While working on salesforce implementations, we should log apex exceptions. This helps in identifying unknown code issues and reduces tech debt. Let's see how to use apex exception logging in salesforce. There are three steps to follow:
- Create a Custom Object to store logs
- Create an Apex class that would enable Exception logging and creating records in the custom object
- Include the exception class in every helper class where apex code gets authored
Let us create new custom object in our salesforce application. Custom object name and fields details are as below image.
We have to create apex class which will extend Exception class. We will implement our code logic in this class. Overloaded method LogException with different parameter is created. First method will log any anonymous exception and second method will log exception with record id for which exception is logged.
public class HandleCustomException extends Exception {
public static void LogException(Exception e)
// Log Exception in CustomException object.
// relatedToId : Case/object for which this error in logged.
public static void LogException(Exception e,string relatedToId)
String stackTrace = e.getStackTraceString().substringBefore('\n');
String className = stackTrace.substringAfter('.').substringBefore('.');
String methodName = stackTrace.substringBefore(':').substringAfter(className).substringAfter('.');
//Governer Limit of executingQuery
String QueryLimit = '1. SOQL Queries used / SOQL Queries allowed: ' + Limits.getQueries() + '/' + Limits.getLimitQueries();
String DMLimit = '2. Number of records queried so far / Number allowed: ' + Limits.getDmlRows() + '/' + Limits.getLimitDmlRows();
String DMLStat = '3. Number of DML statements used so far / Number allowed: ' + Limits.getDmlStatements() + '/' + Limits.getLimitDmlStatements();
String CPUT = '4. Amount of CPU time (in ms) used so far / CPU usage time (in ms) allowed: ' + Limits.getCpuTime() + '/' + Limits.getLimitCpuTime();
//Log information in object
CustomException__c exc = new CustomException__c();
exc.Govt_Limit_in_Executing_Code__c = String.format('{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}',new List<string>{QueryLimit, DMLimit,DMLStat,CPUT});
exc.Exception_Message__c = e.getMessage();
exc.Exception_Type__c = e.getTypeName();
exc.Line_Number__c = e.getLineNumber();
exc.StackTrace__c = e.getStackTraceString();
Now our apex class is ready to use in our code to handle custom exceptions. For testing, let us create a test class for the above apex class.
public class HandleCustomExceptionTest {
public static void CreateAccount() {
try {
Account m = new Account();
insert m;
} catch (Exception e) {
All apex errors can be logged in this custom object, we can create list views/reports/dashboard to monitor this on an admin dashboard.