A simple library of OOP style helper classes for WordPress theme and plugin development.
Most methods in this package are wrappers for already existing functionality like get_the_title()
or get_user_meta()
, but they give you a much cleaner (and more modern) way to do so!
It's recommended you install this package via Composer.
composer require sebkay/oop-wp
You'll need to include the Composer autoloader so you have access to the package. Add the following to the top of your functions.php
require get_template_directory() . '/vendor/autoload.php';
Wherever you want to use one of the OOP implementations, you can do so like this:
use OOPWP\PostTypes\Post;
$blog_post = new Post(get_the_ID());
All dates use the Carbon PHP library.
use OOPWP\PostTypes\Post;
$blog_post = new Post(get_the_ID());
# date() is \Carbon\Carbon object
$blog_post->date()->format('j F Y);