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Useful links |
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Over time, I've collected many websites that I found useful, interesting or both, and I've tried to make an organized list of all of them in order to find them more easily in the future.
Click on the button below to go to the Notion page containing the list of links. Please note the following things:
- there might be link duplicates
- some links may belong to multiple categories, but I had to choose one (the most relevant)
- the list is mainly for personal use and doesn't aim to be complete at all, it just follows my interests
Here is the list:
Open list on Notion open_in_newAlternatively, you can find the same list on this page (but it might not be in synch with the Notion page).
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- TOC {:toc}
- Khan Academy - Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice
- Explorable Explanation
- Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free & Borrowable Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine
- Catalog of Courses - Harvard University
- OpenStax - Free Textbooks Online with No Catch
- Brilliant - Learn interactively
- edX - Build new skills. Advance your career. - edX
- - Massive Open Online Courses - An edX Site
- Mozaik Digital Education and Learning
- Google Codelabs
- Mathigon – The Mathematical Playground
- 3Blue1Brown
- 3Blue1Brown - SoME1 results (and following events)
- SoME
- Lockdown math
- BetterExplained – Math lessons that click
- Exhibitions - Mathematical Art Galleries
- The Julia Programming Language
- An Interactive Introduction to Fourier Transforms
- Mathematical Patterns in Nature
- Information theory - Everyday Communications
- Mathematics is Everywhere - International Day of Mathematics 2020
- Wootube – Find joy in learning mathematics.
- Wolfram-Alpha: Computational Intelligence
- Wolfram-Alpha: Examples by Topic
- Wolfram Demonstrations Project
- Math Visualizations by Freya Holmér
- Seeing Theory
- Don Cross - personal website - math, science, software, electronics
- Complex Analysis
- A Primer on Bézier Curves
- Home - manim documentation
- Δ solver
- Math, Physics, and Engineering Applets
- Matrix Multiplication
- The Matrix Arcade
- Calculus – Intellectual Mathematics
- Calculator Suite - GeoGebra
- Desmos - Graphing Calculator
- Symbolab Math Calculator - Step by Step calculator
- The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® (OEIS®)
- Course - CS50's Introduction to Computer Science - edX (CS50x 2024)
- Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share
- Paul Ford: What Is Code? - Bloomberg
- Computer programming - Computing - Khan Academy
- Don’t run your coding club alone – Hack Club
- Algorithm Archive
- LeetCode (Array - LeetCode)
- CodeWars
- Developer Roadmaps -
- Learn to code at home -
- DYclassroom - Have fun learning :-)
- Learn programming languages with books and examples - RIP Tutorial
- Learn Programming with our Online Courses - Sololearn
- Hack Club Workshops – Hack Club
- Game Programming Patterns
- Design Patterns
- Refactoring: clean your code
- Red Blob Games
- The blog at the bottom of the sea « Programming, Graphics, Gamedev, Exotic Computation, Audio Synthesis
- 30 seconds of code
- Rosetta Code
- Introduction - OpenCV Tutorial C++
- - The collaborative browser based IDE
- Algorithm Archive · Arcane Algorithm Archive
- Good First Issue: Issues for your first open-source contribution
- Google Tech Dev Guide
- Interview Prep - Google Tech Dev Guide
- NASA Open Source Software
- Sorting Algorithms Animations - Toptal®
- Programming
- Collision Detection
- Qt Tutorial (playlist) - Derek Banas
- Compose Camp - Android Developers
- Mia Tang
- Welcome to Comprehensive Rust 🦀 - Comprehensive Rust 🦀
- CodesCracker: Learn Online Coding
- The International Obfuscated C Code Contest
- Tracks – Hyperskill
- Catalog Home - Codecademy
- Google for Developers - Software Development Guides, Tools & More
- Online Creative Courses from Top Universities - Kadenze
- Google Cloud Skills Boost
- How Computers Use Numbers
- Harvard CS50 – Full Computer Science University Course - YouTube
- Trail: Learning the Java Language: Table of Contents (The Java™ Tutorials)
- Applied CS Skills - Google For Education
- The Executable Books Project
- Google C++ Style Guide
- Flyde - Visual Programming. For Developers.
- Android Open Source Project
- The TCP/IP Guide - The TCP/IP Guide
- Olimpiadi Italiane di Informatica (Wiki delle Olimpiadi di Informatica, Allenamenti Olimpiadi Italiane di Informatica)
- Georgi Gerganov's Home Page (Keytap: acoustic keyboard eavesdropping - C++ and stuff, Keytap: description and some random thoughts - C++ and stuff)
- -terpreter In Go - Thorsten Ball
- Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 - Semantic Versioning
- Problems - LeetCode
- Google Tech Dev Guide - Interview Prep
- Google Tech Dev Guide - DSA
- How to Build an Effective Dev Portfolio
- MDN Web Docs
- JavaScript language overview - JavaScript - MDN
- Build a Chrome extension! – Hack Club
- Josh W Comeau
- Understanding Layout Algorithms
- An Interactive Guide to Flexbox
- How I Built my Blog using MDX, Next.js, and React
- Modern CSS Reset / Global Styles
- CSS Tools: Reset CSS
- Normalize.css: Make browsers render all elements more consistently.
- CSS for JavaScript Developers - An online course that teaches the fundamentals of CSS for React/Vue devs
- HTML & CSS Is Hard - A friendly web development tutorial
- React JS - React Tutorial for Beginners
- CodePen: Build, Test, and Discover Front-end Code.
