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CV Project: API

API: Application Programming Interface

The app, in addition to the Common Voice API (official of Mozilla), use also "CV Android" API (better "Saverio Morelli API").

In this file there will be listed just the second one.

First of all you need to know that, all this API doesn't collect your personal information, like name, last name, email, age.

Please, consider to don't insert useless data, because these are just to understand how many users use the app and how use it.

App statistics



To get app statistics you need to do a GET request to

If you don't insert any parameters, the system will return all statistics (of the day) about all languages.

You can specify these parameters:

Key Value Required Explanation
language all or the language code* optional *the language code have to be in the "Common Voice style". For example, if you want to get statistics for the Italian language you need to specify the code it.
If you don't specify anything, the system will return to you statistics of all languages.


The system return a JSON data, that contains data like this:

{"language":{"user":N1,"logged:"M1},"language2":{"user":N2,"logged":M2}}, where language and language2 are the language codes, N1, N2, M1, M2 are integers.

So, for each language this are the information:

Key Value Explanation
user Integer It indicates the number of users which used the app (just those users who turned on the "App statistics")
logged Integer It indicates how many users used the app and were logged in (just users who turned on the "App statistics")



To insert data you need to do a POST request to

You need to send a JSON request with these data:

Key Value Required Explanation
logged 0 or 1 required It's an integer value 0 if you use the app "anonymously" (without log-in), 1 if you are logged in
username String required It's a unique string generated just the first time you run the app (not every time you run it), and it doesn't contain personal data.
The string is like this: UserYYYYMMDDHHMMSSMMMM::CVAppSav
language String required It's the language code you are using the app (en, it, ...)
public true or false required It's a flag: true if the statistics are public, so are shown in the graph, false if you have turned off the statistics
version Integer required It's the version code of the app (90, 91, ...)
source GPS, FD-GH or HAG (or n.d.) optional It indicates the source from you installed the app (GPS: Google Play Store, FD-GH: F-Droid/GitHub, HAG: Huawei AppGallery, n.d.: not defined)


The POST request could returns these status code:

Code Type Description Explanation and possible fix
200 OK Record inserted correctly. Data are valid and they are been inserted correctly
400 Error Record has already inserted today. Invalid because data are already inserted today
401 Error Something was wrong in POST request. DB rejected the data, so try again or check them
402 Error Parameters are wrong, check them. Parameters passed are incorrect or not enough
403 Error Can't insert record on database. DB rejected the data, so try again or check data passed
500 Error Can't connect to the database. It's unavailable the connection with the database in that moment

Logs collection



To get app statistics you need to do a GET request to

You can specify these parameters:

Key Value Required Explanation
limit Integer optional You can specify an Integer which indicates the number of records (logs) you want to see.
If you'd like the last 100 logs, for example, you should specify 100.
If you don't specify anything, it's 100 as default. The number have to be in 1 and 1000 interval.


The system returns a JSON document, which has a counter from 1 , and it contains two big sections: general and log.


Key Value Explanation
id Integer The id of the log entry in the database
logDate DateTime The date when the log happened.
date DateTime The log entry creation date
language String It's the language code you are using the app (en, it, ...)
version Integer The version code of the app (90, 91, ...)
source String It indicates the source from which you installed the app (GPS: Google Play Store, FD-GH: F-Droid/GitHub)
logged 0 or 1 It's an integer value 0 if you use the app "anonymously" (without log-in), 1 if you are logged in


Key Value Explanation
errorLevel String It indicates shortly which type of message it is (like Error, Warning, etc.)
tag Text It's a string which indicates the class name where the error happened
stackTrace Text It's the description of the error
additionalLogs Text optional \It's omre information (context) about the error. This field is not required.



To insert data you need to do a POST request to

Key Value Required Explanation
logDate DateTime required It's the datetime when the issue is verified. This could be different from the datetime when the log arrives in the database.
The format of this data should be: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
logged 0 or 1 required It's an integer value 0 if you use the app "anonymously" (without log-in), 1 if you are logged in
language String required It's the language code you are using the app (en, it, ...)
version Integer required It's the version code of the app (90, 91, ...)
source GPS, FD-GH or HAG (or n.d.) required It indicates the source from you installed the app (GPS: Google Play Store, FD-GH: F-Droid/GitHub, HAG: Huawei AppGallery, n.d.: not defined)
errorLevel String required It's string which indicates the error level, like Info, Error, Warning, etc.
tag Text optional It's a string which indicates the class name where the error happened
stackTrace Text required It's the description of the error
additionalLogs Text optional It's more information (context) about the error. This field is not required.


