diff --git a/Experements/DGCNN.ipynb b/Experements/DGCNN.ipynb
deleted file mode 100644
index e3c4c69..0000000
--- a/Experements/DGCNN.ipynb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
- "cells": [
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 1,
- "id": "cbb1f3da",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "import torch\n",
- "import torch.nn as nn"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 2,
- "id": "e4699e27",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "x = torch.rand(5, 3, 30)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 3,
- "id": "934e5920",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "from moduleZoo.graphs import GraphConv2d\n",
- "from modelZoo.graphs import DGCNN"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 4,
- "id": "0da36247",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "text/plain": [
- "DGCNN(\n",
- " (layers): ModuleList(\n",
- " (0): GraphConv2d(\n",
- " (conv): ConvNormActivation2d(\n",
- " (0): Conv2d(6, 32, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1))\n",
- " (1): SELU()\n",
- " )\n",
- " )\n",
- " (1): GraphConv2d(\n",
- " (conv): ConvNormActivation2d(\n",
- " (0): Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1))\n",
- " (1): SELU()\n",
- " )\n",
- " )\n",
- " (2): GraphConv2d(\n",
- " (conv): ConvNormActivation2d(\n",
- " (0): Conv2d(128, 128, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1))\n",
- " (1): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)\n",
- " (2): SELU()\n",
- " )\n",
- " )\n",
- " (3): GraphConv2d(\n",
- " (conv): ConvNormActivation2d(\n",
- " (0): Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1))\n",
- " (1): SELU()\n",
- " )\n",
- " )\n",
- " (4): GraphConv2d(\n",
- " (conv): ConvNormActivation2d(\n",
- " (0): Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1))\n",
- " (1): SELU()\n",
- " )\n",
- " )\n",
- " )\n",
- ")"
- ]
- },
- "execution_count": 4,
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "execute_result"
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "model = DGCNN(30)\n",
- "model"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 5,
- "id": "a4d825df",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "out = model(x)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 6,
- "id": "dc04f1f3",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "text/plain": [
- "torch.Size([5, 992, 30])"
- ]
- },
- "execution_count": 6,
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "execute_result"
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "out.shape"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 7,
- "id": "c8fb308f",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "from torchviz import make_dot"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 8,
- "id": "faa45483",
- "metadata": {
- "scrolled": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "fig = make_dot(out, params=dict(list(model.named_parameters())))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 9,
- "id": "5e9bccd8",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "text/plain": [
- "'fig.pdf'"
- ]
- },
- "execution_count": 9,
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "execute_result"
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "fig.render(\"fig\", format=\"pdf\")"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "id": "9b78375c",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": []
- }
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "kernelspec": {
- "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
- "language": "python",
- "name": "python3"
- },
- "language_info": {
- "codemirror_mode": {
- "name": "ipython",
- "version": 3
- },
- "file_extension": ".py",
- "mimetype": "text/x-python",
- "name": "python",
- "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
- "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
- "version": "3.8.10"
- }
- },
- "nbformat": 4,
- "nbformat_minor": 5
diff --git a/Experements/fig b/Experements/fig
deleted file mode 100644
index 372c521..0000000
--- a/Experements/fig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-digraph {
- graph [size="28.65,28.65"]
- node [align=left fontname=monospace fontsize=10 height=0.2 ranksep=0.1 shape=box style=filled]
- 140146209559152 [label="
- (5, 992, 30)" fillcolor=darkolivegreen1]
- 140146142049712 [label=CatBackward0]
- 140146142049856 -> 140146142049712
- 140146142049856 [label=MaxBackward0]
- 140146142050000 -> 140146142049856
- 140146142050000 [label=EluBackward0]
- 140146142050096 -> 140146142050000
- 140146142050096 [label=ConvolutionBackward0]
- 140146142050192 -> 140146142050096
- 140146209583568 [label="layers.0.conv.0.weight
- (32, 6, 1, 1)" fillcolor=lightblue]
- 140146209583568 -> 140146142050192
- 140146142050192 [label=AccumulateGrad]
- 140146142050144 -> 140146142050096
- 140146209583648 [label="layers.0.conv.0.bias
- (32)" fillcolor=lightblue]
- 140146209583648 -> 140146142050144
- 140146142050144 [label=AccumulateGrad]
- 140146142049808 -> 140146142049712
- 140146142049808 [label=MaxBackward0]
- 140146142049904 -> 140146142049808
- 140146142049904 [label=EluBackward0]
- 140146142050288 -> 140146142049904
- 140146142050288 [label=ConvolutionBackward0]
- 140146142050384 -> 140146142050288
- 140146142050384 [label=CloneBackward0]
- 140146142050576 -> 140146142050384
- 140146142050576 [label=PermuteBackward0]
- 140146142050672 -> 140146142050576
- 140146142050672 [label=CatBackward0]
- 140146142050768 -> 140146142050672
- 140146142050768 [label=SubBackward0]
- 140146142050912 -> 140146142050768
- 140146142050912 [label=ViewBackward0]
- 140146142051008 -> 140146142050912
- 140146142051008 [label=IndexBackward0]
- 140146142051104 -> 140146142051008
- 140146142051104 [label=SliceBackward0]
- 140146142051200 -> 140146142051104
- 140146142051200 [label=ViewBackward0]
- 140146142051296 -> 140146142051200
- 140146142051296 [label=CloneBackward0]
- 140146142051344 -> 140146142051296
- 140146142051344 [label=TransposeBackward0]
- 140146142049856 -> 140146142051344
- 140146142050720 -> 140146142050768
- 140146142050720 [label=RepeatBackward0]
- 140146142051152 -> 140146142050720
- 140146142051152 [label=ViewBackward0]
- 140146142051344 -> 140146142051152
- 140146142050720 -> 140146142050672
- 140146142050336 -> 140146142050288
- 140146209583808 [label="layers.1.conv.0.weight