- Google Fonts
- Material Symbols and Icons - Google Fonts
- CodeMyUI
- CSS Specificity Demo - Manuel Matuzović
- My current HTML boilerplate - Manuel Matuzović
- 🤯 HEAD - A simple guide to HTML elements
- Lea Verou – Life at the bleeding edge (of web standards)
- Blog - Tobias Ahlin
- Eloquent JavaScript
- The Weird History of JavaScript
- Getting started with CSS - Learn web development - MDN
- Learn HTML -
- Learn CSS -
- Static Site Generators - Top Open Source SSGs - Jamstack
- Expert led courses for front-end web developers. -
- 92 Beautiful CSS buttons examples - CSS Scan
- Glitch: The friendly community where everyone builds the web
- Stack Sorted.
- Realtime Colors
- Type Scale - A Visual Calculator
- newline - Learn to build React, Angular, Vue, GraphQL, and Node.js Apps with real-world projects
- The Beginner's Guide to React -
- The Joy of React
- Demos of open web technologies - MDN
- CSS Border Radius Generator
- </> htmx ~ Examples
- Components - Aceternity UI
- Explore 3000+ Free UI Elements: CSS & Tailwind
- FreeFrontend
- Mini games (web dev and programming)
- Codepip - Learn to code by playing games
- Flexbox Froggy - A game for learning CSS flexbox
- WarriorJS
- Pixel Game: A Pixels Test to Quiz Your Knowledge - Pixactly
- CSS Diner - Where we feast on CSS Selectors!
- Flexbox Defense
- Elevator Saga - the elevator programming game
- Untrusted - a user javascript adventure game
- HSL Color Game
- aem1k - JS Hacks & Creativity (
- JuxtaposeJS
- three.js – JavaScript 3D library
- model-viewer
- Eleventy, a simpler static site generator
- Astro
- howler.js - JavaScript audio library for the modern web
- Build optimized websites quickly, focus on your content - Docusaurus
- React
- Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework - Vue.js
- Tangle: a JavaScript library for reactive documents
- D3.js - Data-Driven Documents
- Tailwind CSS - Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.
- Components — Tailwind CSS Components
- Splide - The lightweight, flexible and accessible slider/carousel
- Tippy.js - Tooltip, Popover, Dropdown, and Menu Library
- Introduction - Learn Next.js
- Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS - Electron
- Babylon.js: Powerful, Beautiful, Simple, Open - Web-Based 3D At Its Best
- Chart Demos - amCharts
- Apache ECharts
- Chart.js - Open source HTML5 Charts for your website
- Popper - Tooltip & Popover Positioning Engine
- Framer Motion Documentation - Framer for Developers
- Three.js Journey — Learn WebGL with Three.js
- Vue.js Fundamentals with the Composition API, a FREE Vue.js Course
- Radix UI
- Create 3D and Dynamic Web Maps with Mapbox GL JS
- Headless UI - Unstyled, fully accessible UI components
- Subframe – The best way to build UI, fast.
- Alpine.js
- Underscore.js
- Homepage - GSAP
- Unity C# and Shader Tutorials
- Unity Tutorials - Roystan
- Learn game development w/ Unity - Courses & tutorials in game design, VR, AR, & Real-time 3D - Unity Learn
- Godot Engine - Free and open source 2D and 3D game engine
- Godot Engine - Free and open source 2D and 3D game engine
- Godot Engine (stable) documentation
- GODOT Community Poll 2024
- Course - CS50's Introduction to Game Development - edX
- Unreal Engine 5 Beginner Tutorial - UE5 Starter Course 2022
- The Unity Tutorial For Complete Beginners - Game Maker's Toolkit
- Download the latest indie games -
- Home - Dev Assets
- Matt Stark’s Game Development Portfolio
- Press Start - Learn How To Make Video Games in Unity
- Code Monkey
- Alan Zucconi - Developer, Lecturer & Science Communicator (Tutorials - Alan Zucconi)
- Talks - Andrew Willmott
- Unity - Manual: Unity User Manual
- Harry Alisavakis – My journey through video game development
- Bitsy
- Home -
- Platformer Toolkit by Game Maker's Toolkit
- Mixamo
- GDC Vault
- Home · Kenney
- FMOD & Unity - Scott Game Sounds
- Audio Helm for Unity
- Elias software - Game audio and Adaptive music
- Bounding Box Software - Materialize
- ink - inkle's narrative scripting language
- Yarn Spinner
- Unity Documentation
- Unity Contributed Notes for Unity Docs
- Fast Script Reload - Utilities Tools - Unity Asset Store
- 2024 Unity Gaming Report - Trends, data & expert tips - Unity
- Game UI Database - Welcome
- How I learned Vulkan and wrote a small game engine with it
- What is an Entity Component System architecture for game development?