Code Type Description Explanation and possible fix
200 OK Record inserted correctly. Record inserted correctly in the database
400 Error Can't insert record on database. DB rejected the data, so try again or check data passed
401 Error Parameters are not enough. Parameters are not enough or they are too much.
500 Error Can't connect to the database. It's unavailable the connection with the database in that moment

App usage



To get app statistics you need to do a GET request to

You can insert these parameters to the GET request:

Key Value Required Explanation
language String optional It's the language code of the language you want to see. You can specify also all, the system will return all languages.
If you don't specify anything, the system will return all languages
filter String optional It filters the result of contributions, you can set to today (contributions of today), yesterday (contributions of yesterday), always (contributions of always), year (contributions of year and you have to specify the year parameter too) or date (then you will be able to specify exactly the start_date and the end_date).
year Integer optional Specify it just if you specified filter=year.
You need to specify the year you want to see. If you don't specify anything, it's set automatically to filter=today.
start_date Date
optional Specify it just if you specified filter=date.
You need to specify the start date ("from") you want to see. If you don't specify anything, it's set automatically to the current date ("today").
end_date Date
optional Specify it just if you specified filter=date and if you set before the start_date.
You need to specify the end date ("to") you want to see. If you don't specify anything, it's set automatically to the current date ("today").

The language can also be all.


You will get a which has as key the language code of the language selected (or all languages). This key contains other two big section: listen and speak, these contain other fields.


Key Value Explanation
validated Integer Indicates all clips validated (both "Yes" and "No")
accepted Integer Indicates all clips you accepted ("Yes")
rejected Integer Indicates all clips you rejected ("No")
reported Integer Indicates all clips you reported ("Report")


Key Value Explanation
sent Integer Indicates all sentences you recorded and you sent the recording to the Common Voice server
reported Integer Indicates all sentences you reported ("Report")



To insert data you need to do a POST request to

Key Value Required Explanation
logged 0 or 1 required If the user is logged in, so it's 1, otherwise it's 0
language String required It's the language code, like it, en, etc.
version Integer required It's the version code of the app
source GPS, FD-GH, HAG required It's the app store/source from that you downloaded and installed the app
type 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 required It's an integer value 0 or 1 if you validated a clip (the first one "rejected", the latter one "accepted"), 2 if you reported a clip, 3 if you sent a recording and 4 if you reported a sentence.
So, the 0, 1 and 2 are about "Listen", the 3 and 4 are about "Speak"
username String required It's a unique string generated just the first time you run the app (not every time you run it), and it doesn't contain personal data.
The string is like this: UserYYYYMMDDHHMMSSMMMM::CVAppSav
offline 0 or 1 required It indicates if you are using the app in offline (1) mode (without any connection) or online (0)


Code Type Description Explanation and possible fix
200 OK Record inserted correctly. Record inserted correctly in the database
400 Error Can't insert record on database. DB rejected the data, so try again or check data passed
401 Error Parameters are not enough. Parameters are not enough or they are too much.
500 Error Can't connect to the database. It's unavailable the connection with the database in that moment

App usage for a user



To get app statistics you need to do a GET request to

You can insert these parameters to the GET request:

Key Value Required Explanation
id String required It's the username* of the user you want to see the statistics. You can find your username in `Settings
start_date Date (YYYY-MM-DD) optional It indicates the date since ("from") which you want to see the statistics. Its format have to be YYYY-MM-DD.
If you want the contributions of ever, you can specify always.
If you want the contributions of today, you can specify today.
If you don't specify anything, the system automatically will show you statistics of ever.
end_date Date (YYYY-MM-DD) optional It indicates the date until ("to") which you want to see the statistics. Its format have to be YYYY-MM-DD.
If you want the contributions of today, you can specify today.
If you don't specify anything, the system automatically will show you statistics of today.

*It's the CV Android username of the user. It's anonymous and if you clear data of the app, the username changes.


You will get a which has as key the language code of the language selected (or all languages). This key contains other two big section: listen and speak, these contain other fields.