- (64, 64, 1, 1)" fillcolor=lightblue]
- 140146209583808 -> 140146142050336
- 140146142050336 [label=AccumulateGrad]
- 140146142049952 -> 140146142050288
- 140146209583888 [label="layers.1.conv.0.bias
- (64)" fillcolor=lightblue]
- 140146209583888 -> 140146142049952
- 140146142049952 [label=AccumulateGrad]
- 140146142049664 -> 140146142049712
- 140146142049664 [label=MaxBackward0]
- 140146142050432 -> 140146142049664
- 140146142050432 [label=EluBackward0]
- 140146142050624 -> 140146142050432
- 140146142050624 [label=NativeBatchNormBackward0]
- 140146142050864 -> 140146142050624
- 140146142050864 [label=ConvolutionBackward0]
- 140146142050960 -> 140146142050864
- 140146142050960 [label=CloneBackward0]
- 140146142051488 -> 140146142050960
- 140146142051488 [label=PermuteBackward0]
- 140146142051584 -> 140146142051488
- 140146142051584 [label=CatBackward0]
- 140146142051680 -> 140146142051584
- 140146142051680 [label=SubBackward0]
- 140146142051824 -> 140146142051680
- 140146142051824 [label=ViewBackward0]
- 140146142051968 -> 140146142051824
- 140146142051968 [label=IndexBackward0]
- 140146142052016 -> 140146142051968
- 140146142052016 [label=SliceBackward0]
- 140146142052112 -> 140146142052016
- 140146142052112 [label=ViewBackward0]
- 140146142052208 -> 140146142052112
- 140146142052208 [label=CloneBackward0]
- 140146142052304 -> 140146142052208
- 140146142052304 [label=TransposeBackward0]
- 140146142049808 -> 140146142052304
- 140146142051632 -> 140146142051680
- 140146142051632 [label=RepeatBackward0]
- 140146142052064 -> 140146142051632
- 140146142052064 [label=ViewBackward0]
- 140146142052304 -> 140146142052064
- 140146142051632 -> 140146142051584
- 140146142051248 -> 140146142050864
- 140146209584048 [label="layers.2.conv.0.weight
- (128, 128, 1, 1)" fillcolor=lightblue]
- 140146209584048 -> 140146142051248
- 140146142051248 [label=AccumulateGrad]
- 140146142049760 -> 140146142050864
- 140146209584128 [label="layers.2.conv.0.bias
- (128)" fillcolor=lightblue]
- 140146209584128 -> 140146142049760
- 140146142049760 [label=AccumulateGrad]
- 140146142050480 -> 140146142050624
- 140150156484832 [label="layers.2.conv.1.weight
- (128)" fillcolor=lightblue]
- 140150156484832 -> 140146142050480
- 140146142050480 [label=AccumulateGrad]
- 140146142050048 -> 140146142050624
- 140150156068240 [label="layers.2.conv.1.bias
- (128)" fillcolor=lightblue]
- 140150156068240 -> 140146142050048
- 140146142050048 [label=AccumulateGrad]
- 140146142049472 -> 140146142049712
- 140146142049472 [label=MaxBackward0]
- 140146142051056 -> 140146142049472
- 140146142051056 [label=EluBackward0]
- 140146142050816 -> 140146142051056
- 140146142050816 [label=ConvolutionBackward0]
- 140146142051392 -> 140146142050816
- 140146142051392 [label=CloneBackward0]
- 140146142052160 -> 140146142051392
- 140146142052160 [label=PermuteBackward0]
- 140146142051728 -> 140146142052160
- 140146142051728 [label=CatBackward0]
- 140146142051920 -> 140146142051728
- 140146142051920 [label=SubBackward0]
- 140146142081280 -> 140146142051920
- 140146142081280 [label=ViewBackward0]
- 140146142081376 -> 140146142081280
- 140146142081376 [label=IndexBackward0]
- 140146142081472 -> 140146142081376
- 140146142081472 [label=SliceBackward0]
- 140146142081568 -> 140146142081472
- 140146142081568 [label=ViewBackward0]
- 140146142081664 -> 140146142081568
- 140146142081664 [label=CloneBackward0]
- 140146142081760 -> 140146142081664
- 140146142081760 [label=TransposeBackward0]
- 140146142049664 -> 140146142081760
- 140146142081136 -> 140146142051920
- 140146142081136 [label=RepeatBackward0]
- 140146142081520 -> 140146142081136
- 140146142081520 [label=ViewBackward0]
- 140146142081760 -> 140146142081520
- 140146142081136 -> 140146142051728
- 140146142051536 -> 140146142050816
- 140146209584608 [label="layers.3.conv.0.weight
- (256, 256, 1, 1)" fillcolor=lightblue]
- 140146209584608 -> 140146142051536
- 140146142051536 [label=AccumulateGrad]
- 140146142050240 -> 140146142050816
- 140146209584688 [label="layers.3.conv.0.bias
- (256)" fillcolor=lightblue]
- 140146209584688 -> 140146142050240
- 140146142050240 [label=AccumulateGrad]
- 140146142049616 -> 140146142049712
- 140146142049616 [label=MaxBackward0]
- 140146142051776 -> 140146142049616
- 140146142051776 [label=EluBackward0]
- 140146142051872 -> 140146142051776
- 140146142051872 [label=ConvolutionBackward0]
- 140146142050528 -> 140146142051872
- 140146142050528 [label=CloneBackward0]
- 140146142081328 -> 140146142050528
- 140146142081328 [label=PermuteBackward0]
- 140146142081808 -> 140146142081328
- 140146142081808 [label=CatBackward0]
- 140146142081904 -> 140146142081808
- 140146142081904 [label=SubBackward0]
- 140146142082048 -> 140146142081904
- 140146142082048 [label=ViewBackward0]
- 140146142082144 -> 140146142082048
- 140146142082144 [label=IndexBackward0]
- 140146142082240 -> 140146142082144
- 140146142082240 [label=SliceBackward0]
- 140146142082336 -> 140146142082240
- 140146142082336 [label=ViewBackward0]
- 140146142082432 -> 140146142082336
- 140146142082432 [label=CloneBackward0]
- 140146142082528 -> 140146142082432
- 140146142082528 [label=TransposeBackward0]
- 140146142049472 -> 140146142082528
- 140146142081184 -> 140146142081904
- 140146142081184 [label=RepeatBackward0]
- 140146142082288 -> 140146142081184
- 140146142082288 [label=ViewBackward0]
- 140146142082528 -> 140146142082288
- 140146142081184 -> 140146142081808
- 140146142081232 -> 140146142051872
- 140146209584848 [label="layers.4.conv.0.weight
- (512, 512, 1, 1)" fillcolor=lightblue]
- 140146209584848 -> 140146142081232
- 140146142081232 [label=AccumulateGrad]
- 140146142081088 -> 140146142051872
- 140146209584928 [label="layers.4.conv.0.bias
- (512)" fillcolor=lightblue]
- 140146209584928 -> 140146142081088
- 140146142081088 [label=AccumulateGrad]
- 140146142049712 -> 140146209559152
diff --git a/Experements/fig.pdf b/Experements/fig.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c80f24..0000000
Binary files a/Experements/fig.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/__version__ b/__version__
index cfb3795..34b3221 100644
--- a/__version__
+++ b/__version__
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/build.sh b/build.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a40f109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+$PYTHON setup.py install # Python command to install the script.