- Godot 4.3, a shared effort
- Intro to Shaders - Cyanilux
- Intro to Shader Graph - Cyanilux
- Resources - Cyanilux
- ShaderQuest – Harry Alisavakis
- Archive – Harry Alisavakis
- A gentle introduction to shaders in Unity - Shadertutorial
- Screen Space Reflection - 3D Game Shaders For Beginners
- Cg Programming/Unity - Wikibooks, open books for an openworld
- Ray Tracing in One Weekend Series
- A Beginner's Guide to Coding Graphics Shaders
- Jettelly Learn
- Daniel Ilett - Games - Shaders - Tutorials
- Compute Shaders - Catlike Coding
- My take on shaders: Compute shaders – Harry Alisavakis
- MinionsArt Tutorials
- Ronja's Shader Tutorials
- Visual Effects Tutorials - Gabriel Aguiar Prod
- 3D Game Shaders For Beginners
- Shadertoy BETA
- (@zozuar)
- Shaderoo
- CineShader
- Godot Shaders - Make your games beautiful!
- Maxime Heckel's Blog
- GLSL Gallery
- GLSL Editor
- The Book of Shaders
- shader Archives - William Chyr
- William Chyr - Unity Shaders - Depth and Normal Textures(Part 1)
- A Journey Into Shaders
- GM Shaders
- Material Maker (Material Maker User Manual — Material Maker documentation, All materials)
- Tutorials — Late's Blender Stuff
- Nodevember - Home
- Videos
- Shaders 101 - Intro to Shaders
- Shadertoy for absolute beginners
- Basics of Shader Graph - Unity Tutorial
- Coding Adventure: Compute Shaders
- Shader Fundamentals - Normal Mapping
- How Shaders Work in OpenGL
- Writing a Shader in OpenGL
- Getting Started with Compute Shaders in Unity
- Intro to Shader Coding in Unity - An Improvised Live Course
- Shader Basics, Blending & Textures • Shaders for Game Devs [Part 1]
- Three.js Tutorial on Shaders (beginners)
- An introduction to Shader Art Coding
- p5.js Web Editor
- Welcome to Processing! / (Examples /
- The Coding Train
- The Nature of Code
- Pts.js
- Rectangle World – HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript: Tutorials and Experiments
- Donut math: how donut.c works –
- Observable & creative coding / Lionel Radisson / Observable
- On Generative Algorithms: Introduction · inconvergent
- Data art posters about music (streaming) data for Sony Music - Visual Cinnamon
- Karl Sims home page
- Reza Ali
- Sage Jenson
- Roy's blog
- Cinder
- Index of /
- [ Marco Gomez ]
- Slopes - Tinkersynth
- Smoky Backgrounds Generator - waterpipe.js
- Gorilla Sun
- Water canvas by Almer Thie
- *p5.brush - Brush that canvas!
- raven kwok
- OpenProcessing - Creative Coding for the Curious Mind (Discover - OpenProcessing)
- flow - torcado
- Experiments - Peter Blaskovic - Escape Motions
- Tutorials - Learn how to create generative art
- Adam Fuhrer (Pen Plotting)
- Displacement X (JSplacement Web)
- SVG Pattern Builder - Create and Customize Patterns Online (made with Claude AI)
- The Perlin noise math FAQ
- Mario Carrillo — Home
- cables
- Home - Winterbloed
- Reaction-Diffusion Tutorial - KarlSims
- Reaction diffusion simulation
- turing –
- Reaction-Diffusion Systems - Syntopia
- Ready - GollyGang
- Coding Challenge ##13: Reaction Diffusion Algorithm in p5.js
- Reaction-Diffusion Playground - Introduction
- The Nature of Code - Chapter 7. Cellular Automata
- Elementary cellular automaton simulator
- Nervous System - Reaction
- Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind of Science - Online—Table of Contents
- The Life Engine
- Lenia
- Distance Estimated 3D Fractals (Part I) - Syntopia
- How to Fold a Julia Fractal —
- How to Make 3D Fractals
- Writing a ray marcher in Unity
- Understanding Julia and Mandelbrot Sets
- Julia Fractals – Hack Club
- I Made 3D FRACTALS In Unity!
- Home - Fractal.Institute
- The Nature of Code - Chapter 8. Fractals
- Fractal Lab - Interactive WebGL Fractal Explorer
- - The 3D Fractal Experience
- CodeParade -
- Inigo Quilez :: fractals, computer graphics, mathematics, shaders, demoscene and more
- Yedoma Globula by Bananaft
- My journey into fractals - Gregory Ivanov - Medium
- Octane Vectron fractals formulas — Machina Infinitum
- The wrong way to use a signed distance function (sdf) – WBlut
- 9bit Science: Raymarching Distance Fields
- Log-spherical Mapping in SDF Raymarching
- Signed distance functions in 46 lines of Python
- Fluid Flow Tutorial
- WebGL Fluid Simulation
- [PDF] Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games - Semantic Scholar
- The water technology behind Avatar: The Way of Water - Unity Blog
- Ray Tracing in One Weekend
- Introduction to Computer Graphics -- Title Page
- Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques
- Scratchapixel (Rasterization)
- Learn OpenGL, extensive tutorial resource for learning Modern OpenGL
- Humus - Articles
- Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games
- Casual Effects
- Gʀᴀᴘʜɪᴄs Cᴏᴅᴇx
- Computer Graphics at Stanford University
- Beyond3D
- RasterTek - DirectX 11 and OpenGL 4.0 Tutorials
- GPU Gems - NVIDIA Developer
- NVIDIA Nsight Graphics - NVIDIA Developer
- Graphics in 5 Minutes
- 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering
- OpenGL Step by Step - OpenGL Development
- Lode's Computer Graphics Tutorial (Raycasting)
- How do Video Game Graphics Work? - Branch Education (video)
- How Ray Tracing (Modern CGI) Works And How To Do It 600x Faster
- Coding Adventure: Ray Tracing
- Figma: the collaborative interface design tool.
