In kilobot_communication_default_actuator: When the message is set to 0 (NULL pointer) the kilobot should not send any message. This is the way in which you can stop sending messages on the real kilobot, by clearing its memory.
Make it possible to cross-compile between ARGoS and the real robot by integrating the real kilobot compulation within the CMake structure.
Add support for LoopFunctions in ARGoS. This is important when running experiments in which some data stored internally in the controller of the kilobots should be made available. We discussed about the possibility to define special variables that are stored in shared memory.
Add support for debug to use the same code between kilobots and real robots. Normally, with the debug option, kilobots can print out variables at every control cycle, more or less (but check the API). Basically, debug gives access to <stdio.h>, and is commonly used by using printf to print strings on the serial port, which is visualised on a window of the kilogui. It would be nice if we could send the debug messages to the ARGoS GUI, in a way or the other. As a first step, debug messages could just be discarded when compiling against ARGoS, so that the code is still compatible.
Make it possible to have an immobile kilobot (i.e., a kilobot that cannot be pushed away, but serves as beacon). This is very useful in many experiments with real robots, which can be made immobile by putting them above a round paper to avoid other robots get in contact with them.