diff --git a/examples/Attention Blocks.ipynb b/examples/Attention Blocks.ipynb
deleted file mode 100644
index e72c2d8..0000000
--- a/examples/Attention Blocks.ipynb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
- "cells": [
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 6,
- "id": "24f23c4c",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "import torch\n",
- "\n",
- "from moduleZoo.attention import MultiHeadSelfAttention2d, MultiHeadSelfAttention1d"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "id": "00d0411e",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## MultiHeadSelfAttention2d"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 7,
- "id": "045bb526",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "x = torch.rand(5, 128, 64, 64)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 8,
- "id": "2bc21642",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "text/plain": [
- "MultiHeadSelfAttention2d(\n",
- " (query_conv): ConvNormActivation2d(\n",
- " (0): Conv2d(128, 512, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=same)\n",
- " )\n",
- " (key_conv): ConvNormActivation2d(\n",
- " (0): Conv2d(128, 512, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=same)\n",
- " )\n",
- " (value_conv): ConvNormActivation2d(\n",
- " (0): Conv2d(128, 512, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=same)\n",
- " )\n",
- " (projection): ConvNormActivation2d(\n",
- " (0): Conv2d(128, 128, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1), bias=False)\n",
- " )\n",
- " (softmax): Softmax(dim=-1)\n",
- ")"
- ]
- },
- "execution_count": 8,
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "execute_result"
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "model = MultiHeadSelfAttention2d(128, n_heads=4, kernel_size=3)\n",
- "model"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 9,
- "id": "765904df",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "out = model(x)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "id": "416819cc",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## MultiHeadSelfAttention1d"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 10,
- "id": "157ab4ad",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "x = torch.rand(5, 128, 64)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 11,
- "id": "bb1fd249",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "text/plain": [
- "MultiHeadSelfAttention1d(\n",
- " (query_conv): ConvNormActivation1d(\n",
- " (0): Conv1d(128, 512, kernel_size=(3,), stride=(1,), padding=same)\n",
- " )\n",
- " (key_conv): ConvNormActivation1d(\n",
- " (0): Conv1d(128, 512, kernel_size=(3,), stride=(1,), padding=same)\n",
- " )\n",
- " (value_conv): ConvNormActivation1d(\n",
- " (0): Conv1d(128, 512, kernel_size=(3,), stride=(1,), padding=same)\n",
- " )\n",
- " (projection): ConvNormActivation1d(\n",
- " (0): Conv1d(128, 128, kernel_size=(1,), stride=(1,), bias=False)\n",
- " )\n",
- " (softmax): Softmax(dim=-1)\n",
- ")"
- ]
- },
- "execution_count": 11,
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "execute_result"
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "model = MultiHeadSelfAttention1d(128, n_heads=4, kernel_size=3)\n",
- "model"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 12,
- "id": "2936271e",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "out = model(x)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "id": "af5be938",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": []
- }
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "kernelspec": {
- "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
- "language": "python",
- "name": "python3"
- },
- "language_info": {
- "codemirror_mode": {
- "name": "ipython",
- "version": 3
- },
- "file_extension": ".py",
- "mimetype": "text/x-python",
- "name": "python",
- "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
- "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
- "version": "3.8.10"
- }
- },
- "nbformat": 4,
- "nbformat_minor": 5
diff --git a/examples/Graph Attention.ipynb b/examples/Graph Attention.ipynb
deleted file mode 100644
index ae80bf0..0000000
--- a/examples/Graph Attention.ipynb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1712 +0,0 @@
- "cells": [
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 1,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "import numpy as np\n",
- "import torch\n",
- "import torch.nn as nn\n",
- "from torchsummary import summary\n",
- "\n",
- "from moduleZoo.graphs import MultiHeadSelfGraphAttentionLinear"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 2,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "class TargetModel(nn.Module):\n",
- " def __init__(self, db = False) -> None:\n",
- " super().__init__()\n",
- " self.module = MultiHeadSelfGraphAttentionLinear(128, 256, n_heads=2, residual=True, dynamic_batching=db)\n",
- " self.n_nodes = [1]*(256//2) + [2]*(256//4)\n",
- "\n",
- " def enable_dynamic_batching(self) -> None:\n",
- " self.module.db = True\n",
- "\n",
- " def forward(self, x:torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:\n",
- " # print(f'{x.shape = }')\n",
- " x = torch.cat(x.split(1, dim=0), dim=1).squeeze(dim=0)\n",
- " return torch.cat(self.module(x, self.n_nodes*2).unsqueeze(dim=0).split(x.shape[0]//2, dim=1), dim=0)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 3,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "module1 = TargetModel(False)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 4,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "module1 = module1.to('cuda')"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 5,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "data = torch.rand((2, 256, 128), device='cuda')\n",
- "n_nodes = [1]*(256//2) + [2]*(256//4)\n",
- "n_nodes = np.array(n_nodes*2)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 6,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "result1 = module1(data)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 7,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# torch.all((result1.detach().cpu() - result2.detach().cpu()).abs() < 1e-6)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 8,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "===============================================================================================\n",
- "Layer (type:depth-idx) Output Shape Param #\n",
- "===============================================================================================\n",
- "├─MultiHeadSelfGraphAttentionLinear: 1-1 [-1, 2, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-1 [-1, 512] 66,048\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-2 [-1, 512] 66,048\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-3 [-1, 512] 66,048\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-4 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-5 [-1, 1, 256] 32,768\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-6 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-7 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-8 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-9 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-10 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-11 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-12 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-13 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-14 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-15 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-16 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-17 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-18 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-19 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-20 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-21 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-22 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-23 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-24 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-25 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-26 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-27 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-28 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-29 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-30 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-31 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-32 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-33 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-34 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-35 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-36 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-37 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-38 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-39 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-40 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-41 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-42 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-43 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-44 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-45 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-46 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-47 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-48 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-49 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-50 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-51 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-52 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-53 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-54 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-55 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-56 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-57 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-58 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-59 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-60 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-61 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-62 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-63 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-64 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-65 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-66 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-67 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-68 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-69 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-70 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-71 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-72 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-73 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-74 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-75 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-76 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-77 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-78 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-79 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-80 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-81 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-82 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-83 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-84 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-85 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-86 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-87 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-88 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-89 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-90 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-91 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-92 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-93 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-94 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-95 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-96 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-97 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-98 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-99 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-100 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-101 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-102 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-103 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-104 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-105 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-106 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-107 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-108 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-109 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-110 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-111 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-112 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-113 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-114 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-115 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-116 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-117 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-118 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-119 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-120 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-121 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-122 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-123 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-124 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-125 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-126 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-127 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-128 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-129 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-130 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-131 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-132 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-133 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-134 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-135 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-136 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-137 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-138 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-139 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-140 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-141 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-142 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-143 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-144 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-145 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-146 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-147 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-148 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-149 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-150 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-151 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-152 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-153 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-154 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-155 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-156 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-157 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-158 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-159 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-160 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-161 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-162 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-163 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-164 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-165 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-166 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-167 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-168 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-169 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-170 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-171 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-172 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-173 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-174 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-175 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-176 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-177 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-178 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-179 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-180 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-181 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-182 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-183 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-184 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-185 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-186 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-187 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-188 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-189 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-190 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-191 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-192 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-193 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-194 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-195 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-196 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-197 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-198 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-199 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-200 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-201 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-202 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-203 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-204 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-205 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-206 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-207 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-208 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-209 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-210 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-211 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-212 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-213 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-214 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-215 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-216 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-217 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-218 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-219 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-220 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-221 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-222 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-223 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-224 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-225 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-226 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-227 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-228 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-229 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-230 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-231 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-232 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-233 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-234 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-235 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-236 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-237 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-238 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-239 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-240 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-241 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-242 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-243 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-244 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-245 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-246 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-247 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-248 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-249 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-250 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-251 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-252 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-253 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-254 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-255 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-256 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-257 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-258 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-259 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-260 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-261 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-262 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-263 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-264 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-265 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-266 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-267 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-268 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-269 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-270 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-271 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-272 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-273 