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English Instruction

SchneeHertz edited this page Nov 8, 2024 · 38 revisions

Instructions for using the software


  1. In the settings, select the Library Folder, i.e. the folder where the manga archive or the manga image folder is stored, the requirements for the archive are as follows:
    • Supported zip, rar or 7z compression formats(there are some compressed packages because of the encoding reasons will fail to scan, it is recommended to unzip these packages and scan again)
    • Supported jpg, jpeg, png, webp, avif image formats
  2. The first time you import, click Manual Scan(🔄 at the top of main page) to start scanning the manga files in the library folder and extracting the covers
  3. If you need to use a proxy to access the e-hentai or exhentai website, put your proxy server address into the settings, in a format similar to, Refer to
  4. Wait for the scan to finish and click on BatchGetMetadata(🔽 at the top of main page)
    • If you have an account with exhentai, follow these steps to get the metadata
      1. Use a web browser to open the page that can be viewed normally
      2. Press F12 to bring up DevTools, switch to the Application page, expand Cookie in the left sidebar, then
      3. Copy the values of igneous, ipb_pass_hash, ipb_member_id to the input box of the settings
      4. Click BatchGetMetadata
  5. Support importing EX overall metadata database backup, download link uploader page
    • If you have a large library, it is recommended to perform this step before BatchGetMetadata for the first time
    • If the library scan is before updating to 1.4.0, you need to perform patchLocalMeta first
    • In Settings - Advanced, Import api_dump.sqlite, select the downloaded and unzipped api_dump.sqlite file, and refer to the database download page for timeliness
  6. When a new manga is added to the library folder, click Manual Scan to update the library
  7. If you have more than one library folder, you can use LSE or the system's built-in mklink command to create symbolic links, connecting the other library folders to one of them. This enables efficient management of multiple libraries.

Manually Get Metadata

  1. Right-click on the cover on the homepage, or click Get Metadata Manually on the details page.
  2. Choose an appropriate metadata source (sha1 refers to matching through image fingerprints, keyword refers to searching via the search box).
  3. Search and select a suitable entry; you can navigate to the search results page for manual confirmation.

Handling manga that failed to get metadata

  1. Click on the cover of the manga on the home page to open the details dialog
  2. Click Edit Tag
    • If you have the e-hentai or exhentai page address for that manga, the format is similar to
    • Fill in the eh/ex address input box, click on Get Tag by Url, then click on the Show Tag
    • If you don't have the page address for the manga, add tags on the right side of the details dialog, then click Show Tag
  3. Usually, manga downloaded with EH's Archive Download function can automatically get the metadata by the default matching method, while manga downloaded by other methods have matching failure


  • Click on the label on the right side of the detailed dialog box to quickly search for manga containing that label.
  • Enter tags in the input box at the top of the homepage, separating multiple tags with spaces. Tags containing spaces should be enclosed in "", formatted like "big breast" maid, and then click search.
  • You can add categories before tags, such as f:"big breasts", female:"pantyhose"$, m:"condom".
  • Add a - before search terms to exclude them, for example "big breast" -maid or -"big breast" maid.
  • Add a ~ before search terms to include additional results; for example, a b ~c will search for manga that satisfy (a and b) or c.
  • Searching for tag-failed will display manga that failed to retrieve metadata correctly, while tagged refers to those with retrieved metadata, and non-tag indicates newly added manga without retrieved metadata.
  • You can search by comic's English name, Japanese name, tags, status, category, or file path.
  • Searching for pageDiff can find manga where the local file page count differs significantly from the metadata page count.
  • Use formats like :mtime>2024-06-20 to search for manga from specific times. It supports three types of time markers: mtime (file modification time), atime (the time when the comic was added to the library), ptime (upload time of comic in metadata).


  • Click the Re|ad button under the cover of the manga on the home page to enter reading mode
  • After setting the image viewer program in the settings page, you can open the manga by clicking on Read button at the bottom left of the detail dialog box, I recommend using HoneyView, OpenComic
  • Clicking on the cover of the detailed dialog box can open the built-in image browser, left-click to enter reading mode, right-click to enter thumbnail mode.
    • Switch reading mode, single or double page view, and image adaptation method in the upper left corner.
    • Read manga by scrolling like a scroll, browse using the mouse wheel, hold down the right edge of an image to adjust its width.
    • Read manga in single or double page view mode, click on pages to flip left or right with a mouse or use arrow keys.


  • Click the EditCollection button on the home page to enter the collection editing page, the left side of the page shows the manga, which can be sorted by the search bar above and paginated below, and the right side of the page shows the existing collections
  • In the upper right corner, there are buttons for Create Collection, Rename/Delete Collection, Save, and Exit Directly
  • After selecting an existing collection or creating a new collection, select the manga on the left side to add or remove the manga from the collection
  • Drag the manga list on the right side to adjust the order of the manga in the collection
  • When all manga in a collection are removed, the collection will be deleted when you save it
  • The collection and normal manga will be displayed on the homepage at the same time, distinguished by the collection tag in the upper right corner
  • When searching, if the manga in the collection meet the search criteria, the collection will be displayed
  • When sorting, the information of the last manga in the collection will prevail

Batch Operations

  • Click on the Manage Tag on the homepage to enter the batch metadata editing interface, which is similar to the collection editing interface.
  • To add new tags, you need to do so on the detail page of any comic. The category characters for tags can be: \w\d一-龟, and the characters allowed for tags are: - ._()\w\d一-龟


  • The rating of E-hentai is displayed on the bottom side of the manga cover on the homepage, and can be changed
  • Manga can be bookmarked by clicking the bookmark icon on the manga cover
  • Right click on the manga cover can perform some functions in the detail dialog, such as get metadata, open manga directory, hide and delete manga, etc
  • You can sort the manga on the home page by collection, bookmark, hide, add time, upload time, and rating
  • Click the title of the detail dialog to jump to the E-hentai web page
  • You can choose the default display of comments in the settings and switch the temporary display in the lower left button
  • The Hide Manga button on the bottom left of the detail dialog box toggles whether the manga is displayed on the home page or not, and the hidden manga can be viewed by sorting "hidden only"
  • The data files of the portable version are stored in the root of the software folder, you can transfer the existing data in the Roaming/software name folder (move cover folder, setting.json, database.sqlite, metadata.sqlite, collectionList.json files), after the transfer, you need to perform a Manual Scan to refresh the cover paths
  • You can Export the metadata archive of the library based on the manga file Hash in the settings, and Import the archive after transferring the manga library or moving the files in the library.
  • Right-click shortcut menu at cover, title, content and comments of the manga
  • Click on the button on the left side of the search bar to open the folder tree view and select subfolders to browse
  • The advanced settings can be set to use regular expressions to exclude files you don't want in the library. Regular expressions are useful but painful, so I hope you don't have to use this feature
  • An example of Exclude File: .*(?<!.zip)$: excludes all files with a non-zip suffix
  • When using file name search, you can define the parts of the file name that need to be trimmed, \s*(\[[^\]]*\]|\([^\)]*\)|【[^】]*】|([^)]*))\s*, this regular expression can trim the parts included in [],(),【】,()in the file name.
  • If you need to add multiple libraries to the software, you can use LSE or mklink to link multiple library folders to a single folder, and then add this folder to the software
  • The menu bar is initially concealed, and pressing Alt will toggle its visibility.
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