- Spline - Design tool for 3D web browser experiences
- Framer: Ship sites with style
- Webflow: Create a custom website - Visual website builder
- Mobbin
- Awwwards - Website Awards - Best Web Design Trends
- Windows 10 Desktop — GMUNK
- Unseen Studio® – Brand, Digital & Motion
- Material Design (Components – Material Design 3)
- Search Projects - Photos, videos, logos, illustrations and branding on Behance
- Dribbble - Discover the World’s Top Designers & Creative Professionals
- FlutterFlow - Build beautiful, modern apps incredibly fast!
- Build with - - Remote design systems
- Material 3 Design Kit - Figma
- Penpot: The Design Tool for Design & Code Collaboration
- CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python - Course (CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python)
- Introduction to Machine Learning - MIT Open Learning Library
- A Neural Network Playground
- CNN Explainer
- 3Blue1Brown - But what is a Neural Network?
- Neural networks and deep learning
- How Does AI Detect Objects? (Technical) - by Richmond Alake - Towards Data Science
- Haar-like feature - Wikipedia
- The mostly complete chart of Neural Networks, explained - by Andrew Tch - Towards Data Science
- Image Classification in 10 Minutes with MNIST Dataset - by Orhan G. Yalçın - Towards Data Science
- Using neural nets to recognize handwritten digits
- A visual introduction to machine learning
- Teachable Machine
- Will true AI turn against us? - Big Think
- Recommending music on Spotify with deep learning – Sander Dieleman
- Distill — Latest articles about machine learning (Feature Visualization)
- A Gentle Introduction to BigGAN the Big Generative Adversarial Network -
- Intelligenza Artificiale, Un Rischio per l'Umanità. Favorevole o contrario? - Pro\Versi
- The End of Front-End Development - Josh W Comeau
- Intro to Machine Learning - Kaggle
- What developers need to know about generative AI - GitHub Blog
- The Age of AI has begun - Gates Notes
- The Nature of Code - Chapter 10. Neural Networks
- Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
- OpenAI
- OpenAI API
- Magenta
- Google AI Blog
- Google's latest experiments in Labs
- Machine Learning - Google for Developers
- AI Based Solutions for Developers - Google for Developers
- Diffusers.ipynb - Colaboratory
- Stability AI
- Kaggle: Your Machine Learning and Data Science Community
- CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
- Anthropic \ Home
- Home - colah's blog
- AI Expert Roadmap
- AI Based Solutions for Developers - Google for Developers (Machine Learning - Google for Developers)
- Hello, Perceptron: An introduction to artificial neural networks
- How does Stable Diffusion work?
- Mathematics for Machine Learning - Companion webpage to the book “Mathematics for Machine Learning”
- Teaching Machines to Draw – Google Research Blog
- How AI chatbots like ChatGPT or Bard work – visual explainer - Technology - The Guardian
- What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?—Stephen Wolfram Writings
- Generative AI Space and the Mental Imagery of Alien Minds—Stephen Wolfram Writings
- Will AIs Take All Our Jobs and End Human History—or Not? Well, It’s Complicated…—Stephen Wolfram Writings
- Wolfram Neural Net Repository of Neural Network Models
- Understanding UMAP
- The Gradient (An Introduction to the Problems of AI Consciousness and NLP's ImageNet moment has arrived)
- Chinese room - Wikipedia
- I made a transformer by hand (no training!)
- Glaze - Protecting Artists from Generative AI
- Nightshade: Protecting Copyright
- Attention Is All You Need - 1706.03762
- Artificial intelligence and copyright - Wikipedia
- -VG - Publication-ready Neural Network architecture schematics (tool)
- A Guide to Convolutional Neural Networks — the ELI5 way - Saturn Cloud Blog
- What the RIAA lawsuits against Udio and Suno mean for AI and copyright - The Verge
- Apple, Nvidia, Anthropic Used Thousands of Swiped YouTube Videos to Train AI and Search the YouTube Videos Secretly Powering Generative AI
- No one’s ready for this - The Verge
- Is Google Training AI on YouTube Videos? - YouTube
- Videos
- Neural Networks from Scratch - P.4 Batches, Layers, and Objects
- Introduction - CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python 2020
- 10.1: Introduction to Neural Networks - The Nature of Code
- But what is a neural network? - Chapter 1, Deep learning
- What Is Artificial Intelligence? Crash Course AI ##1
- 10.1: Introduction to Neural Networks - The Nature of Code
- How to Create a Neural Network (and Train it to Identify Doodles)
- How Deep Neural Networks Work
- Explained In A Minute: Neural Networks
- Inside a Neural Network - Computerphile
- A friendly introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks and Image Recognition
- A friendly introduction to Deep Learning and Neural Networks
- A friendly introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks
- Beginner Intro to Neural Networks 1: Data and Graphing
- Neural Networks & TensorfFlow Crash Course
- MarI/O - Machine Learning for Video Games
- How Machines Learn
- MIT 6.S191 (2020): Convolutional Neural Networks
- A.I. Learns to play Flappy Bird
- Deep Learning with Python, TensorFlow, and Keras tutorial
- Deep Learning Cars
- Deep Learning Crash Course for Beginners
- Self-Driving Car with JavaScript Course – Neural Networks and Machine Learning
- Lecture 15: Object Detection
- Deep Learning - Computerphile
- CNN: Convolutional Neural Networks Explained - Computerphile
- SIGGRAPH Now: Introduction to Machine Learning & Neural Networks (2022) - YouTube
- Overview - Neural Networks
- I Created a Neural Network and Tried Teaching it to Recognize Doodles
- Why Neural Networks can learn (almost) anything
- Jabrils - YouTube
- Stable Diffusion - What, Why, How?