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-274 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-275 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-276 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-277 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-278 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-279 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-280 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-281 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-282 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-283 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-284 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-285 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-286 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-287 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-288 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-289 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-290 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-291 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-292 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-293 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-294 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-295 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-296 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-297 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-298 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-299 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-300 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-301 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-302 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-303 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-304 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-305 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-306 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-307 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-308 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-309 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-310 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-311 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-312 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-313 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-314 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-315 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-316 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-317 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-318 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-319 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-320 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-321 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-322 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-323 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-324 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-325 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-326 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-327 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-328 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-329 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-330 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-331 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-332 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-333 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-334 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-335 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-336 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-337 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-338 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-339 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-340 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-341 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-342 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-343 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-344 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-345 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-346 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-347 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-348 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-349 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-350 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-351 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-352 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-353 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-354 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-355 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-356 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-357 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-358 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-359 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-360 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-361 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-362 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-363 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-364 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-365 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-366 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-367 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-368 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-369 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-370 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-371 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-372 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-373 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-374 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-375 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-376 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-377 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-378 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-379 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-380 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-381 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-382 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-383 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-384 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-385 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-386 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-387 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-388 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-389 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-390 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-391 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-392 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-393 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-394 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-395 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-396 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-397 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-398 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-399 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-400 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-401 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-402 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-403 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-404 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-405 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-406 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-407 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-408 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-409 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-410 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-411 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-412 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-413 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-414 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-415 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-416 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-417 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-418 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-419 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-420 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-421 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-422 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-423 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-424 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-425 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-426 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-427 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-428 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-429 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-430 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-431 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-432 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-433 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-434 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-435 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-436 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-437 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-438 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-439 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-440 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-441 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-442 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-443 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-444 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-445 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-446 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-447 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-448 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-449 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-450 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-451 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-452 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-453 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-454 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-455 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-456 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-457 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-458 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-459 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-460 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-461 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-462 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-463 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-464 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-465 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-466 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-467 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-468 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-469 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-470 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-471 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-472 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-473 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-474 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-475 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-476 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-477 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-478 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-479 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-480 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-481 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-482 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-483 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-484 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-485 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-486 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-487 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-488 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-489 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-490 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-491 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-492 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-493 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-494 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-495 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-496 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-497 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-498 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-499 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-500 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-501 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-502 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-503 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-504 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-505 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-506 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-507 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-508 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-509 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-510 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-511 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-512 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-513 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-514 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-515 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-516 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-517 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-518 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-519 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-520 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-521 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-522 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-523 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-524 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-525 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-526 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-527 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-528 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-529 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-530 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-531 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-532 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-533 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-534 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-535 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-536 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-537 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-538 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-539 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-540 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-541 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-542 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-543 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-544 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-545 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-546 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-547 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-548 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-549 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-550 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-551 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-552 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-553 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-554 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-555 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-556 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-557 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-558 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-559 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-560 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-561 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-562 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-563 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-564 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-565 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-566 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-567 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-568 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-569 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-570 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-571 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-572 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-573 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-574 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-575 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-576 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-577 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-578 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-579 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-580 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-581 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-582 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-583 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-584 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-585 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-586 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-587 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-588 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-589 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-590 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-591 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-592 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-593 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-594 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-595 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-596 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-597 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-598 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-599 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-600 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-601 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-602 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-603 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-604 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-605 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-606 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-607 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-608 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-609 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-610 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-611 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-612 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-613 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-614 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-615 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-616 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-617 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-618 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-619 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-620 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-621 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-622 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-623 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-624 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-625 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-626 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-627 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-628 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-629 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-630 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-631 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-632 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-633 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-634 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-635 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-636 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-637 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-638 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-639 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-640 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-641 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-642 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-643 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-644 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-645 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-646 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-647 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-648 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-649 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-650 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-651 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-652 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-653 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-654 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-655 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-656 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-657 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-658 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-659 