This python script will rename json files from google takeout to match the downloaded media files. All settings in this script are set to read only mode by default, so you do not accidentally modify your takeout data.
After fixing the json file names, you can run the exif command to patch back missing exif data into your media. See below for the commands I picked from the internet.
argument | Description |
-t | Specify the folder to scan for media and json files. Typically specify the google takeout folder containing all your images |
-r | Actually rename the json files to match the media file |
-v | Enable the verbose mode. The script will log more detailed messages while running. |
Run this command in the root folder of your media folder:
On Windows
exiftool -d "%s" -tagsfromfile %d%f.%e.json "-DateTimeOriginal<PhotoTakenTimeTimestamp" "-FileCreateDate<PhotoTakenTimeTimestamp" "-FileModifyDate<PhotoTakenTimeTimestamp" -overwrite_original -ext mp4 -ext jpg -r .
On Linux
exiftool -d "%s" -tagsfromfile %d%f.%e.json "-DateTimeOriginal<PhotoTakenTimeTimestamp" "-FileModifyDate<PhotoTakenTimeTimestamp" -overwrite_original -ext mp4 -ext jpg -r .
exiftool -tagsfromfile %d%f.%e.json -description -title "-gpslatitude<GeoDataLatitude" "-gpslatituderef<GeoDataLatitude" "-gpslongitude<GeoDataLongitude" "-gpslongituderef<GeoDataLongitude" ... -ext mp4 -ext jpg -r .