- Humans Need Not Apply
- 'How neural networks learn' - Part II: Adversarial Examples
- Your choice of Deep Net - Ep. 4 (Deep Learning SIMPLIFIED)
- Convolution Neural Networks - EXPLAINED
- Transformer Neural Networks - EXPLAINED! (Attention is all you need)
- Illustrated Guide to Transformers Neural Network: A step by step explanation
- Machine Learning AI in Unity (ML-Agents)
- Artificial Intelligence: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
- A.I. Versus The Law
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - Serrano.Academy
- Sparks of AGI: early experiments with GPT-4
- The Attention Mechanism in Large Language Models - Serrano.Academy
- DeepMind x UCL RL Lecture Series - Introduction to Reinforcement Learning [1/13]
- What is Machine Learning? - Google Cloud Tech
- What are Transformer Models and how do they work? - Serrano.Academy
- AI platforms/models/experiments/papers
- ChatGPT
- Gemini
- Claude
- Poe
- Stable Diffusion with 🧨 diffusers - Colaboratory
- DALL·E 2
- Imagen: Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
- Artbreeder Collage
- Teachable Machine
- Midjourney
- DALL·E mini by on Hugging Face
- Whisper - a Hugging Face Space by openai
- DreamStudio
- Jukebox
- This Person Does Not Exist
- Spaces - Hugging Face
- ConvNetJS: Deep Learning in your browser
- HTML5 Genetic Algorithm 2D Car Thingy - Chrome recommended
- GitHub Copilot · Your AI pair programmer
- DeepFaceDrawing: Deep Generation of Face Images from Sketches
- UMAP Explorer
- Explore - ESM Metagenomic Atlas
- Segment Anything - Meta AI
- Write With Transformer
- Explore Llamav2 With TGI - a Hugging Face Space by ysharma
- NotebookLM
- gsplat
- Introduction to 3D Gaussian Splatting
- Stable Diffusion WebUI Online
- Explore – Replicate
- IllusionDiffusion - a Hugging Face Space by AP123
- MusicGen - a Hugging Face Space by facebook
- AlphaCode
- Google AI Studio
- Search Labs
- LABS.GOOGLE - Submit an Experiment
- Sora - OpenAI
- meta-llama (Meta Llama 2)
- LMSys Chatbot Arena Leaderboard - a Hugging Face Space by lmsys
- Chat with Open Large Language Models
- GPT4All
- Meta AI
- Meta Llama 3
- AI Test Kitchen (Infinite Wonderland)
- VASA-1 - Microsoft Research
- Ollama
- Pi, your personal AI
- FLUX.1
- Magnific AI — The magic image Upscaler & Enhancer
- Meta Segment Anything Model 2
- Golden Gate Claude \ Anthropic and Scaling Monosemanticity: Extracting Interpretable Features from Claude 3 Sonnet
- SAE viewer
- Imagen 3 - Google DeepMind
- Luma Dream Machine
- FLUX AI: Image Generator - Free, Fast & High-Quality
- Coding a basic reverb algorithm- Part 2: An introduction to audio programming - by Rishikesh Daoo - The Seeker’s Project - Medium
- Notes on Waveguide Synthesis
- Model-based digital pianos: from physics to sound synthesis
- PWLTO##11 – Peter Sobot on An Industrial-Strength Audio Search Algorithm
- Realtime Procedural Audio and Synthesized Piano in Unity 3D
- Let's Learn About Waveforms
- PFM::SimpleEQ - Free Course!
- Learn Modern C++ by Building an Audio Plugin (w/ JUCE Framework) - Full Course
- Juce Framework Tutorial 00- Intro & Building Your First Project
- Image to Audio, Spectrogram Player
- Oscilloscope Graphics Editor
- let's help each other to build the best acoustics
- Notes on Waveguide Synthesis
- Coding a basic reverb algorithm- Part 2: An introduction to audio programming - by Rishikesh Daoo - The Seeker’s Project - Medium
- Dan Russell's Acoustics and Vibration Animations
- Synthesis Basics
- Harmonics
- Everything You Should Know About Sound — Wait But Why
- Sound Studio and Audio Calculations - Eberhard Sengpiel
- Converting wavetables to Ableton Operator AMS waves - Bart Wronski
- Chrome Music Lab
- Euphony
- Get started - Learning Music
- Get started - Learning Synths
- Creative Strategies for Electronic Music Producers - Making Music book by Ableton
- Piano Scribe
- pianobook – Every piano tells a story
- Magenta
- Pink Trombone
- - Lessons
- A study of musical scales by Ian Ring
- Muse Group
- Song Exploder
- Live Audio Effect Reference — Ableton Reference Manual Version 11 - Ableton
- Tone Transfer — Magenta DDSP
- Learn music theory in half an hour.