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-660 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-661 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-662 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-663 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-664 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-665 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-666 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-667 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-668 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-669 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-670 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-671 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-672 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-673 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-674 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-675 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-676 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-677 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-678 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-679 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-680 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-681 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-682 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-683 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-684 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-685 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-686 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-687 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-688 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-689 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-690 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-691 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-692 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-693 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-694 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-695 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-696 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-697 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-698 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-699 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-700 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-701 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-702 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-703 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-704 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-705 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-706 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-707 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-708 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-709 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-710 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-711 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-712 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-713 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-714 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-715 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-716 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-717 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-718 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-719 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-720 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-721 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-722 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-723 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-724 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-725 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-726 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-727 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-728 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-729 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-730 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-731 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-732 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-733 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-734 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-735 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-736 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-737 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-738 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-739 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-740 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-741 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-742 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-743 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-744 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-745 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-746 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-747 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-748 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-749 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-750 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-751 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-752 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-753 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-754 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-755 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-756 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-757 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-758 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-759 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-760 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-761 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-762 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-763 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-764 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-765 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-766 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-767 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-768 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-769 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-770 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-771 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "===============================================================================================\n",
- "Total params: 230,912\n",
- "Trainable params: 230,912\n",
- "Non-trainable params: 0\n",
- "Total mult-adds (M): 13.01\n",
- "===============================================================================================\n",
- "Input size (MB): 0.12\n",
- "Forward/backward pass size (MB): 0.01\n",
- "Params size (MB): 0.88\n",
- "Estimated Total Size (MB): 1.02\n",
- "===============================================================================================\n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/plain": [
- "===============================================================================================\n",
- "Layer (type:depth-idx) Output Shape Param #\n",
- "===============================================================================================\n",
- "├─MultiHeadSelfGraphAttentionLinear: 1-1 [-1, 2, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-1 [-1, 512] 66,048\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-2 [-1, 512] 66,048\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-3 [-1, 512] 66,048\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-4 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-5 [-1, 1, 256] 32,768\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-6 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-7 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-8 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-9 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-10 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-11 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-12 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-13 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-14 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-15 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-16 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-17 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-18 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-19 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-20 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-21 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-22 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-23 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-24 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-25 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-26 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-27 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-28 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-29 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-30 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-31 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-32 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-33 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-34 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-35 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-36 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-37 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-38 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-39 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-40 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-41 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-42 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-43 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-44 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-45 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-46 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-47 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-48 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-49 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-50 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-51 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-52 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-53 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-54 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-55 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-56 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-57 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-58 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-59 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-60 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-61 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-62 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-63 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-64 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-65 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-66 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-67 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-68 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-69 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-70 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-71 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-72 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-73 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-74 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-75 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-76 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-77 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-78 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-79 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-80 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-81 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-82 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-83 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-84 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-85 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-86 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-87 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-88 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-89 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-90 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-91 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-92 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-93 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-94 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-95 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-96 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-97 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-98 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-99 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-100 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-101 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-102 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-103 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-104 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-105 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-106 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-107 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-108 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-109 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-110 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-111 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-112 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-113 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-114 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-115 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-116 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-117 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-118 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-119 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-120 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-121 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-122 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-123 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-124 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-125 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-126 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-127 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-128 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-129 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-130 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-131 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-132 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-133 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-134 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-135 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-136 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-137 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-138 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-139 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-140 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-141 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-142 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-143 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-144 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-145 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-146 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-147 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-148 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-149 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-150 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-151 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-152 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-153 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-154 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-155 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-156 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-157 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-158 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-159 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-160 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-161 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-162 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-163 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-164 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-165 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-166 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-167 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-168 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-169 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-170 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-171 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-172 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-173 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-174 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-175 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-176 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-177 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-178 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-179 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-180 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-181 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-182 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-183 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-184 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-185 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-186 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-187 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-188 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-189 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-190 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-191 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-192 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-193 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-194 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-195 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-196 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-197 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-198 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-199 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-200 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-201 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-202 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-203 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-204 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-205 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-206 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-207 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-208 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-209 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-210 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-211 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-212 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-213 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-214 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-215 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-216 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-217 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-218 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-219 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-220 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-221 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-222 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-223 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-224 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-225 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-226 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-227 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-228 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-229 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-230 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-231 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-232 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-233 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-234 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-235 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-236 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-237 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-238 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-239 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-240 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-241 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-242 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-243 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-244 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-245 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-246 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-247 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-248 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-249 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-250 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-251 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-252 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-253 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-254 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-255 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-256 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-257 