PlotXpress is a shiny app that simplifies the analysis and plotting of data from a dual luciferase experiment in 96-well format.
The app is available online:
The app can also run locally. To launch the app from R/Rstudio, paste this in the command line:
shiny::runGitHub('PlotXpress', 'ScienceParkStudyGroup')
Or download it to use it offline:
-download the app.R and csv files with example data.
-Run RStudio and load app.R
-Select 'Run All' (shortcut is command-option-R on a Mac) or click on "Run App" (upper right button on the window)
This should launch a web browser with the Shiny app. Note that the app depends on several R packages that need to be installed (shiny, ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, readr, magrittr, readxl, DT, stringr) Run this command in R/Rstudio to download and install all the packages at once: -install.packages("shiny", "ggplot2", "dplyr", "tidyr", "magrittr", "readxl", "DT", "readr", "stringr")
- Excel sheet containing 2 tables in 96-well lay-out (raw output from a Promega GloMax® Navigator). An unprocessed example output file is included:
- A CSV file in which conditions are listed for each well. An example file is available in this repo:
- A CSV in tidy format that contains the data and the condition. The minimal information that is required is a column with wells (in the format A01, B01, ..), a column with intensity data and a column with the conditions. An example file is available in this repo:
Standard output generated with the example data and example design:
The plotXpress app is created as a team effort by Elias Brandorff, Marc Galland & Joachim Goedhart
Questions related to the shiny app can be addressed to: Joachim Goedhart (@joachimgoedhart)
The Apache-2.0 License (see the file LICENSE for full text) applies to the software and the CC-BY-4 license (see the file LICENSE-data for full text) applies to the datafiles (DualLuc_example_data.xlsx & Tidy_design.csv)
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Joachim Goedhart 💻 🐛 💡 🔧 |
ebrando 🔣 💡 🤔 📆 📓 |
Marc Galland 🤔 📆 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!