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File metadata and controls

315 lines (207 loc) · 15.6 KB

Shelf's current stack

Shelf's basic setup is based on a Remix stack by rphlmr:

What's in the stack


If you prefer to run shelf locally or host your live app via docker, please check our Docker documentation.


Currently we dont have a docker setup that also includes self hositng supabase. Once released the docker documentation will be updated to include it as well.


  • Create a Supabase Database (free tier gives you 2 databases)

    Note: Only one for playing around with Supabase or 2 for staging and production

    Note: Used all your free tiers ? Also works with Supabase CLI and local self-hosting

    Note: Create a strong database password, but prefer a passphrase, it'll be more easy to use in connection string (no need to escape special char)

    example : my_strong_passphrase

  • Go to{PROJECT}/settings/api to find your secrets

  • "Project API keys"

  • Add your MAPTILER_TOKEN, SUPABASE_URL, SERVER_URL, SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE (aka service_role secret), SUPABASE_ANON_PUBLIC (aka anon public) and DATABASE_URL in the .env file

    Note: SERVER_URL is your localhost on dev.

  • Make sure to set the database connection mode in Supabase to "transaction"

# Most of the connection information can be found within the Supabase dashboard. Navigate to your project > Project Settings > Database.
# There you will be able to find the values you need to use below
# You can either copy the connection string and insert your password or use the connection parameters to build the string yourself

# Direct URL is used by prisma to run migrations. Depending on how you run your migrations, you could skip this in your procution environment
# More info here:
# and here:


# Used for generating cuid with lowered chance of collision. Optional

SMTP_FROM="You from" <>

# Set this to false to disable requirement of subscription for premium features. This will make premium features available for all users
# You can also directly adjust this in remix.config.js and set it to false

# The Stripe keys are needed only if you want to enable premium features


  • This step only applies if you've opted out of having the CLI install dependencies for you:

    npx remix init
  • Initial setup:

    npm run setup
  • Start dev server:

    npm run dev

This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.


During development involving Dockerfile changes, make sure to address the correct file in your builds:

  • will be built via Dockerfile
  • will be built via Dockerfile.image


For authentication to work in your Project, you need so setup some settings related to One Time Passwords in Supabase.

In order for OTP to work you need to make your OTP emails. Go to your Supabase dashboard, select your project and navigate to Authentication > Email Templates. Replace the {{ .ConfirmationURL }} with {{ .Token }}. This will make sure that Supabase sends your Users a one time password instead of a magic link. You need to do this both for "Confirm signup" and "Magic link".


Do what you know if you are a expert.

This Remix Stack comes with two GitHub Actions that handle automatically deploying your app to production and staging environments.

Prior to your first deployment, you'll need to do a few things:

  • Install Fly

  • Sign up and log in to Fly

    fly auth signup

    Note: If you have more than one Fly account, ensure that you are signed into the same account in the Fly CLI as you are in the browser. In your terminal, run fly auth whoami and ensure the email matches the Fly account signed into the browser.

  • Create two apps on Fly, one for staging and one for production:

    fly apps create shelf-webapp
    fly apps create shelf-webapp-staging  # ** not mandatory if you don't want a staging environment **

    Note: For production app, make sure this name matches the app set in your fly.toml file. Otherwise, you will not be able to deploy.

    • Initialize Empty Git repository.
    git init
  • Create a new GitHub Repository, and then add it as the remote for your project. Do not push your app yet!

    git remote add origin <ORIGIN_URL>
  • Add MAPTILER_TOKEN which is needed for rendering the map which shows the last scanned location. For more info and to get an account and token:

  • Add a FLY_API_TOKEN to your GitHub repo. To do this, go to your user settings on Fly and create a new token, then add it to your repo secrets with the name FLY_API_TOKEN.


    Note: To find your SERVER_URL, go to your dashboard

    To do this you can run the following commands:

    # production (--app name is resolved from fly.toml)
    fly secrets set SESSION_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 32)
    fly secrets set SUPABASE_URL="https://{YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME}"
    fly secrets set DATABASE_URL="postgres://{USER}:{PASSWORD}@{HOST}:6543/{DB_NAME}?pgbouncer=true&connection_limit=1"
    fly secrets set SERVER_URL="https://{YOUR_STAGING_SERVEUR_URL}"
    fly secrets set FINGERPRINT=$(openssl rand -hex 32)
    fly secrets set SMTP_HOST=""
    fly secrets set SMTP_USER=""
    fly secrets set SMTP_PWD="yourSMTPpassword"
    fly secrets set SMTP_FROM="Carlos from" <>
    # staging (specify --app name) ** not mandatory if you don't want a staging environnement **
    fly secrets set SESSION_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 32) --app shelf-webapp-staging
    fly secrets set SUPABASE_URL="https://{YOUR_STAGING_INSTANCE_NAME}" --app shelf-webapp-staging
    fly secrets set SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE="{STAGING_SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE}" --app shelf-webapp-staging
    fly secrets set SUPABASE_ANON_PUBLIC="{STAGING_SUPABASE_ANON_PUBLIC}" --app shelf-webapp-staging
    fly secrets set DATABASE_URL="postgres://{USER}:{PASSWORD}@{HOST}:6543/{DB_NAME}?pgbouncer=true&connection_limit=1" --app shelf-webapp-staging
    fly secrets set SERVER_URL="https://{YOUR_STAGING_SERVEUR_URL}" --app shelf-webapp-staging

    If you don't have openssl installed, you can also use 1password to generate a random secret, just replace $(openssl rand -hex 32) with the generated secret.