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-258 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-259 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-260 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-261 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-262 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-263 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-264 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-265 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-266 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-267 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-268 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-269 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-270 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-271 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-272 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-273 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-274 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-275 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-276 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-277 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-278 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-279 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-280 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-281 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-282 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-283 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-284 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-285 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-286 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-287 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-288 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-289 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-290 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-291 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-292 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-293 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-294 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-295 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-296 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-297 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-298 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-299 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-300 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-301 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-302 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-303 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-304 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-305 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-306 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-307 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-308 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-309 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-310 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-311 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-312 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-313 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-314 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-315 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-316 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-317 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-318 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-319 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-320 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-321 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-322 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-323 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-324 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-325 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-326 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-327 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-328 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-329 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-330 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-331 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-332 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-333 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-334 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-335 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-336 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-337 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-338 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-339 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-340 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-341 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-342 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-343 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-344 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-345 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-346 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-347 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-348 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-349 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-350 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-351 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-352 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-353 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-354 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-355 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-356 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-357 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-358 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-359 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-360 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-361 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-362 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-363 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-364 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-365 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-366 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-367 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-368 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-369 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-370 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-371 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-372 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-373 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-374 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-375 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-376 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-377 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-378 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-379 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-380 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-381 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-382 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-383 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-384 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-385 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-386 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-387 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-388 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-389 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-390 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-391 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-392 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-393 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-394 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-395 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-396 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-397 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-398 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-399 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-400 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-401 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-402 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-403 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-404 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-405 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-406 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-407 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-408 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-409 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-410 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-411 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-412 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-413 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-414 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-415 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-416 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-417 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-418 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-419 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-420 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-421 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-422 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-423 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-424 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-425 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-426 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-427 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-428 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-429 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-430 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-431 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-432 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-433 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-434 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-435 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-436 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-437 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-438 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-439 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-440 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-441 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-442 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-443 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-444 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-445 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-446 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-447 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-448 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-449 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-450 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-451 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-452 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-453 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-454 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-455 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-456 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-457 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-458 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-459 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-460 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-461 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-462 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-463 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-464 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-465 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-466 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-467 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-468 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-469 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-470 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-471 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-472 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-473 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-474 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-475 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-476 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-477 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-478 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-479 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-480 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-481 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-482 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-483 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-484 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-485 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-486 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-487 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-488 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-489 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-490 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-491 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-492 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-493 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-494 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-495 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-496 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-497 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-498 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-499 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-500 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-501 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-502 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-503 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-504 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-505 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-506 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-507 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-508 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-509 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-510 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-511 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-512 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-513 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-514 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-515 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-516 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-517 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-518 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-519 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-520 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-521 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-522 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-523 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-524 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-525 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-526 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-527 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-528 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-529 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-530 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-531 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-532 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-533 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-534 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-535 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-536 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-537 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-538 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-539 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-540 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-541 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-542 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-543 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-544 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-545 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-546 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-547 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-548 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-549 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-550 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-551 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-552 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-553 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-554 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-555 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-556 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-557 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-558 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-559 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-560 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-561 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-562 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-563 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-564 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-565 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-566 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-567 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-568 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-569 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-570 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-571 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-572 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-573 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-574 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-575 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-576 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-577 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-578 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-579 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-580 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-581 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-582 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-583 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-584 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-585 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-586 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-587 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-588 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-589 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-590 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-591 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-592 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-593 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-594 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-595 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-596 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-597 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-598 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-599 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-600 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-601 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-602 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-603 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-604 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-605 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-606 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-607 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-608 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-609 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-610 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-611 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-612 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-613 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-614 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-615 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-616 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-617 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-618 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-619 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-620 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-621 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-622 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-623 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-624 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-625 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-626 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-627 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-628 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-629 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-630 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-631 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-632 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-633 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-634 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-635 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-636 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-637 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-638 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-639 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-640 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-641 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-642 