ### with your assigned suffix using Ctrl+F.

     DATA: travel_id_max TYPE /dmo/travel_id.
    "Root BO entity: Travel
     IF mapped-travel IS NOT INITIAL.
           "get numbers
               nr_range_nr       = '01'
               object            = 'ZRAP110###'  "Fallback: '/DMO/TRV_M'  
               quantity          = CONV #( lines( mapped-travel ) )
               number            = DATA(number_range_key)
               returncode        = DATA(number_range_return_code)
               returned_quantity = DATA(number_range_returned_quantity)
         CATCH cx_number_ranges INTO DATA(lx_number_ranges).
           RAISE SHORTDUMP TYPE cx_number_ranges
               previous = lx_number_ranges.
       ASSERT number_range_returned_quantity = lines( mapped-travel ).
       travel_id_max = number_range_key - number_range_returned_quantity.
       LOOP AT mapped-travel ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<travel>).
         travel_id_max += 1.
         <travel>-TravelID = travel_id_max.
     "--------------insert the code for the booking entity below ---------
    Travel MDE
  3. Enhance the logic for drawing primary keys for Booking BO entity instances created by association.

    Insert the source code provided below after the ENDIF of the previoud code block.

    Replace all occurences of the placeholder ### with your assigned suffix using Ctrl+F.

      "Child BO entity: Booking
      IF mapped-booking IS NOT INITIAL.
          ENTITY Booking BY \_Travel
            FROM VALUE #( FOR booking IN mapped-booking WHERE ( %tmp-TravelID IS INITIAL )
                                                              ( %pid = booking-%pid
                                                                %key = booking-%tmp ) )
          LINK DATA(booking_to_travel_links).
        LOOP AT mapped-booking ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<booking>).
          <booking>-TravelID =
            COND #( WHEN <booking>-%tmp-TravelID IS INITIAL
                    THEN mapped-travel[ %pid = booking_to_travel_links[ source-%pid = <booking>-%pid ]-target-%pid ]-TravelID
                    ELSE <booking>-%tmp-TravelID ).
        LOOP AT mapped-booking INTO DATA(mapped_booking) GROUP BY mapped_booking-TravelID.
          SELECT MAX( booking_id ) FROM zrap110_abook### WHERE travel_id = @mapped_booking-TravelID INTO @DATA(max_booking_id) .
          LOOP AT GROUP mapped_booking ASSIGNING <booking>.
            max_booking_id += 10.
            <booking>-BookingID = max_booking_id.
    Travel MDE
  4. Save save icon and activate activate icon the changes.

Exercise 4.2: Preview and Test the Enhanced Travel App

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You can now preview and test the changes by creating a new travel instance with booking instances in the Travel app.

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  1. Refresh your application in the browser using F5 if the browser is still open -
    or go to your service binding srvb iconZRAP110_UI_TRAVEL_O4_### and start the Fiori elements App preview for the Travel entity set.

  2. Create a new Travel instance.

    Travel MDE
  3. Enter all information and click Create under Booking.

    Travel MDE
  4. Now enter all information for booking and click Apply.

    Travel MDE
  5. Click Create.

    Travel MDE
  6. Check your result.

    Travel MDE


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Now that you've...

  • implemented the late numbering for the travel and booking BO entities,
  • previewed and test the enhanced Fiori elements app,

you can continue with the next exercise – Exercise 5: Adjust the UI Semantics in the Metadata Extensions