Application responsible for providing unique licenses for various commercial projects
- clone repository
git clone
- install java 21 (pref Adoptium Eclipse Temurin 21) & Maven & docker & docker-compose
- run command
mvn clean package
- run command
docker build --tag licence-code-generator:latest .
- run command
docker-compose up -d
- app can be accessed from http://localhost:8081/
- Note for myself: Using docker windows logs can accessed here:
- clone repository
git clone
- install java 21 (pref Adoptium Eclipse Temurin 21) & Maven & docker & docker-compose
- run command
docker-compose -f compose-local.yml -p "local_postgres_container" up -d
- run application with following profile:
- remember to edit every configuration property that has 'placeholder' value with your own values
- app can be accessed from http://localhost:8080/
- swagger can be accessed from http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html