- Magical Music Theory Tools to Learn Music Online for Free
- Free sheet music - Download PDF or print on
- RaveDJ - Music Mixer
- NSynth: Sound Maker
- faq/history/alphabet - musictheory
- Songs With The Same Chords
- Hire Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers, Singers & Songwriters - SoundBetter
- The Music Industry Toolkit
- Music Royalties Explained: The Ultimate Guide
- Live Enhancement Suite
- Jukeblocks
- What is an interval in music theory? – Piano Music Theory
- How to Play, Locate, Memorize and Practice Bar Chords - GUITARHABITS
- Guitar Chords Explained: Diagrams, Exercises, Theory, Tips & Tricks
- Major Scale Diatonic Chords – Piano Music Theory
- CAPO: Guitar Transposition Tool — David Mares
- Transposition chart for capo
- Learn EVERY Chord and Chord Symbol - The 7 Systems - YouTube
- Online Guitar Tuner with Microphone, Free Guitar Tuning
- Guitar Chords ♬♬♬
- ToneGym
- Music Scales: Learn, play and find any musical scale
- A music theory reference site
- Music Theory for the 21st-Century Classroom (Simple "Sus" Chords)
- How Chords are Named: Easy Music Theory - YouTube
- Understanding Chorus, Flangers, and Phasers in Audio Production
- -at Key - Find a Song's Key by It's Chords - Music Theory Site
- I watched 300 hours of music production streams, here are my 17 FAVORITE tips (wish I knew sooner) - YouTube
- VST plugins/effects/presets/samples/wavetables
- PLUGINS 4 FREE - Free Instrument Audio Plugins Archive
- Free effects - MeldaProduction
- ToneBytes - VST audio plug-ins
- GVST - Downloads
- EDM & Game Audio Blog - Transverse Audio
- SampleScience
- Free VST Plugins - Bedroom Producers Blog
- Max For Live Curated Collection
- Max for Live Community Resource
- Audio Plugins for Free • Freeware Audio Plugins Database
- Free Presets For VST Synthesizers
- Innovative Audio Plugins - Davisynth
- - The #1 Site For Serum Presets, Samplepacks & More!
- 90,000+ Free Sound Effects for Download - Pixabay - Pixabay
- Auburn Sounds - Graillon, live voice changer
- TAL Software
- Splash Sound - Percussion Elements 2
- FREE VST Plugins, AAX, VST3 Plugin Download - Voxengo (Voxengo SPAN - Free Spectrum Analyzer Plugin VST, AU, AAX)
- WaveEdit Online
- Edirol Orchestral - Paul Cecchetti Music
- Surge
- The 11 Best Free Piano VST Plugins That Actually Sound Good
- Inventive Instruments
- [41 Best Free String VST Plugins That Actually Sound Good]( 41-best-free-string-vst-plugins-that-actually-sound-good/)
- NanoHost freeware - minimalist VST host
- 99Sounds - Gumroad
- Soundpaint (Free Instruments – Soundpaint)
- Freebies – Abletunes Blog - Music Production in Ableton Live (Free Ableton Packs Foundation - Abletunes)
- dillonBastan - Store (dB - Free Bundle)
- Remo De Vico - Gumroad
- a200xeaf - Gumroad
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- Spectral Suite
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- Neutone Inc. (Neutone by Neutone Inc. AI audio plugin)
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- What is a Day? -
- Algorithmic Botany: Publications
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- MolView
- Ben Eater
- Coriolis Effect - National Geographic Society
- Making Sense of COVID-19 through Simulations
- Domino Robot — Baucom Robotics
- Setosa data visualization and visual explanations (Image Kernels explained visually)
- Engineering Blog
- Lightning & Thunderstorms - World Map
- Stellarium Web Online Star Map
- Earth Space Lab – interactive 3D animations 🌍
- Home - NASA Space Place – NASA Science for Kids
- Our World in Data
- Articles - JWST
- Chromoscope
- Google Research
- Welcome to VeloViewer!
- Home - BioDigital Human Platform
- PhET: Free online physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math simulations
- oPhysics
- Physics Notes
- Solving the Colossal Problem of Extinction - Colossal
- Featured creators / Observable - Observable
- Quantum Country
- Scientific Image and Illustration Software - BioRender
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- NIH 3D
- RCSB PDB: Homepage
- AutoDock
- Webb Home
- CountMap
- Compare npm downloads for react, vue and @angular/core - npmcharts
- JOS Home Page
- Take a tour in Google Earth – Google Earth
- OpenWorm
- Bartosz Ciechanowski (GPS, Sound, Cameras and Lenses, Earth and Sun…)
- Information is Beautiful
- Heavens-Above (Interactive sky chart)
- Next-Generation Molecular Workbench
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- 80 Level
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- symmetry magazine - dimensions of particle physics (The deconstructed Standard Model equation)
- understanding - nabeelqu and Video Games are the Future of Education
- Essays - Paul Graham (What You'll Wish You'd Known, How to Do Great Work and Write Simply)
- Articles - Scott H Young (Who Has Time for Hobbies? - Scott H Young and The Power of Curiosity - Scott H Young)
- 5 reasons to start blogging - aicragellebasi
- A Mathematician’s Lament
- Explaining explaining: a quick guide on explanatory writing
- Reinventing explanation - Michael Nielsen
- Parallelized Decision Making
- James Clear (The Ultimate Productivity Hack is Saying No - James Clear, Forget About Setting Goals. Focus on This Instead. and How To Start New Habits That Actually Stick)
- Atomic Habits Resources - James Clear
- How To Learn Stuff Quickly
- A Mathematician's Lament: How School Cheats Us Out of Our Most Fascinating and Imaginative Art Form: Paul Lockhart, Keith Devlin (
- Wait But Why (The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence, Neuralink and the Brain's Magical Future)
- Feed – Visualize Value
- Blog - Bill Mei
- – Getting Better at Being Human
- Articles - Scott H Young
- Sam Altman (How To Be Successful and What I Wish Someone Had Told Me - Sam Altman)
- Marian's Blog
- HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!
- Manifesto on the Teaching of Mathematics – Intellectual Mathematics
- Lea Verou (An Introduction to Modern Web Technologies)
- Matt Might's blog (The illustrated guide to a Ph.D., What every computer science major should know, Hacking strength: Gaining muscle with least resistance and HOWTO: Change your behavior)
- Naval - Archive (Happiness)
- How Google perfected the web - The Verge
- Finding The Air Cannon
- The Videogame Industry Does Not ExistWhy We Should Think Beyond Commercial Game Production - Books Gateway - MIT Press
- Udara Jay (Embeddings and If and only if)
- Introduction - SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: The Decade Ahead (Shtetl-Optimized » Blog Archive » Situational Awareness)
- So You Want Continuous Time Zones @ Things Of Interest
- Steph Ango (File over app, What can we remove?, Don't specialize, hybridize)
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- It's Nicky Case!
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- Skyrim rendered in text. Fractal stories, or how to build an… - by Filip Hracek - Medium
- Insignificant Little Vermin
- 2020 Game
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- Hackery, Math & Design —
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- Michiel de Boer - Werk en vrije tijd
- CrunchLabs
- KiwiCo
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- How we designed page previews for Wikipedia — and what could be done with them in the future – Diff
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- 18.S191 Introduction to Computational Thinking
- Interpreting Analog Sticks – Hypersect
- Google Graveyard - Killed by Google
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- LaTeX Cookbook – Collection of LaTeX recipes
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- – Graphics with TikZ in LaTeX
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- Infinite Mac
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- Extensions — Blender Extensions
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- Artvee
- Lumen
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- Open Source Guides - Learn how to launch and grow your project.
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- The most hilariously awful volume controls ever - TechCrunch
- The Game Awards 2023 (and following years)
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- Home - Pl@ntNet (Pl@ntNet identify)
- A Community for Naturalists · iNaturalist
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- The Models Resource
- Optimal Protein Intake Guide - Examine
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AI tools
- Futurepedia - The Largest AI Tools Directory - Home
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- KREA AI - Home
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- Project IDX
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- Cursor
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- Figma AI: Your Creativity, unblocked with Figma AI
- Adobe Podcast - AI audio recording and editing, all on the web
- Interior Design Software with AI-Powered Architectural Visualization Tools
- Tabby
- Why The Government Shouldn't Break WhatsApp
- Characters, Symbols and the Unicode Miracle - Computerphile
- Think Like a Coder - Teaser Trailer
- Programming with Python - Python for Beginners [1 of 44]
- Web Development Tutorial For Beginners - how to make a website
- Code! Programming with p5.js for Beginners Trailer
- Welcome to The Nature of Code with p5.js!
- 8.1: What is HTML? - p5.js Tutorial
- 16.1: let vs var - Topics of JavaScript/ES6
- 1.1: Introduction - Git and GitHub for Poets
- 10.1: Introduction to Neural Networks - The Nature of Code
- I.0: Introduction - The Nature of Code
- 9.1: Genetic Algorithm: Introduction - The Nature of Code
- 11.1: Introduction to Chrome Extensions - Programming with Text
- Working with Data and APIs in JavaScript
- HOW TO PROGRAM - Getting Started!
- How to make a Video Game - Getting Started (Unity) (old)
- Procedural Landmass Generation (E01: Introduction)
- Introduction to Game Development with Unity and C#
- Create an RPG with Unity + Blender (introduction)
- [Unity] Procedural Planets (E01 the sphere)
- [Unity] Procedural Cave Generation (E01. Cellular Automata)
- Unity Movement [RigidBody vs Translate]
- Using Cinemachine: Getting Started
- Creating Water with Shader Graph in Unity! - 2D Shader Basics (Tutorial)
- First Steps - Blender 2.80 Fundamentals
- How to Create a Forest in Blender : Custom Trees - 1 of 6 (old Blender 2.76)
- Donut Course Trailer (Blender 2.8), Blender 3.0 Beginner Tutorial - Part 1 (Blender 3.0), Blender Tutorial for Complete Beginners - Part 1
- Blender Beginner Modelling Tutorial - Part 1
- Blender Beginner Tutorial - Part 1 : 3D Basics (Blender 2.8)
- Beginner Exercises - Part 1 - Blender 2.8 & Onwards
- Welcome to C++
- Game Programming - Episode 1 - Resolution (old)
- Introducing the GAME ENGINE series!