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-643 [-1, 1, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-644 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-645 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-646 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-647 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-648 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-649 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-650 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-651 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-652 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-653 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-654 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-655 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-656 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-657 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-658 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-659 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-660 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-661 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-662 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-663 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-664 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-665 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-666 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-667 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-668 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-669 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-670 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-671 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-672 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-673 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-674 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-675 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-676 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-677 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-678 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-679 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-680 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-681 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-682 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-683 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-684 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-685 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-686 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-687 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-688 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-689 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-690 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-691 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-692 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-693 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-694 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-695 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-696 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-697 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-698 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-699 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-700 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-701 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-702 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-703 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-704 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-705 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-706 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-707 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-708 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-709 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-710 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-711 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-712 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-713 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-714 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-715 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-716 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-717 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-718 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-719 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-720 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-721 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-722 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-723 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-724 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-725 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-726 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-727 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-728 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-729 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-730 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-731 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-732 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-733 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-734 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-735 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-736 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-737 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-738 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-739 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-740 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-741 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-742 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-743 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-744 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-745 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-746 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-747 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-748 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-749 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-750 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-751 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-752 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-753 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-754 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-755 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-756 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-757 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-758 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-759 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-760 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-761 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-762 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-763 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-764 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-765 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-766 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-767 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-768 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-769 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "| └─Softmax: 2-770 [-1, 256, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-771 [-1, 2, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "===============================================================================================\n",
- "Total params: 230,912\n",
- "Trainable params: 230,912\n",
- "Non-trainable params: 0\n",
- "Total mult-adds (M): 13.01\n",
- "===============================================================================================\n",
- "Input size (MB): 0.12\n",
- "Forward/backward pass size (MB): 0.01\n",
- "Params size (MB): 0.88\n",
- "Estimated Total Size (MB): 1.02\n",
- "==============================================================================================="
- ]
- },
- "execution_count": 8,
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "execute_result"
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "summary(module1, [256, 128])"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": []
- }
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "kernelspec": {
- "display_name": "clort",
- "language": "python",
- "name": "python3"
- },
- "language_info": {
- "codemirror_mode": {
- "name": "ipython",
- "version": 3
- },
- "file_extension": ".py",
- "mimetype": "text/x-python",
- "name": "python",
- "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
- "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
- "version": "3.10.6"
- },
- "orig_nbformat": 4
- },
- "nbformat": 4,
- "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/examples/Graph Conv.ipynb b/examples/Graph Conv.ipynb
deleted file mode 100644
index ddc0d4e..0000000
--- a/examples/Graph Conv.ipynb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,915 +0,0 @@
- "cells": [
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 1,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "import numpy as np\n",
- "import torch\n",
- "import torch.nn as nn\n",
- "from torchsummary import summary\n",
- "from torchview import draw_graph\n",
- "from torchviz import make_dot\n",
- "\n",
- "from moduleZoo.graphs import GraphConv"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 2,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "class TargetModel(nn.Module):\n",
- " def __init__(self, db = False) -> None:\n",
- " super().__init__()\n",
- " self.module = GraphConv(128, 256, k=10, dynamic_batching=db, enable_offloading=True)\n",
- "\n",
- " def enable_dynamic_batching(self) -> None:\n",
- " self.module.db = True\n",
- "\n",
- " def forward(self, x:torch.Tensor, n_nodes = None) -> torch.Tensor:\n",
- " n_nodes = (np.ones((10, ), dtype=np.int16)*100).tolist() + (np.ones((10, ), dtype=np.int16)*50).tolist()*2\n",
- " x = x.view((2*10*100, 128))\n",
- " return self.module(x, n_nodes)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 3,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "module = TargetModel(True)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 4,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "Using static dynamic batching.\n",
- "==========================================================================================\n",
- "Layer (type:depth-idx) Output Shape Param #\n",
- "==========================================================================================\n",
- "├─GraphConv: 1-1 [-1, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-1 [-1, 50, 10, 256] 65,792\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-2 [-1, 100, 10, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "==========================================================================================\n",
- "Total params: 65,792\n",
- "Trainable params: 65,792\n",
- "Non-trainable params: 0\n",
- "Total mult-adds (M): 0.20\n",
- "==========================================================================================\n",
- "Input size (MB): 0.49\n",
- "Forward/backward pass size (MB): 0.98\n",
- "Params size (MB): 0.25\n",
- "Estimated Total Size (MB): 1.72\n",
- "==========================================================================================\n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "text/plain": [
- "==========================================================================================\n",
- "Layer (type:depth-idx) Output Shape Param #\n",
- "==========================================================================================\n",
- "├─GraphConv: 1-1 [-1, 256] --\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-1 [-1, 50, 10, 256] 65,792\n",
- "| └─Linear: 2-2 [-1, 100, 10, 256] (recursive)\n",
- "==========================================================================================\n",
- "Total params: 65,792\n",
- "Trainable params: 65,792\n",
- "Non-trainable params: 0\n",
- "Total mult-adds (M): 0.20\n",
- "==========================================================================================\n",
- "Input size (MB): 0.49\n",
- "Forward/backward pass size (MB): 0.98\n",
- "Params size (MB): 0.25\n",
- "Estimated Total Size (MB): 1.72\n",
- "=========================================================================================="
- ]
- },
- "execution_count": 4,
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "execute_result"
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "# model_graph = draw_graph(module, input_size=(10*100, 128), expand_nested=False)\n",
- "summary(module, (10*100, 128))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 5,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# model_graph.visual_graph.save(filename='graph-conv.svg')"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 6,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "module = module.to('cuda')"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 7,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "data.shape = torch.Size([10, 100, 128])\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "data = torch.rand((10, 100, 128), device='cuda')\n",
- "print(f'{data.shape = }')\n",
- "# n_nodes = [1]*(256//2) + [2]*(256//4)\n",
- "# n_nodes = np.array(n_nodes*2)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 8,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "Using static forward\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "result1 = module(data)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 9,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "image/svg+xml": [
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n"
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "execution_count": 9,
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "execute_result"
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "make_dot(result1, params=dict(module.named_parameters()))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 10,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "module.module.db = True"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 11,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "data = data.view((10*100, 128))\n",
- "n_nodes = np.ones((10, ), dtype=np.int16)*100"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 12,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "Using static dynamic batching.\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "result2 = module(data, n_nodes).view((10, 100, 256))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 15,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "image/svg+xml": [
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n"
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "execution_count": 15,
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "execute_result"
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "make_dot(result2, show_attrs=True, show_saved=True)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 16,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "module.module.db = False"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 17,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "Using complete dynamic batching\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "result3 = module(data, n_nodes).view((10, 100, 256))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 18,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "image/svg+xml": [
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n"
- ],
- "text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "execution_count": 18,
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "execute_result"
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "make_dot(result3, show_attrs=True, show_saved=True)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 14,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "text/plain": [
- "tensor(True, device='cuda:0')"
- ]
- },
- "execution_count": 14,
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "execute_result"
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "torch.all(result3 == result2) and torch.all(result1 == result2)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 13,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "text/plain": [
- "tensor(True, device='cuda:0')"
- ]
- },
- "execution_count": 13,
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "execute_result"
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "torch.all(torch.cat(data.view((10, 100, 128)).split(1, dim=0), dim=1).squeeze(dim=0) == data)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": []
- }
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "kernelspec": {
- "display_name": "clort",
- "language": "python",
- "name": "python3"
- },
- "language_info": {
- "codemirror_mode": {
- "name": "ipython",
- "version": 3
- },
- "file_extension": ".py",
- "mimetype": "text/x-python",
- "name": "python",
- "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
- "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
- "version": "3.10.6"
- },
- "orig_nbformat": 4
- },
- "nbformat": 4,
- "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/examples/Residual Blocks.ipynb b/examples/Residual Blocks.ipynb
deleted file mode 100644
index 86a1c87..0000000
--- a/examples/Residual Blocks.ipynb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
- "cells": [
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 1,
- "id": "54209ca3",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "import torch\n",
- "\n",
- "from torchsummary import summary\n",
- "\n",
- "from moduleZoo.resblocks import Conv2DResidualBlock"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 4,
- "id": "ebffc203",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "text/plain": [
- "Conv2DResidualBlock(\n",
- " (conv1): Conv2DNormActivation(\n",
- " (0): Conv2d(3, 24, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2), padding=(1, 1))\n",
- " (1): ReLU6()\n",
- " )\n",
- " (conv2): Conv2DNormActivation(\n",
- " (0): Conv2d(24, 24, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=same, bias=False)\n",
- " )\n",
- " (projection): Conv2DNormActivation(\n",
- " (0): Conv2d(3, 24, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(2, 2), bias=False)\n",
- " )\n",
- ")"
- ]
- },
- "execution_count": 4,
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "execute_result"
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "res_blc = Conv2DResidualBlock(3, 24, stride=2)\n",
- "res_blc.cuda()"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 5,
- "id": "b191db73",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "----------------------------------------------------------------\n",
- " Layer (type) Output Shape Param #\n",
- "================================================================\n",
- " Conv2d-1 [-1, 24, 128, 128] 672\n",
- " ReLU6-2 [-1, 24, 128, 128] 0\n",
- " Conv2d-3 [-1, 24, 128, 128] 5,184\n",
- " Conv2d-4 [-1, 24, 128, 128] 72\n",
- "================================================================\n",
- "Total params: 5,928\n",
- "Trainable params: 5,928\n",
- "Non-trainable params: 0\n",
- "----------------------------------------------------------------\n",
- "Input size (MB): 0.75\n",
- "Forward/backward pass size (MB): 12.00\n",
- "Params size (MB): 0.02\n",
- "Estimated Total Size (MB): 12.77\n",
- "----------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "summary(res_blc, (3, 256, 256))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 6,
- "id": "49c45938",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "from moduleZoo.dense import LinearNormActivation\n",
- "import torch.nn as nn\n",
- "import torch"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 4,
- "id": "d6ffbe23",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "module = LinearNormActivation(128, 256, norm_layer=nn.BatchNorm1d, activation_layer=nn.Tanh)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 10,
- "id": "fc9438b8",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "data = torch.rand((100, 100, 128))\n",
- "data2 = data.flatten(0, -2)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 11,
- "id": "1119a3f9",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "res1 = module(data)\n",
- "res2 = module(data2)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 12,
- "id": "f88f84e8",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "text/plain": [
- "tensor(True)"
- ]
- },
- "execution_count": 12,
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "execute_result"
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "torch.all(res1.flatten(0, -2) == res2)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "id": "1f825ae5",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": []
- }
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "kernelspec": {
- "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
- "language": "python",
- "name": "python3"
- },
- "language_info": {
- "codemirror_mode": {
- "name": "ipython",
- "version": 3
- },
- "file_extension": ".py",
- "mimetype": "text/x-python",
- "name": "python",
- "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
- "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
- "version": "3.10.6"
- }
- },
- "nbformat": 4,
- "nbformat_minor": 5
diff --git a/meta.yaml b/meta.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..839469d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ name: "mzt"
+ version: 1.2.0
+ git_rev: v1.2.0-Alpha
+ git_url: https://github.com/ShivamPR21/MZT.git
+ host:
+ - python
+ - setuptools
+ build:
+ - python
+ run:
+ - python
+ - numpy
+ - pytorch
+ - typing
+ - typing-extensions
+ home: https://github.com/ShivamPR21/MZT.git
+ license: AGPLv3+
+ license_familY: AGPL
+ license_file: LICENSE
+ summary: "Package to host DeepLearning modules for pytorch ecosystem, to ease out model implementations and iterations."
+ recipe-maintainers:
+ - ShivamPR21
diff --git a/modelZoo/__init__.py b/modelZoo/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a76fe1d..0000000
--- a/modelZoo/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-""" Copyright (C) 2021 Shivam Pandey.
