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BSPWM (Binary Space Partitioning Window Manager)

BSPWM Keybindings


Keybinding Description
Super + m Alternate between tiled and monocle layout
Super + t Set tiled layout
Super + T Set pseudo_tiled layout
Super + s Set floating layout
Super + f Set fullscreen layout

Keyboard Layout

Keybinding Description
F3 Toggle keyboard layout between Arabic and English


Keybinding Description
Alt + {-,+} Hide/Show Bar (Polybar and/or eww)
Super + w Set a random wallpaper
Super + Alt + + Increase the transparency of the focused window
Super + Alt + - Decrease the transparency of the focused window
Super + Alt + = Reset the transparency of the focused window

Reload Configs

Keybinding Description
Super + Escape Reload sxhkd configuration
Super + Alt + r Reload BSPWM configuration


Keybinding Description
Super + Alt + {h,j,k,l} Resize windows
Super + Ctrl +{h,j,k,l} Contract a window by moving one of its side inward
Super + Alt + mouse Global window gaps scroll
Super + mouse Focused desktop window gaps scroll
Super + equal Make split ratios equal
Super + minus Make split ratios balanced


Keybinding Description
Super + {H,J,K,L} Move the current node
Alt + {H,J,K,L} Move a floating window
Super + Shift + {1-9} Move the current node to a given desktop
Super + Shift + numpad_keys Move the current node to a given desktop using numpad keys
Super + r Rotate desktop
Super + c Circulate the leaves of the tree


Keybinding Description
Super + {h,j,k,l} Window navigation using hjkl
Super + {grave,Tab} Set focus to the last node/desktop
Alt + Tab Switch to the previous node in the current desktop
Super + {1-9} Switch to desktops 1-9 using Super + 1-9
Super + numpad_keys Switch to desktops 1-9 using Super + numpad keys
Super + {Left,Right} Focus the next/previous desktop in the current monitor
Super + g Swap the current node and the biggest node in the current desktop
Super + Shift + g Swap the current node with the biggest node in the workspaces


Keybinding Description
Super + F1 Show keybindings help
Super + Return Open Terminal (alacritty)
Super + Alt + Return Open a floating terminal
Super + o Open a scratchpad terminal
Super + Alt + s Show/Hide scratchpad terminal
Super + space Open applications menu
Alt + space Open theme selector
Super + Q/q Close or kill a window
Super + Ctrl + {p,r,q,k} Power off, reboot, log out, kill an app
Shift + Alt + {b, t} Open a browser / text editor


Keybinding Description
Print Take a screenshot
Super + Print Take a screenshot of a selected area


Keybinding Description
Super + Ctrl + {Left,Down,Up,Right} Preselect the direction
Super + Ctrl + {1-9} Preselect the ratio
Super + Ctrl + Space Cancel the preselection for the focused node
Super + Ctrl + Shift + Space Cancel the preselection for the focused desktop

BSPWM Structure

Here's a breakdown of the basic bspwm structure:

Monitor 0
|-- Desktop 0
|   |-- Node (Container)
|   |   |-- Leaf (Window A)
|   |   |-- Leaf (Window B)
|   |
|   |-- Node (Container)
|       |-- Leaf (Window C)
|-- Desktop 1
|   |-- Node (Container)
|       |-- Leaf (Window D)
Monitor 1
|-- Desktop 0
|   |-- Node (Container)
|       |-- Leaf (Window E)
  1. Monitors (Physical Screens):

    • In BSPWM, monitors represent physical displays or screen areas. Each monitor can have one or more desktops.
  2. Desktops (Workspaces):

    • Desktops are virtual workspaces within each monitor.
    • Desktops are numbered from 0, 1, 2, and so on, within each monitor.
  3. Containers Nodes:

    • Container nodes are used to group leaf nodes and create splits in the window layout. These splits can be horizontal or vertical.
    • Containers can be nested to create complex layouts.
  4. Leaf Nodes:

    • Leaves represent individual windows. They can be moved, resized, and manipulated within the layout.
    • They are the lowest level in the tree structure and cannot have child nodes.


  • On Monitor 1, Desktop 1 contains a vertical split container with a terminal at the top and a vertical split container at the bottom. The horizontal split container contains Firefox and VSCode.
  • On Monitor 1, Desktop 2 contains a single container with Chrome.
  • On Monitor 2, Desktop 1 contains a single container with a terminal.
  • Monitor 2, Desktop 2 is empty.
Monitor 1
|-- Desktop 1
|   |-- Node (Container - Vertical Split)
|   |   |-- Leaf (Terminal)
|   |   |-- Node (Container - Horizontal Split)
|   |       |-- Leaf (Firefox)
|   |       |-- Leaf (VSCode)
|-- Desktop 2
|   |-- Node (Container)
|       |-- Leaf (Chrome)
Monitor 2
|-- Desktop 1
|    |-- Node (Container)
|        |-- Leaf (Terminal)
|-- Desktop 2