Key Value Explanation
validated Integer Indicates all clips validated (both "Yes" and "No")
accepted Integer Indicates all clips you accepted ("Yes")
rejected Integer Indicates all clips you rejected ("No")
reported Integer Indicates all clips you reported ("Report")


Key Value Explanation
sent Integer Indicates all sentences you recorded and you sent the recording to the Common Voice server
reported Integer Indicates all sentences you reported ("Report")

App usage (detailed)



To get app statistics you need to do a GET request to

You can insert these parameters to the GET request:

Key Value Required Explanation
language String optional It's the language code of the language you want to see. You can specify also all, the system will return all languages.
If you don't specify anything, the system will return all languages
filter String optional It filters the result of contributions, you can set to today (contributions of today), yesterday (contributions of yesterday), always (contributions of always), year (contributions of year and you have to specify the year parameter too) or date (then you will be able to specify exactly the start_date and the end_date).
year Integer optional Specify it just if you specified filter=year.
You need to specify the year you want to see. If you don't specify anything, it's set automatically to filter=today.
start_date Date
optional Specify it just if you specified filter=date.
You need to specify the start date ("from") you want to see. If you don't specify anything, it's set automatically to the current date ("today").
end_date Date
optional Specify it just if you specified filter=date and if you set before the start_date.
You need to specify the end date ("to") you want to see. If you don't specify anything, it's set automatically to the current date ("today").

The language can also be all.


You will get a which has as key the language code of the language selected (or all languages). This key contains other two big section: listen and speak. These sections contain other subsections: (for listen:) validated, accepted, rejected and reported and (for speak:) sent and reported.

The validated for Listen are the sum of accepted, rejected and reported. For more details about those subsections, please see App usage above.

Every subsection has these fields:

Key Value Explanation
all Integer Indicates all clips/sentences/recordings (so it's the sum of online+offline or logged+no-logged)
online Integer Indicates all clips/sentences/recordings made in the app online (so with an Internet connection)
offline Integer Indicates all clips/sentences/recordings made in the app offline (so without an Internet connection)
logged Integer Indicates all clips/sentences/recordings made in the app logged in (so log in to your account)
no-logged Integer Indicates all clips/sentences/recordings made in the app no-logged in (so you don't log in to your account)

In-app messages



To get in-app messages you need to do a GET request to

You can insert these parameters to the GET request:

Key Value Required Explanation
id Integer optional You can specify a message_id, otherwise the system will return to you all messages


If you specified the id, you will get just one result, so 1 which contains these parameters. Otherwise, you will get more results (1,2,...), in sorted by message_id DESC.

Key Value Explanation
id Integer It's the message id
type Integer|NULL It indicates the message type. If it's different to , NULL, the app will open a popup instead of a banner. Popup supported are: 1 (standard), 5 (info), 6 (help), 7 (warning), 8 (news/changelog),9 (tip).
NULL (default value) means it's a banner.
user String|NULL If this field is not NULL, so it means versionCode, language and source are ignored.
This field indicates the userid (::CVAppSav) of the user you want to send a message.
versionCode Integer|NULL It indicates the goal app version code.
NULL (default value) means the message is for all version codes.
language String|NULL It's the goal language for the message (language code supported in the app).
NULL (default value) means the message is for all languages.
source String|NULL It indicates the store where the app has been installed (Google Play, F-Droid, etc.).
NULL (default value) means the message is for all stores (GPS, FD-GH, HAG).
startDate Date|NULL It indicates the start date the message is valid.
NULL (default value) means there isn't a specified start date ("from").
endDate Date|NULL It indicates the end date the message is valid.
NULL (default value) means there isn't a specified end date ("until").
text Text It's the actual text the banner show contains.
ableToClose Boolean If true it means the message can be closed (with the button "X"), otherwise the "X" button is hidden.
button1 Text|NULL It's the text of the first button.
NULL (default value) means buttons are not required for this message.
button1Link Text It's the link of the first button.
If button1 is not NULL, the link is required.
button2 Text|NULL It's the text of the second button.
NULL (default value) means the second button is not required for this message.
button2Link Text It's the link of the second button.
If button2 is not NULL, the link is required.




To get in-app messages you need to do a GET request to


You will get all supported languages in the app. For each language (the code) you will get also these details:

Key Value Explanation
native String It's the native name of the language
english String It's the name of the language in English
crowdin Boolean Indicates the language exists or not on Crowdin (false: not exists/not supported, true: supported)
percentage Integer It's the translation percentage of the app (on Crowdin). If the language is not present of Crowdin, the percentage is 0