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Releases: Sammaye/MongoYii

2.5.1 Release

07 Oct 07:52
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  • #143 making versioned documents easier to access

Next version:

  • #140 adding profiling abilities to the extension to match that of Yiis own active record

2.5.0 Release

04 Oct 14:26
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  • #128 versioning of models
  • #138 EMongoLogRoute for replicating the basic logging abilities of Yiis own active record.


  • #139 inconsistencies with attributes in insert and update

2.4.0 Release

03 Oct 13:31
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  • Fixing up the unit tests more: #134


2.3.1 Release

01 Oct 12:00
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  • #133 scenario capacity for timestmap behaviour using onScenario() and notOnScenario(), on() and notOn() seemed vague and not very self descriptive in this sense.


  • #132 Unit tests made a lot cleaner and better and more robust, using more of PHPUnits capabilities and standards.
  • #131 Note about using urlManager with MongoYii added to the documentation.
  • #129 search() function creating a new model of it self

2.3.0 Release

27 Sep 11:19
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I have decided to emphasize this fix by pushing it to a new minor version:

  • #125 stops using $set in update() if we are updating the whole document.

2.2.6 Release

27 Sep 10:57
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Fixed some extra bugs:

  • #126 about beforeFind

The next version:

  • #125 will stop using $set in the update function if the entire document is being saved.

2.2.5 Release

27 Sep 08:52
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This is a stepping stone release designed to give a milestone of functionality and a breaker for the next version would could potentially be quite a substantial change to how error handling works.

Fixes include:

  • EMongoDocument search function changes to bring it upto scratch with EMongoCriteria: #121
  • EMongoFile cleaning and updating including better following KISS and DRY paradigms and adding a __call to get functions on the MongoGridFSFile object. Also fixed the save function so that the MongoGridFSFile was populated correctly: #122

2.2.4 Release

18 Sep 08:16
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  • Fixed where saveAttributes was overwriting document on update: #120

2.2.3 Release

10 Sep 10:58
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This is a version bump for the documentation changes made, designed for contributor usage.

There are no actual code changes.

2.2.2 Release

09 Sep 13:54
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  • Fixed handling array of MongoIds in EMongoIdValidator: #116