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
-by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
-from .graphs import DGCNN
-# from .mbnetv2 import MobileNetV2
-# from .shufflenet import ShuffleInvertedResidual
-__all__ = ('DGCNN',)
diff --git a/modelZoo/graphs/__init__.py b/modelZoo/graphs/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c917d3a..0000000
--- a/modelZoo/graphs/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-from .dgcnn import DGCNN
-__all__ = ('DGCNN',)
diff --git a/modelZoo/graphs/dgcnn.py b/modelZoo/graphs/dgcnn.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cb8470..0000000
--- a/modelZoo/graphs/dgcnn.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple
-import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
-from moduleZoo.graphs import GraphConv2d
-class DGCNN(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, k: int,
- embed_dim: int = 512,
- cfg: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int, int, bool]]] = None,
- activation_layer: Optional[Callable[..., nn.Module]] = None) -> None:
- super().__init__()
- self.cfg = [(3, 32, 1, False),
- (32, 64, 1, False),
- (64, 128, 1, True),
- (128, 256, 1, False),
- (256, 512, 1, False)] if cfg is None else cfg
- self.activation_layer = nn.SELU if activation_layer is None else activation_layer
- self.layers = nn.ModuleList()
- cat_dim = 0
- for cfg in self.cfg:
- self.layers.append(GraphConv2d(*cfg[:-1], k,
- norm_layer=nn.BatchNorm2d if cfg[-1] else None,
- activation_layer=self.activation_layer))
- cat_dim += cfg[1]
- self.final_conv = GraphConv2d(cat_dim,
- embed_dim,
- 1,
- activation_layer=None)
- def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
- # Assumed shape x: [B, d, n]
- out_lst: List[torch.Tensor] = []
- for layer in self.layers:
- x = layer(x)
- out_lst.append(x)
- x = torch.cat(tuple(out_lst), dim=1)
- x = self.final_conv(x)
- return x
diff --git a/modelZoo/mbnetv2.py b/modelZoo/mbnetv2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index df991f7..0000000
--- a/modelZoo/mbnetv2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2021 Shivam Pandey
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
-by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
-from typing import Callable, List, Optional
-import torch.nn as nn
-from torch import Tensor
-from ..moduleZoo import ConvInvertedResidualBlock2d, ConvNormActivation2d
-#TODO@ShivamPR21: #6 Adapt mobilenetv2 model according to new moduleZoo API
-# Taken from Pytorch vision repo.
-# def _make_divisible(v: float, divisor: int, min_value: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
-# """
-# This function is taken from the original tf repo.
-# It ensures that all layers have a channel number that is divisible by 8
-# It can be seen here:
-# https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/slim/nets/mobilenet/mobilenet.py
-# """
-# if min_value is None:
-# min_value = divisor
-# new_v = max(min_value, int(v + divisor / 2) // divisor * divisor)
-# # Make sure that round down does not go down by more than 10%.
-# if new_v < 0.9 * v:
-# new_v += divisor
-# return new_v
-# class MobileNetV2(nn.Module):
-# def __init__(self,
-# in_activation_channel: int = 3,
-# in_channel: int = 32,
-# out_channel: int = 1280,
-# width_multiplier: float = 1.0,
-# round_nearest: int = 8,
-# inverted_residual_setting: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
-# block: Optional[Callable[..., nn.Module]] = None,
-# norm_layer: Optional[Callable[..., nn.Module]] = None) -> None:
-# super().__init__()
-# if block is None:
-# block = InvertedResidual
-# if norm_layer is None:
-# norm_layer = nn.BatchNorm2d
-# if inverted_residual_setting is None:
-# inverted_residual_setting = [
-# # t, c, n, s
-# [1, 16, 1, 1],
-# [6, 24, 2, 2],
-# [6, 32, 3, 2],
-# [6, 64, 4, 2],
-# [6, 96, 3, 1],
-# [6, 160, 3, 2],
-# [6, 320, 1, 1],
-# ]
-# # only check the first element, assuming user knows t,c,n,s are required
-# if len(inverted_residual_setting) == 0 or len(inverted_residual_setting[0]) != 4:
-# raise ValueError(
-# f"inverted_residual_setting should be non-empty or a 4-element list, got {inverted_residual_setting}"
-# )
-# # building first layer
-# in_channel = _make_divisible(in_channel * width_multiplier, round_nearest)
-# self.out_channel = _make_divisible(out_channel * max(1.0, width_multiplier), round_nearest)
-# features: List[nn.Module] = [
-# Conv2DNormActivation(in_activation_channel, in_channel, stride=2, norm_layer=norm_layer, activation_layer=nn.ReLU6)
-# ]
-# # building inverted residual blocks
-# for t, c, n, s in inverted_residual_setting:
-# out_channel = _make_divisible(c * width_multiplier, round_nearest)
-# for i in range(n):
-# stride = s if i == 0 else 1
-# features.append(block(in_channel, out_channel, stride, expand_ratio=t, norm_layer=norm_layer))
-# in_channel = out_channel
-# # building last several layers
-# features.append(
-# Conv2DNormActivation(
-# in_channel, self.out_channel, kernel_size=1, norm_layer=norm_layer, activation_layer=nn.ReLU6
-# )
-# )
-# # make it nn.Sequential
-# self.features = nn.Sequential(*features)
-# def _forward_impl(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
-# x = self.features(x)
-# return x
-# def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
-# return self._forward_impl(x)
diff --git a/modelZoo/shufflenet.py b/modelZoo/shufflenet.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 70a41be..0000000
--- a/modelZoo/shufflenet.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2021 Shivam Pandey
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
-by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
-from typing import List
-import torch.nn as nn
-from torch import Tensor
-from ..moduleZoo.resblocks import ConvInvertedResidualBlock2d
-#TODO@ShivamPR21: #5 Adapt model based on changed moduleZoo API
-# class ShuffleNet(nn.Module):
-# def __init__(self,
-# in_channel: int,
-# settings: List[List[int]] = None
-# ) -> None:
-# super().__init__()
-# if settings is None:
-# settings = [
-# #k, s, r, exp
-# [3, 2, 1, 1, 2],
-# [3, 1, 3, 1, 2],
-# [3, 2, 1, 1, 2],
-# [3, 1, 7, 1, 2],
-# [3, 2, 1, 1, 2],
-# [3, 1, 3, 1, 2]]
-# features : List[nn.Module] = []
-# for k, s, r, e, g in settings:
-# for _ in range(r):
-# features.append(
-# ShuffleInvertedResidual(in_channel, in_channel, e,
-# g, k, s, nn.BatchNorm2d, nn.ReLU6)
-# )
-# if s == 2:
-# in_channel *= 2
-# self.features = nn.Sequential(*features)
-# def _forward_impl(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
-# x = self.features(x)
-# return x
-# def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
-# return self._forward_impl(x)
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 56c9fc3..ba1d292 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ def read(fname):
name = "mzt",
- version = "1.1.6",
+ version = "1.2.0",
author = "Shivam Pandey",
author_email = "pandeyshivam2017robotics@gmail.com",
description = ("Package to host DeepLearning modules for pytorch ecosystem,"
" to ease out model implementations."),
license = "AGPLv3+",
keywords = "DeepLearning Pytorch Modules",
- url = "https://github.com/ShivamPR21/ModuleZooTorch.git",
+ url = "https://github.com/ShivamPR21/MZT.git",
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ def read(fname):
- 'modelZoo',
- 'modelZoo.graphs',
diff --git a/test/import_tests.py b/test/import_tests.py
index c61a438..e69de29 100644
--- a/test/import_tests.py
+++ b/test/import_tests.py
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from moduleZoo.attention import SelfAttention1d