Case | Description | Tags |
User defined element | This example shows to user a user-defined element to create a flat bottom. Fortran code for the user-defined element may be found in template_code/earth_example.f90 and the compiled code in earth_example.dll . NOTE: The interface code in Fortran 90 included in the storage task template_code/earth_interface.f90 |
User defined element |
Case | Description | Tags |
TTR, Time domain VIV (Cross flow load) | This example shows how to include the effect of VIV due to current and waves in a time domain simulation. A simple TTR model is included together with workflows and a small custom editor to run the analysis and view results. Only cross-flow VIV loads are applied as the in-line loads are still restricted to the JIP participants. |
Time domain VIV, Cross-flow loads Wave & Current TTR (top tensioned riser) |
Calculate relative distance between points | This example shows how to use a workflow to calculate the relative distance between two points. This approach can be extended to find the relative distance between two bodies. | workflow , transform point , relative position ,bodies |
Case | Description | Tags |
FOWT, Time domain VIV (Cross flow load) | This example shows how to include the effect of VIV due to wave & current in a time domain simulation. A FOWT is modelled including workflows and a small custom editor to run the analysis and view results. NOTE: The purpose of this model is to illustrate the effect of VIV loads. A check has been performed to ensure that the hydrodynamic coefficients are reasonable. This example was collaboratively created with the assistance of DNV Only cross-flow VIV loads are applied as the in-line loads are still restricted to the JIP participants. |
Time domain VIV, Cross-flow loads Wave, Current, Wind FOWT, NREL5MW , DNV |