- Welcome to OpenGL
- Welcome to Ray Tracing
- Affine transformations in 5 minutes
- Introduction - Interactive 3D Graphics
- Introduction
- But what is a Fourier series? From heat flow to drawing with circles - DE4
- Vectors - Chapter 1, Essence of linear algebra
- The essence of calculus
- Why is pi here? And why is it squared? A geometric answer to the Basel problem
- Why is pi here? And why is it squared? A geometric answer to the Basel problem
- Lockdown math announcement
- Introduction to Complex Numbers (1 of 2: The Backstory)
- Imaginary Numbers Are Real [Part 1: Introduction]
- Quest To Find The Largest Number
- Maths for Programmers: Introduction (Tips For Learning)
- Math for Game Developers - Character Movement (Points and Vectors)
- Tech Focus: TAA - Blessing Or Curse? Temporal Anti-Aliasing Deep Dive
- Crash Course Physics Preview
- Colourspaces (JPEG Pt0)- Computerphile (also related to JPEG: How are Images Compressed? [46MB ↘↘ 4.07MB] JPEG In Depth and The Unreasonable Effectiveness of JPEG: A Signal Processing Approach)
- How Blurs & Filters Work - Computerphile
- CNN: Convolutional Neural Networks Explained - Computerphile
- How Digital Cameras Process Images
- Convolutions in Image Processing - Week 1, lecture 6 - MIT 18.S191 Fall 2020
- CS50 2019 - Lecture 0 - Computational Thinking, Scratch
- Introduction - CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python 2020
- A friendly introduction to Deep Learning and Neural Networks
- Neural Networks Demystified [Part 1: Data and Architecture]
- Learning To See [Part 1: Introduction]
- But what is a neural network? - Chapter 1, Deep learning
- Crash Course Artificial Intelligence Preview
- Deep Learning SIMPLIFIED: The Series Intro - Ep. 1
- Crash Course Computer Science Preview
- Beginner Intro to Neural Networks 1: Data and Graphing
- Neural networks [1.1] : Feedforward neural network - artificial neuron
- Neural Networks from Scratch - P.1 Intro and Neuron Code, Q Learning Intro/Table - Reinforcement Learning p.1
- The math behind Attention: Keys, Queries, and Values matrices
- The Attention Mechanism in Large Language Models
- MIT Introduction to Deep Learning - 6.S191
- SIGGRAPH Now Webinar Series: Introduction to Machine Learning & Neural Networks - Part 1
- Overview - Neural Networks, Overview - Image Processing I, Overview - Edge Detection
- Shaders 101 - Intro to Shaders
- Unity Shader Graph Basics (Part 1 - Your First Shader)
- Shader Basics, Blending & Textures • Shaders for Game Devs [Part 1]
- Vectors & Dot Product • Math for Game Devs [Part 1]
- Math for Game Devs [2022, part 1] • Numbers, Vectors & Dot Product
- Creative stress, crunch & my career path (w. TheMessyCoder)
- RETRO TECH: CAMCORDER and Retro Tech: Flying Cars
- What is the tragedy of the commons? - Nicholas Amendolare
- How scrolling textures gave Super Mario Galaxy 2 its charm
- 100k subscribers!! Thank you :)
- Crash Course Intellectual Property Preview
- Pikmin 2 Title Screen Quirks
- HACKING GOOGLE: Series Trailer (:30)
- Databending and Datamoshing Audio 1: Databend with Audacity - Simon Hutchinson
- React vs Angular vs Vue: What to Learn to Get a Front-end Job
- Juce Framework Tutorial 00- Intro & Building Your First Project
- Why don't perpetual motion machines ever work? - Netta Schramm
- Binary Explained in 01100100 Seconds
- What is .NET? - .NET Core 101 [1 of 8]
- Spacetime - a musician in space (full series)
- Make an Action RPG in Godot 3.2 (old)
- What's next for GMTK?
- Qt Tutorial : C++ Notepad App
- The Russian Revolution - OverSimplified (Part 1)
- Current - Introduction to electrical engineering - Electrical engineering - Khan Academy
- DIY VCO Part 1: The analog oscillator core anyone can build
- Why the Ed Sheeran lawsuit makes no sense
- How to make a 2D Game in Unity
- #1 Max For Live Decoding (old)
- An Overview of Max MSP
- Building a Synthesizer, part 1: Oscillators
- An Introduction to Max programming
- Learn Live: Comping
- 6 common chord progressions and why they work
- How I Got Good at Coding Interviews
- Crash Course Sociology Preview
- The spelled-out intro to neural networks and backpropagation: building micrograd
- Harvard CS50 – Full Computer Science University Course
- Intro To Color Correction For Games
- The most ESSENTIAL thing when you're learning music theory (Ep. 1)
- How do Hard Disk Drives Work? 💻💿🛠
- How do Video Game Controllers Work? -- Exploring a PS4 Game Controller
- The Making of Horizon Zero Dawn
- How Supergiant Secretly Launched Hades - Developing Hell #01
- BBC Magic Numbers Mysterious World of Maths 1of3 720p HDTV x264 AAC MVGroup org
- Our Planet - One Planet - FULL EPISODE - Netflix - Ultimate Guide to Camera Shots: Every Shot Size Explained [The Shot List, Ep 1] - YouTube
- sindresorhus/awesome: 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
- Curated list of awesome lists -
- Explorable Explanations
- The Science Playground
- Labs -
- Science-based games
- Resources - Cyanilux
- Bill’s Link Collection - Bill Mei
- Resources · Roy's blog
- Bret Victor, beast of burden - Links
- Amit’s Game Programming Information
- Chrome Experiments - Experiments with Google
- Learn Game Engine Programming
- Pinboard: public bookmarks for amitp
- Favorite Wikipedia pages about science - Austin Z. Henley
- Personal