Now that everything is set up you can commit and push your changes to your repo. Every commit to your main branch will trigger a deployment to your production environment, and every commit to your dev branch will trigger a deployment to your staging environment.

Note: To deploy manually, just run fly deploy (It'll deploy app defined in fly.toml)

File Storage

For File storage we use the S3 buckets service provided by supabase. We do this as it makes it easier to manage permissions in relation to our users which are also stored on supabase. To set it up you need to do the following steps:

Profile pictures

  1. Create a bucket called profile-pictures
  2. Make it a public bucket
  3. Implement a policy for INSERT, UPDATE & DELETE. The policy expression is: ((bucket_id = 'profile-pictures'::text) AND ((storage.foldername(name))[1] = (auth.uid())::text)) and target roles should be set to authenticated


  1. Create a bucket called assets
  2. Implement a policy for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE & DELETE. The policy expression is: ((bucket_id = 'assets'::text) AND ((storage.foldername(name))[1] = (auth.uid())::text)) and target roles should be set to authenticated


  1. Create a bucket called kits
  2. Implement a policy for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE & DELETE. The policy expression is: ((bucket_id = 'kits'::text) AND ((storage.foldername(name))[1] = (auth.uid())::text)) and target roles should be set to authenticated

GitHub Actions

DISCLAIMER : Github actions ==> I'm not an expert about that. Read carefully before using it

We use GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment. Anything that gets into the main branch will be deployed to production after running tests/build/etc. Anything in the dev branch will be deployed to staging.

👉 You have to add some env secrets for playwright. 👈

Add a SESSION_SECRET, SUPABASE_URL, SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE, SUPABASE_ANON_PUBLIC, SERVER_URL and DATABASE_URL to your repo secrets Please make sure that the SERVER_URL is set to "http://localhost:3000". This will ensure that the magic link works when running playwright tests during Github actions.



We use Playwright for our End-to-End tests in this project. You'll find those in the test directory. As you make changes, add to an existing file or create a new file in the test/e2e directory to test your changes. If you want to add extra fixtures, you can add them in the fixtures directory.

To run these tests in development, complete your .env and run npm run test:e2e:dev which will start the dev server for the app as well as the Playwright client. Make sure the database is running in docker as described above.

NOTE: We currently don't have a utility to delete users created by the tests so you will have to delete those manually for now. We will at some point create a utility that runs after all tests and deletes the user that was created during the test.


For lower level tests of utilities and individual components, we use vitest. We have DOM-specific assertion helpers via @testing-library/jest-dom.

Type Checking

This project uses TypeScript. It's recommended to get TypeScript set up for your editor to get a great in-editor experience with type checking and auto-complete. To run type checking across the whole project, run npm run typecheck.


This project uses ESLint for linting. That is configured in .eslintrc.js.


We use Prettier for auto-formatting in this project. It's recommended to install an editor plugin (like the VSCode Prettier plugin) to get auto-formatting on save. There's also a npm run format script you can run to format all files in the project.

Start working with Supabase

You are now ready to go further, congrats!

To extend your Prisma schema and apply changes on your supabase database :

If your token expires in less than 1 hour (3600 seconds in Supabase Dashboard)

If you have a lower token lifetime than me (1 hour), you should take a look at REFRESH_ACCESS_TOKEN_THRESHOLD in ./app/modules/auth/session.server.ts and set what you think is the best value for your use case.

Supabase RLS

You may ask "can I use RLS with Remix".

The answer is "Yes" but It has a cost.

Using Supabase SDK server side to query your database (for those using RLS features) adds an extra delay due to calling a Gotrue rest API instead of directly calling the Postgres database (and this is fine because at first Supabase SDK is for those who don't have/want backend).

In my benchmark, it makes my pages twice slower. (~+200ms compared to a direct query with Prisma)

Supabase url configuration

In order to make the reset password work, you will need to add some configuration to your Supabase. You need to add the site url as well as the redirect urls of your local, test and live app that will be used for resetting password. To do that navigate to Authentication > URL configuration and add the following values:


Shelf hosted version has some premium features that are locked behind different tiers of subscriptions. By default those features are disabled. To enable them add the env variable. Moreover if you don't have different servers and environments, you can directly adjust the value in shelf.config.ts



The locations module allows the users to put an address in a free text field for their "location". For geocoding we use which is a free api for up to 1 000 000 requests per month. If you want to use it you need to provide an env variable called GEOCODE_API_KEY with your api key. If you would like to use a different api, you can find the code for requesting the location details in app/utils/geolocate.server.ts.