The following chapters will guide you through the deployment process of the Day2 application. There are two options to deploy the application: manually and using a script. In the following chapter, we will describe the manual approach. For the update of the Easy Franchise application, we will only use the build script and will not explain the manual steps. If you want to understand more about the Easy Franchise deployment, check the Deployment chapter of the Easy Franchise: Develop a Multitenant Extension Application in SAP BTP, Kyma Runtime mission.
To execute all the necessary steps for the deployment, you will need the following software available on your machine:
- Docker
- Docker Hub Account
- Kubernetes CLI
- Kubernetes OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication
- jq
- uuidgen
NOTE If you use Windows, we recommend using a Linux subsystem for the mission as our scripts are only available as bash scripts. Furthermore, most of the examples around Kubernetes, for example, are written for Linux/MacOS environments. See Install WSL in the Microsoft documentation for more details. If you have chosen to use Linux, you need to choose the Linux installation option for the mentioned tools.
If you have tested the application locally and then changed the Backend API variables for the different UIs, you need to change them back to work with the deployed services. Open the file code/easyfranchise/source/ui/src/main.js and check the value for
. It should be as follow:Vue.prototype.$backendApi = "/backend/easyfranchise/rest/efservice/v1";
Then open the file code/day2-operations/source/day2-ui/src/main.js and check the value for
. It should be as follow:Vue.prototype.$backendApi = "/day2-service/user";
Navigate into the setup folder:
cd code/setup
Execute the Easy Franchise Deployment Script:
Note: Make sure that the file is executable. If this is not the case, you can do it for example with
chmod 777
on Unic OS and then execute the script.Note: You need to update the Database service, the Easy Franchise service and the UI. Alternatively, you can choose the Full-Deployment option which will conduct a complete deployment of all components. If you have problems in providing the necessary information for the script, have a look at the deployment script description.
The Day2 application uses Helm charts as deployment descriptors. Using Helm charts for organizing Kubernetes deployments is widely used in the Kubernetes community. Helm offers a lot more possibilities in organizing applications. For our application we use quite a simple approach and define each of the microservices as standalone chart with only a small set of values that will be replaced during the deploy process. If you want to learn more about Helm charts, you can have a look at the Getting Started Guide. For the Day2 application, you can have a look at the Helm charts in the deployment folder. You should see three subfolders, each of them contains the chart definition of a component. In each of the chart folders, you can find the following components:
- Chart.yaml: Contains the information about the service which is being deployed by that chart.
- values.yaml: Contains the variables that the Helm template engine will replace within the deployment YAML files.
- /templates: Contains the YAML definitions that are required by the service being described by the chart.
The deployment consists of three components: application router, user interface and day2 service.
When we speak about docker-repository, we mean the combination of account and repo name that are common with a Docker Hub: <docker account>/<repo name>
Log in to your Docker Hub account:
docker login
Download the
from the SAP BTP cockpit and make it available to the kubectl.-
Download the
to your local folder. -
Make the configuration available to kubcectl:
export KUBECONFIG=<path-to-kubeconfig>/kubeconfig.yaml
Check if you have the right config set:
kubectl config current-context
You should see something similar to that: shoot--kyma--c-6e7a0c3
Create a Day2 namespace:
kubectl create namespace day2-operations
Create registry secret (for example, for Docker Hub):
kubectl -n day2-operations create secret docker-registry registry-secret --docker-server= --docker-username=<docker-id> --docker-password=<password> --docker-email=<email>
Build and deploy the Day2 service
Navigate to the Day2 service source folder. As the Day2 service is based on Spring, we also use Spring tools to build the image.
cd code/day2-operations/source/day2-service ./mvnw spring-boot:build-image -DskipTests=true"<docker-repository>:day2-service-0.1"
Push the image to the image registry:
docker push <docker-repository>:day2-service-0.1
Deploy the Helm chart to your cluster (make sure to navigate back to the root of the repository):
helm upgrade "day2-service" "./code/day2-operations/deployment/helmCharts/day2-service-chart" --install --namespace day2-operations --set db.sqlendpoint="<HANA Cloud SQL Endpoint>" --set db.admin="<DB Admin User>" --set db.password="<DB Admin Password>" --set image.repository="<docker-repository>" --set image.tag="day2-service-0.1" --wait --timeout 300s --atomic
If the deployment was successful, you should see the following output:
Release "day2-service" does not exist. Installing it now. NAME: day2-service LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Dec 8 10:50:59 2023 NAMESPACE: day2-operations STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None
Build and deploy the Day2 Approuter:
Build the Docker image:
docker build --no-cache=true --rm -t "<docker-repository>:day2-approuter-0.1" -f "code/day2-operations/deployment/docker/Dockerfile-day2-approuter" .
Push the image:
docker push <docker-repository>:day2-approuter-0.1
Deploy the Approuter:
helm upgrade "day2-approuter" "./code/day2-operations/deployment/helmCharts/day2-approuter-chart" --install --namespace day2-operations --set clusterdomain="<kyma-cluster-domain>" --set image.repository="<docker-repository>" --set image.tag="day2-approuter-0.1" --wait --timeout 300s --atomic
If the deployment was successful, you should see the following output:
Release "day2-approuter" does not exist. Installing it now. NAME: day2-approuter LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Dec 8 10:55:59 2023 NAMESPACE: day2-operations STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None
Build and deploy the Day2 UI.
Build the Docker image:
docker build --no-cache=true --rm -t "<docker-repository>:day2-ui-0.1" -f "code/day2-operations/deployment/docker/Dockerfile-day2-ui" .
Push the image:
docker push <docker-repository>:day2-ui-0.1
Deploy the UI:
helm upgrade "day2-ui" "./code/day2-operations/deployment/helmCharts/day2-ui-chart" --install --namespace day2-operations --set image.repository="<docker-repository>" --set image.tag="day2-ui-0.1" --wait --timeout 300s --atomic
If the deployment was successful, you should see the following output:
Release "day2-ui" does not exist. Installing it now. NAME: day2-ui LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Dec 8 10:58:59 2023 NAMESPACE: day2-operations STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None