Using a js parser and walking an AST is a pain in the AST. Is there a lightweight convention that I can use to add documentation that will be available at runtime?
D = Doctor "MyClass", """
MyClass is a pretty cool guy, eh docs up at Runtiem and doesn't afraid of
module.exports = () ->
self =
name: D """
An Observable with the name.
Get name:
Set name: "Cool New Name"
""", Observable "Dr. Duder"
update: D """
Update the swizwizzler
""", ->
documentation: D """
Return the generated documentation for this guy!
""", ->
Generates docs on each instance so probably not a good idea for simple data types
like Point
s or Rectangle
s, etc.
JS Docstrings? Can it be done? This other duder used /** */ as JS docstrings
module.exports = ->
MyClass is a pretty cool guy, eh docs up like Snakelang and doesn't afraid of
self =
name: Observable "Dr. Duder" # Can't put a docstring here :(
update: ->
Update the swizwizzler
documentation: ->
Return the generated documentation for this guy!
# some regex shenanigans with `function.toSource`
# fn.toString().match(/function\([^)]*\) {("[^"\\]*(\\.[^"\\]*)*)"/)
# Adapted from: