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+# 14 DeFi Data Analysis
+DeFi refers to Decentralized Finance,which should be the most active field in current blockchain. When we exchange one ERC20 token for another, we can use DeFi to facilitate the exchange. DEX is Decentralized Exchange. Uniswap, PancakeSwap, CurveFi, and others are popular DEXs. In this tutorial, we will explore the analysis methods of DeFi projects using the data on the Ethereum blockchain as a case.
+The dashboard for this tutorial please refer [DeFi Analysis Tutorial](https://dune.com/sixdegree/defi-analysis-tutorial).
+## DeFi Spells
+Given the importance of DeFi in the Crypto area, the Dune community has established a rich Spells for it. The Spells called `dex.trades` aggregates exchange data from nearly 30 different DEXs such as Uniswap, PancakeSwap, Trader Joe, Velodrome, SushiSwap, etc. By examining the [definition](https://github.com/duneanalytics/spellbook/blob/main/models/dex/dex_trades.sql) of the `dex.trades table`, we can see that its data is sourced from other Spells, such as `uniswap.trades`, `sushiswap.trades`, `curvefi.trades`, and so on. If you analyze the data from a specific DEX, it is recommended to prioritize using the trade-specific Spells for its better query execution performance. Similarly, for DeFi projects like Uniswap, which have released multiple versions of smart contracts (including upgrading contract versions on the same blockchain or deploying contracts on different blockchains), the `uniswap.trades` table is also aggregated from other Spells. If you are only interested in analyzing data from a specific version or chain, you can use the corresponding Spells. For example, if you analyze exchange data from Uniswap V3 on Ethereum, you can directly use the `uniswap_v3_ethereum.trades` table. If you analyze exchange data from CurveFi on the Optimism chain, you can use the `curvefi.trades` Spells.
+``` sql
+select blockchain,
+ project,
+ project || '_' || blockchain || '.trades' as spell_table_name,
+ count(*) as trade_count
+from dex.trades
+group by 1, 2, 3
+order by 1 asc, 4 desc
+This query lists the projects, their corresponding blockchains, and the names of the corresponding Spells in the current `dex.trades` table. Currently, the related Spells for aggregating data in `dex.trades` are shown in the following image:
+Query Link:
+We can use `spell_table_name` as the table name to access the trades data Spells for the corresponding project. For example:
+``` sql
+select * from
+limit 1
+## Comprehensive Analysis of the DeFi Industry
+### Overview of DeFi
+As above-mentioned, the Spells aggregates transaction data from over a dozen mainstream DeFi projects, including Uniswap. Let's first take a look at its overview. Considering its educational purposes, we will limit our queries to recent data as an example.
+``` sql
+select block_date,
+ count(*) as trade_count,
+ count(distinct taker) as active_user_count,
+ sum(amount_usd) as trade_amount
+from dex.trades
+where block_date >= date('2022-10-01')
+group by 1
+order by 1
+Using the afoementioned query, you can obtain the daily transaction count and the number of unique users. The internal logic of DeFi is complex, and the "taker" stores the recipient of the transaction. Using it could reflect the true number of unique users. Additionally, the above-mentioned query is modified to calculate the cumulative transaction count per day, the count of new users per day and its cumulative value, as well as the total transaction count and the number of users. The modified SQL query is as follows:
+``` sql
+with trade_summary as (
+ select block_date,
+ count(*) as trade_count,
+ count(distinct taker) as active_user_count,
+ sum(amount_usd) as trade_amount
+ from dex.trades
+ where blockchain = 'ethereum'
+ and block_date >= date('2021-01-01')
+ and token_pair <> 'POP-WETH' -- Exclude outlier that has wrong amount
+ group by 1
+ order by 1
+user_initial_trade as (
+ select taker,
+ min(block_date) as initial_trade_date
+ from dex.trades
+ where blockchain = 'ethereum'
+ and block_date >= date('2021-01-01')
+ and token_pair <> 'POP-WETH' -- Exclude outlier that has wrong amount
+ group by 1
+new_user_summary as (
+ select initial_trade_date,
+ count(taker) as new_user_count
+ from user_initial_trade
+ group by 1
+ order by 1
+select t.block_date,
+ trade_count,
+ active_user_count,
+ trade_amount,
+ new_user_count,
+ active_user_count - new_user_count as existing_user_count,
+ sum(trade_count) over (order by t.block_date) as accumulate_trade_count,
+ sum(trade_amount) over (order by t.block_date) as accumulate_trade_amount,
+ sum(new_user_count) over (order by u.initial_trade_date) as accumulate_new_user_count,
+ (sum(trade_count) over ()) / 1e6 as total_trade_count,
+ (sum(trade_amount) over ()) / 1e9 total_trade_amount,
+ (sum(new_user_count) over ()) / 1e6 as total_new_user_count
+from trade_summary t
+left join new_user_summary u on t.block_date = u.initial_trade_date
+order by t.block_date
+Query interpretation:
+1. Putting the original query into the `trade_summary` common table expression (CTE) for smoother utilization with window functions. In the query, we discovered anomalous data for the "POP-WETH" pool, so we directly exclude it here.
+2. The CTE `user_initial_trade` calculates the initial trade date for each taker. For the sake of performance, please be aware that the trading date may not strictly represent the true initial trading date.
+3. The CTE `new_user_summary` summarizes the daily count of new users based on their initial trade dates, determined by the `user_initial_trade`.
+4. In the final output query code, we use the window function syntax `sum(field_name1) over (order by field_name2)` to calculate the cumulative data by date. Additionally, dividing by 1e6 or 1e9 is used to convert large numbers into their corresponding values in millions or billions, respectively.
+In this query result, we add the following visualizations:
+1. Add Counter-type visualizations for the output values total_trade_count, total_trade_amount, and total_new_user_count.
+2. Add Bar Chart-type bar graphs for trade_count and new_user_count.
+3. Add Area Chart-type area graphs for trade_amount and active_user_count.
+4. Add a percentage-type Area Chart to compare the proportions of new_user_count and existing_user_count.
+5. Add a Table-type visualization to display the query results.
+Create a new Dashboard and include the relevant charts. As shown in the following image:
+Similarly, we can summarize the data on a monthly basis, calculate relevant metrics for each month, and add visualizations to the dashboard.
+Query Link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1661180](https://dune.com/queries/1661180)
+* [ttps://dune.com/queries/1663358](ttps://dune.com/queries/1663358)
+### Statistical analysis by project
+As previously mentioned, the `dex.trades` Spells aggregates transaction data from multiple projects on different blockchains. We can use a query to compare the transaction data of each project and analyze their market share.
+``` sql
+select block_date,
+ project,
+ count(*) as trade_count,
+ count(distinct taker) as active_user_count,
+ sum(amount_usd) as trade_amount
+from dex.trades
+where blockchain = 'ethereum'
+ and block_date >= date('2021-01-01')
+ and token_pair <> 'POP-WETH' -- Exclude outlier that has wrong amount
+group by 1, 2
+order by 1, 2
+Here, we merely compare the number of active users, transaction count, and transaction amount. Bar charts and pie charts for different fields in the result set are added in the dashboard. You may have noticed that our queries are aggregated by both day and project.When creating a Pie Chart, if we select only the "Project" as the X Column and choose "trade_count" as Y Column 1, without selecting any fields for Group By, the trade_count values for each day will automatically be accumulated together, and the total value will be displayed in the pie chart. Considering that, we don't need to write a separate query to generate the pie chart, which is considered an application technique. The dashboard shows as the following :
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1669861](https://dune.com/queries/1669861)
+### Grouping and summarizing by Token Pair
+Almost every DeFi project supports the exchange of multiple tokens, which achieved by establishing separate liquidity pools for different token pairs. For example, Uniswap supports the exchange of various ERC20 tokens by allowing liquidity providers (LPs) to create liquidity pools for any two ERC20 tokens. Regular users can then utilize these pools to exchange tokens by paying a certain proportion of transaction fees. Taking USDC and WETH as an example, under Uniswap V3, there are four different fee tiers. LPs can create a liquidity pool for each fee tier, such as "USDC/WETH 0.3%". Considering that the popularity, circulation volume, supported platforms, and transaction fee rates differ for tokens involved in different trading pairs, it is necessary to analyze which trading pairs are more popular and have higher transaction volumes.
+``` sql
+with top_token_pair as (
+ select token_pair,
+ count(*) as transaction_count
+ from dex.trades
+ where blockchain = 'ethereum'
+ and block_date >= date('2021-01-01')
+ and token_pair <> 'POP-WETH' -- Exclude outlier that has wrong amount
+ group by 1
+ order by 2 desc
+ limit 20
+select date_trunc('month', block_date) as block_date,
+ token_pair,
+ count(*) as trade_count,
+ count(distinct taker) as active_user_count,
+ sum(amount_usd) as trade_amount
+from dex.trades
+where blockchain = 'ethereum'
+ and block_date >= date('2021-01-01')
+ and token_pair in (
+ select token_pair from top_token_pair
+ )
+group by 1, 2
+order by 1, 2
+In the above query, we first define a `top_token_pair` CTE to retrieve the top 20 token pairs based on transaction count. Then, we summarize the transaction count, active user count, and transaction amount for these 20 token pairs on a monthly basis. We add the corresponding visualizations for this query and include them in the dashboard. The display is shown below.
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1670196](https://dune.com/queries/1670196)
+## Analysis of an individual DeFi project
+For a specific individual DeFi project, we can analyze relevant data including active trading pairs, new liquidity pool count, trading volume, and active users. Taking Uniswap as an example, we can find the corresponding Spells for Uniswap on the Ethereum blockchain as the `uniswap_ethereum.trades`.
+### Transaction count, active users, transaction amount
+We can calculate the transaction count, active users, and transaction amount on a daily basis using the following SQL:
+``` sql
+select block_date,
+ count(*) as trade_count,
+ count(distinct taker) as active_user_count,
+ sum(amount_usd) as trade_amount
+from uniswap_ethereum.trades
+where block_date >= date('2022-01-01')
+group by 1
+order by 1
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1750266](https://dune.com/queries/1750266)
+### Analysis of active trading pairs
+The SQL for analyzing the most active trading pairs (also known as pools or liquidity pools) in a Uniswap project is as follows:
+``` sql
+with top_token_pair as (
+ select token_pair,
+ count(*) as transaction_count
+ from uniswap_ethereum.trades
+ where blockchain = 'ethereum'
+ and block_date >= date('2022-01-01')
+ group by 1
+ order by 2 desc
+ limit 20
+select date_trunc('month', block_date) as block_date,
+ token_pair,
+ count(*) as trade_count,
+ count(distinct taker) as active_user_count,
+ sum(amount_usd) as trade_amount
+from uniswap_ethereum.trades
+where blockchain = 'ethereum'
+ and block_date >= date('2022-01-01')
+ and token_pair in (
+ select token_pair from top_token_pair
+ )
+group by 1, 2
+order by 1, 2
+Generate an area chart and a pie chart, and add them to the dashboard. We can observe that the "USDC-WETH" trading pair has accounted for 58% of the total transaction amount since 2022. The visualization is shown in the following:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1751001](https://dune.com/queries/1751001)
+### Analysis of new liquidity pools
+In our previous tutorial article, we conducted some query focusing on the liquidity pools of Uniswap V3 in "Creating Your First Dune Dashboard" section. Additionally, we have another dashboard available for monitoring newly created liquidity pools in Uniswap. Please refer to your own familiar.
+Please refer to Dashboard:
+* [Uniswap New Pool Filter](https://dune.com/sixdegree/uniswap-new-pool-metrics)
+* [Uniswap V3 Pool Tutorial](https://dune.com/sixdegree/uniswap-v3-pool-tutorial)
+### Analysis of active users
+We analyze the monthly active users, new users, churned users, and retained users for Uniswap V3 on the Ethereum blockchain using the `uniswap_v3_ethereum.trades` Spells. The query code is as follows:
+``` sql
+with monthly_active_user as (
+ select distinct taker as address,
+ date_trunc('month', block_date) as active_trade_month
+ from uniswap_v3_ethereum.trades
+user_initial_trade as (
+ select taker as address,
+ min(date_trunc('month', block_date)) as initial_trade_month
+ from uniswap_v3_ethereum.trades
+ group by 1
+user_status_detail as (
+ select coalesce(c.active_trade_month, date_trunc('month', p.active_trade_month + interval '45' day)) as trade_month,
+ coalesce(c.address, p.address) as address,
+ (case when n.address is not null then 1 else 0 end) as is_new,
+ (case when n.address is null and c.address is not null and p.address is not null then 1 else 0 end) as is_retained,
+ (case when n.address is null and c.address is null and p.address is not null then 1 else 0 end) as is_churned,
+ (case when n.address is null and c.address is not null and p.address is null then 1 else 0 end) as is_returned
+ from monthly_active_user c
+ full join monthly_active_user p on p.address = c.address and p.active_trade_month = date_trunc('month', c.active_trade_month - interval '5' day)
+ left join user_initial_trade n on n.address = c.address and n.initial_trade_month = c.active_trade_month
+ where coalesce(c.active_trade_month, date_trunc('month', p.active_trade_month + interval '45' day)) < current_date
+user_status_summary as (
+ select trade_month,
+ address,
+ (case when sum(is_new) >= 1 then 'New'
+ when sum(is_retained) >= 1 then 'Retained'
+ when sum(is_churned) >= 1 then 'Churned'
+ when sum(is_returned) >= 1 then 'Returned'
+ end) as user_status
+ from user_status_detail
+ group by 1, 2
+monthly_summary as (
+ select trade_month,
+ user_status,
+ count(address) as user_count
+ from user_status_summary
+ group by 1, 2
+select trade_month,
+ user_status,
+ (case when user_status = 'Churned' then -1 * user_count else user_count end) as user_count
+from monthly_summary
+order by 1, 2
+This query can be interpreted as follows:
+1. In the CTE `monthly_active_user,` the date is transformed to the first day of each month, retrieving all user addresses that have transaction records in each month.
+2. In the CTE `user_initial_trade,` the query retrieves the initial transaction date for each address and converts it to the first day of the respective month.
+3. In the CTE `user_status_detail`:
+- * We use Full Join to self-join the `monthly_active_user` by setting the condition to the same transaction user address and adjacent months. The alias "c" represents the current month's data, while the alias "p" represents the previous month's data. Since the date is already processed as the first day of the month, we use `date_trunc('month', c.active_trade_month - interval '5 days') `to subtract 5 days from the original date representing the first day of the month. This ensures that we obtain the "first day of the previous month." Thus, we can associate data from two consecutive months.
+- * Also, since we are using a Full Join, `c.active_trade_month` may be null. We use the coalesce() function to add 45 days to the previous month's date as an alternative date to ensure that we always get the correct month.
+- * We also associate `user_initial_trade` with a Left Join so that we can determine whether a user made his first trade in a certain month.
+- * Multiple CASE conditions are used to determine whether a user is a new user (first trade in the current month), retained user (not a new user with trades in both the current and previous months), churned user (not a new user with no trades in the current month but trades in the previous month), or returning user (not a new user with trades in the current month but no trades in the previous month).
+4. In the CTE `user_status_summary,` we count the number of users for each address and their respective status type in a given month.
+5. In the CTE `monthly_summary,` we summarize the number of users based on the transaction month and user status.
+6. When we finally print the result, we replace the values of "Cburned" (churned users) with a negative value so that it can be compared more easily on the chart.
+Two bar charts are added, with one selecting "Enable stacking" to overlay the bars. The charts are added to the dashboard, and we can observe that the number of churned users is quite large. As shown in the picture below:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1751216](https://dune.com/queries/1751216)
+This query takes inspiration from the query [Uniswap LP-MAU Breakdown](https://dune.com/queries/9796) by [@danning.sui](https://dune.com/danning.sui). Special thanks to them!
+## Analysis of a specific pair
+We may also need more in-depth analysis on specific liquidity pools, including their transaction data, liquidity data, etc. Due to space limitations, we cannot provide a detailed introduction here. However, we offer some sample queries and dashboards for your reference:
+Query Example:
+* [uniswap-v3-poo](https://dune.com/queries/1174517)
+* [XEN-Uniswap trading pool overview](https://dune.com/queries/1382063)
+* [optimism uniswap lp users](https://dune.com/queries/1584678)
+Dashboard Example:
+* [Uniswap V3 Pool Structure And Dynamics](https://dune.com/springzhang/uniswap-v3-pool-structure-and-dynamics)
+* [Uniswap V3 On Optimism Liquidity Mining Program Performance](https://dune.com/springzhang/uniswap-optimism-liquidity-mining-program-performance)
+## SixDegreeLab introduction
+SixDegreeLab([@SixdegreeLab](https://twitter.com/sixdegreelab))is a professional on-chain data team dedicated to providing accurate on-chain data charts, analysis, and insights to users. Our mission is to popularize on-chain data analysis and foster a community of on-chain data analysts. Through community building, tutorial writing, and other initiatives, we aim to cultivate talents who can contribute valuable analytical content and drive the construction of a data layer for the blockchain community, nurturing talents for the future of blockchain data applications.
+Feel free to visit [SixDegreeLab's Dune homepage](https://dune.com/sixdegree).
+Due to our limitations, mistakes may occur. If you come across any errors, kindly point them out, and we appreciate your feedback.
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+# 15 Introduction to Dune SQL Query Engine
+Dune has officially launched its team's self-developed query engine, Dune SQL, based on Trino ([https://trino.io/](https://trino.io/)). This article introduces some common query syntax, considerations, and details of Dune SQL.
+Note: As Dune has announced that it will fully transition to the Dune SQL query engine from the second half of 2023, this tutorial upgrades all the original Query to the Dune SQL version.
+## Dune SQL Syntax Overview
+There are several key points to note in the syntax of Dune SQL:
+* Dune SQL uses double quotation marks to quote field names or table names that contain special characters or are keywords, such as `"from"` or `"to"`.
+* The string type in Dune SQL is `varchar`, and the commonly used numeric types are `double` and `decimal(38, 0)`.
+* Dune SQL does not support implicit type conversions. For example, in Dune SQL, you cannot directly compare `'2022-10-01'` with block_time; you need to use functions like `date('2022-10-01')` to explicitly convert it to a date before comparison. You cannot directly concatenate numeric types and strings; you need to use `cast(number_value as varchar)` to convert them to strings before concatenation.
+The Dune documentation provides a detailed syntax comparison table. You can refer to the [Syntax Comparison](https://dune.com/docs/query/syntax-differences#syntax-comparison) for more information. The following shows a partial comparison of the differences:
+## Dune SQL Examples
+### Dune SQL uses double quotation marks to quote special field names and table names
+Dune SQL uses double quotation marks for this purpose
+``` sql
+select "from" as address, gas_price, gas_used
+from ethereum.transactions
+where success = true
+limit 10
+### Date and Time
+Dune SQL does not support implicit conversion of string-formatted date values to datetime types. Explicit conversion must be used. Date and time functions or operators can be utilized for this purpose.
+1. Using Date Values
+Dune SQL utilizes the date() function
+``` sql
+select block_time, hash, "from" as address, "to" as contract_address
+from ethereum.transactions
+where block_time >= date('2022-12-18')
+limit 10
+2. Using Date and Time Values
+Dune SQL employs the timestamp operator
+``` sql
+select block_time, hash, "from" as address, "to" as contract_address
+from ethereum.transactions
+where block_time >= timestamp '2022-12-18 05:00:00'
+limit 10
+3. Using Interval
+Dune SQL utilizes the `interval '12' hour` syntax
+``` sql
+select block_time, hash, "from" as address, "to" as contract_address
+from ethereum.transactions
+where block_time >= now() - interval '12' hour
+limit 10
+### Address and Transaction Hash
+In Dune SQL queries, addresses and hash values can be used without enclosing them in single quotes. In this case, the case sensitivity is not enforced, and there is no need to explicitly convert them to lowercase.
+``` sql
+select block_time, hash, "from" as address, "to" as contract_address
+from ethereum.transactions
+where block_time >= date('2022-12-18') and block_time < date('2022-12-19')
+ and (
+ hash = 0x2a5ca5ff26e33bec43c7a0609670b7d7db6f7d74a14d163baf6de525a166ab10
+ or "from" = 0x76BE685c0C8746BBafECD1a578fcaC680Db8242E
+ )
+### Dune SQL's String Type varchar and Numeric Type double
+In Dune SQL, the string type is `varchar`, and the commonly used numeric type is `double`. Integer values in Dune SQL are default to the `bigint` type. When performing multiplication with large numbers, it is prone to overflow errors. In such cases, you can forcefully convert them to `double` type or `decimal(38, 0)` type. Integer division in Dune SQL does not implicitly convert to a floating-point number and perform division; instead, it directly returns an integer. This aspect should also be taken into consideration.
+1. Converting to String
+Dune SQL
+``` sql
+select block_time, hash, "from" as address, "to" as contract_address,
+ cast(value / 1e9 as varchar) || ' ETH' as amount_value,
+ format('%,.2f', value / 1e9) || ' ETH' as amount_value_format
+from ethereum.transactions
+where block_time >= date('2022-12-18') and block_time < date('2022-12-19')
+ and (
+ hash = 0x2a5ca5ff26e33bec43c7A0609670b7d7db6f7d74a14d163baf6de525a166ab10
+ or "from" = 0x76BE685c0C8746BBafECD1a578fcaC680Db8242E
+ )
+Checking the SQL output above, you can see that when casting a large or small number directly to a string using cast(), it is displayed in scientific notation, which may not be desirable. However, it is recommended to use the `format()` function, which allows for precise control over the output string format.
+2. Converting to Numeric Values
+Note that the type of the `value` is string in the table `erc20_ethereum.evt_Transfer`. You can use the `cast()` to convert it to the double or decimal(38, 0) numeric types.
+``` sql
+select evt_block_time, evt_tx_hash, "from", "to",
+ cast(value as double) as amount,
+ cast(value as decimal(38, 0)) as amount2
+from erc20_ethereum.evt_Transfer
+where evt_block_time >= date('2022-12-18') and evt_block_time < date('2022-12-19')
+ and evt_tx_hash in (
+ 0x2a5ca5ff26e33bec43c7a0609670b7d7db6f7d74a14d163baf6de525a166ab10,
+ 0xb66447ec3fe29f709c43783621cbe4d878cda4856643d1dd162ce875651430fc
+ )
+### Explicit Type Conversion
+As mentioned earlier, Dune SQL does not support implicit type conversion. When we compare or perform operations on values of different types, it is necessary to ensure that they are of the same (compatible) data type. If they are not, explicit type conversion should be performed using relevant functions or operators. Otherwise, type mismatch errors may occur. Here's another simple example:
+Without type conversion, the following SQL will result in an error in Dune SQL:
+``` sql
+select 1 as val
+union all
+select '2' as val
+Explicit type conversion allows for the execution as the following in Dune SQL:
+``` sql
+select 1 as val
+union all
+select cast('2' as int) as val
+When encountering errors like "Error: Line 47:1: column 1 in UNION query has incompatible types: integer, varchar(1) at line 47, position 1," it is necessary to address the type compatibility issues of the respective fields.
+### Converting to double type to resolve numeric range overflow errors
+Dune SQL supports integer types such as `int` and `bigint`. However, numeric values can often be very large due to the lack of support for decimals in blockchain systems like EVM. For example, we may encounter errors related to numeric overflow when calculating gas fees. In the following SQL, we intentionally cause an error by multiplying the calculated gas fee by 1000:
+``` sql
+select hash, gas_price * gas_used * 1000 as gas_fee
+from ethereum.transactions
+where block_time >= date('2022-12-18') and block_time < date('2022-12-19')
+order by gas_used desc
+limit 10
+Executing the above SQL will result in an error:
+``` sql
+Error: Bigint multiplication overflow: 15112250000000000 * 1000.
+To avoid type overflow errors, we can explicitly convert the first parameter to double type. The following SQL will execute correctly:
+``` sql
+select hash, cast(gas_price as double) * gas_used * 1000 as gas_fee
+from ethereum.transactions
+where block_time >= date('2022-12-18') and block_time < date('2022-12-19')
+order by gas_used desc
+limit 10
+### Converting to double type resolves the issue of integer division not returning decimal places
+Similarly, if two values are of bigint type and their division is performed, the result will be truncated to an integer and discarded the decimal portion. To obtain the decimal portion in the result, the dividend should be explicitly converted to double type.
+``` sql
+select hash, gas_used, gas_limit,
+ gas_used / gas_limit as gas_used_percentage
+from ethereum.transactions
+where block_time >= date('2022-12-18') and block_time < date('2022-12-19')
+limit 10
+Executing the above SQL, the value of gas_used_percentage will be either 0 or 1, and the decimal part will be discarded and rounded up. Clearly, this is not the desired outcome. By explicitly converting the dividend gas_used to double type, we can obtain the correct result:
+``` sql
+select hash, gas_used, gas_limit,
+ cast(gas_used as double) / gas_limit as gas_used_percentage
+from ethereum.transactions
+where block_time >= date('2022-12-18') and block_time < date('2022-12-19')
+limit 10
+### Converting from Hexadecimal to Decimal
+Dune SQL defines a set of new functions to handle the conversion of varbinary type strings to decimal numeric values. The string must start with the prefix `0x`.
+``` sql
+select bytearray_to_uint256('0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005b5354f3463686164c') as amount_raw
+For detailed assistance, please refer: [Byte Array to Numeric Functions](https://dune.com/docs/query/DuneSQL-reference/Functions-and-operators/varbinary/#byte-array-to-numeric-functions).
+### Generating Numeric Sequences and Date Sequences
+1. Numeric Sequences
+The syntax for generating numeric sequences in Dune SQL is as follows:
+``` sql
+select num from unnest(sequence(1, 10)) as t(num)
+-- select num from unnest(sequence(1, 10, 2)) as t(num) -- step 2
+2. Date Sequences
+Dune SQL utilizes the `unnest()` in conjunction with `sequence()` to generate date sequence values and convert them into multiple rows of records.
+The syntax for generating date sequences in Dune SQL is as follows:
+``` sql
+select block_date from unnest(sequence(date('2022-01-01'), date('2022-01-31'))) as s(block_date)
+-- select block_date from unnest(sequence(date('2022-01-01'), date('2022-01-31'), interval '7' day)) as s(block_date)
+### Array Queries
+1. Dune SQL utilizes the `cardinality()` to query the size of an array.
+The syntax for array queries in Dune SQL is as follows:
+``` sql
+select evt_block_time, evt_tx_hash, profileIds
+from lens_polygon.LensHub_evt_Followed
+where cardinality(profileIds) = 2
+limit 10
+2. Dune SQL's array indexing starts counting from 1.
+Accessing Array Elements in Dune SQL:
+``` sql
+select evt_block_time, evt_tx_hash, profileIds,
+ profileIds[1] as id1, profileIds[2] as id2
+from lens_polygon.LensHub_evt_Followed
+where cardinality(profileIds) = 2
+limit 10
+3. Splitting Array Elements into Multiple Rows of Records
+Splitting array elements into multiple rows of records in Dune SQL:
+``` sql
+select evt_block_time, evt_tx_hash, profileIds, tbl.profile_id
+from lens_polygon.LensHub_evt_Followed
+cross join unnest(profileIds) as tbl(profile_id)
+where cardinality(profileIds) = 3
+limit 20
+4. Splitting Multiple Array Fields into Multiple Rows of Records
+To split multiple array fields into multiple rows (assuming they have the same length), Dune SQL can include multiple fields within the `unnest()` and output corresponding fields simultaneously.
+Splitting multiple array elements into multiple rows in Dune SQL:
+``` sql
+SELECT evt_block_time, evt_tx_hash, ids, "values", tbl.id, tbl.val
+FROM erc1155_polygon.evt_TransferBatch
+cross join unnest(ids, "values") as tbl(id, val)
+WHERE evt_tx_hash = 0x19972e0ac41a70752643b9f4cb453e846fd5e0a4f7a3205b8ce1a35dacd3100b
+AND evt_block_time >= date('2022-12-14')
+## Migrating Queries from Spark SQL to Dune SQL - Example
+It is a straightforward process to migrate queries written in the existing Spark SQL engine to Dune SQL. You can directly access the Edit interface of the query and switch to "1. v2 Dune SQL" from the left dropdown menu of datasets. Then, make the necessary adjustments to the query content, as described in the previous sections of this article. Here's an example:
+Spark SQL Version: [https://dune.com/queries/1773896](https://dune.com/queries/1773896)
+Dune SQL Version: [https://dune.com/queries/1000162](https://dune.com/queries/1000162)
+Here is a comparison of the modifications during the migration:
+## Other Features
+Dune SQL also has a potential advanced feature that allows querying based on a saved query (Query of Query). This feature offers a lot of possibilities for simplifying query logic and optimizing cache usage. For example, you can save the base part of a complex query as a query itself and then perform further aggregation and analysis based on that query. However, this feature may still be unstable at times. Nevertheless, you can give it a try.
+``` sql
+-- original query: https://dune.com/queries/1752041
+select * from query_1752041
+where user_status = 'Retained'
+``` sql
+-- original query: https://dune.com/queries/1752041
+select * from query_1752041
+where user_status = 'Churned'
+## Reference Links
+1. [Syntax and operator differences](https://dune.com/docs/query/syntax-differences/#syntax-and-operator-differences)
+2. [Trino Functions and Operators](https://trino.io/docs/current/functions.html)
+## SixDegreeLab introduction
+SixDegreeLab([@SixdegreeLab](https://twitter.com/sixdegreelab))is a professional on-chain data team dedicated to providing accurate on-chain data charts, analysis, and insights to users. Our mission is to popularize on-chain data analysis and foster a community of on-chain data analysts. Through community building, tutorial writing, and other initiatives, we aim to cultivate talents who can contribute valuable analytical content and drive the construction of a data layer for the blockchain community, nurturing talents for the future of blockchain data applications.
+Feel free to visit [SixDegreeLab's Dune homepage](https://dune.com/sixdegree).
+Due to our limitations, mistakes may occur. If you come across any errors, kindly point them out, and we appreciate your feedback.
diff --git a/en/13_polygon/readme.md b/en/13_polygon/readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8d0a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/en/13_polygon/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,977 @@
+# 16 Analysis of the Polygon Chain Overview
+Dune platform has been developing rapidly and currently supports 10 mainstream blockchains, including Layer 1 public chains such as Ethereum, BNB, Polygon, Fantom, and Layer 2 blockchains such as Arbitrum and Optimism that are dedicated to expanding Ethereum. In this tutorial, we will explore how to start analyzing the overview of a blockchain, taking the Polygon blockchain as an example.
+Polygon's motto is "Bringing Ethereum to Everyone." Polygon believes that everyone can use Web3. It is a decentralized Ethereum scaling platform that enables developers to build scalable and user-friendly DApps with low transaction fees without compromising security.
+Dashboard for this tutorial: [Polygon Chain Overview](https://dune.com/sixdegree/polygon-chain-overview)
+## Contents of the Blockchain Overview Analysis
+Our goal is to comprehensively analyze the entire Polygon Chain to understand its current development status. The analysis includes:
+* **Block Analysis**: Total number of blocks, blocks mined per minute, total gas consumption, average gas consumption, daily (monthly) trend of block generation quantity, etc.
+* **Transaction and User Analysis**: Total transaction volume, total number of users, transaction quantity per block, comparison of successful and failed transactions, daily (monthly) trend of transaction quantity, daily (monthly) trend of active users, daily (monthly) trend of new users, comparison of new users and active users, etc.
+* **Native Token MATIC Analysis**: Total circulation supply, holder analysis, top holders, price trend, etc.
+* **Smart Contract Analysis**: Total deployed smart contracts, daily (monthly) trend of new contract deployments, comparison of transaction volume for the most popular smart contracts, and analysis of development trends.
+## Block and Gas Consumption Analysis
+### Total Number of Blocks and Gas Consumption
+To understand the total number of blocks and gas consumption in the Polygon Chain, we can write a simple SQL to retrieve the following information: the total number of blocks, the timestamp of the genesis block, the average number of new blocks per minute, the total gas consumption, and the average gas consumption per block.
+``` sql
+select count(*) / 1e6 as blocks_count,
+ min(time) as min_block_time,
+ count(*) / ((to_unixtime(Now()) - to_unixtime(min(time))) / 60) as avg_block_per_minute,
+ sum(gas_used * coalesce(base_fee_per_gas, 1)) / 1e18 as total_gas_used,
+ avg(gas_used * coalesce(base_fee_per_gas, 1)) / 1e18 as average_gas_used
+from polygon.blocks
+SQL explanation:
+1. By using the `to_unixtime()`, we can convert date and time to Unix Timestamp values, which allows us to calculate the number of seconds between two date and time values. We can then use this to calculate the average number of new blocks per minute. The corresponding function is `from_unixtime()`.
+2. `gas_used` represents the amount of gas consumed, and `base_fee_per_gas` is the unit price per gas. Multiplying them together gives us the gas cost. The native token of Polygon, MATIC, has 18 decimal places, so dividing by 1e18 gives us the final MATIC amount.
+The results of this query can be added as Counter-type visualizations and included in a dashboard. The display is as follows:
+Query link:[https://dune.com/queries/1835390](https://dune.com/queries/1835390)
+### Daily (Monthly) New Block Generation Trend and Gas Consumption
+We can aggregate by date to calculate the daily number of generated blocks and the corresponding gas consumption. To track the change, we first define a CTE to perform daily data statistics. Then, based on this CTE, we use a window function such as avg`(blocks_count) over (order by rows between 6 preceding and current row)` to calculate the 7-day moving average. The SQL is as follows:
+``` sql
+with block_daily as (
+ select date_trunc('day', time) as block_date,
+ count(*) as blocks_count,
+ sum(gas_used * coalesce(base_fee_per_gas, 1)) / 1e18 as gas_used
+ from polygon.blocks
+ group by 1
+select block_date,
+ blocks_count,
+ gas_used,
+ avg(blocks_count) over (order by block_date rows between 6 preceding and current row) as ma_7_days_blocks_count,
+ avg(blocks_count) over (order by block_date rows between 29 preceding and current row) as ma_30_days_blocks_count,
+ avg(gas_used) over (order by block_date rows between 6 preceding and current row) as ma_7_days_gas_used
+from block_daily
+order by block_date
+Add two Bar Chart for the query, displaying "Daily Block Count, 7-day Moving Average, and 30-day Moving Average Block Count" and "Daily Gas Consumption Total and 7-day Moving Average" values. Add them to the dashboard.
+Make a Fork of the above query, and modify it slightly to calculate the monthly statistics. Also, change the moving average to consider a period of 12 months. This will give us the monthly new block generation trend.
+The visualizations of the two SQL queries added to the dashboard will have the following display. We can observe that the number of new blocks generated remains relatively stable, but the gas fees have significantly increased since 2022, with a brief decline in between and currently approaching the previous high.
+Query Link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1835421](https://dune.com/queries/1835421)
+* [ttps://dune.com/queries/1835445](ttps://dune.com/queries/1835445)
+## Transaction and User Analysis
+### Total Transaction Volume and User Count
+We want to calculate the total number of transactions and the total number of unique user addresses. A CTE can be difined to combine the sender addresses `from` and receiver addresses `to` using the UNION ALL, and then count the distinct addresses. It's important to note that we're not excluding contract addresses in this analysis. If you wish to exclude contract addresses, you can add a subquery to exclude those addresses found in the `polygon.creation_traces` table. Since the data volume is large, we'll represent the values in millions (M). Add a Counter visualization chart for each metric and include them in the dashboard.
+``` sql
+with transactions_detail as (
+ select block_time,
+ hash,
+ "from" as address
+ from polygon.transactions
+ union all
+ select block_time,
+ hash,
+ "to" as address
+ from polygon.transactions
+select count(distinct hash) / 1e6 as transactions_count,
+ count(distinct address) / 1e6 as users_count
+from transactions_detail
+Query Link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1836022](https://dune.com/queries/1836022)
+### Daily (Monthly) Transaction and Active User Analysis
+Similarly, by grouping the data by date, we can generate reports for daily transaction volume and the number of active users. By summarizing the data on a monthly basis, we can obtain monthly insights. Below is the SQL query for daily aggregation:
+``` sql
+with transactions_detail as (
+ select block_time,
+ hash,
+ "from" as address
+ from polygon.transactions
+ union all
+ select block_time,
+ hash,
+ "to" as address
+ from polygon.transactions
+select date_trunc('day', block_time) as block_date,
+ count(distinct hash) as transactions_count,
+ count(distinct address) as users_count
+from transactions_detail
+group by 1
+order by 1
+Add Bar Chart for both daily and monthly transaction data, displaying transaction count and active user count. You can use a secondary Y-axis for the active user count, and choose either Line or Area chart. The resulting visualization on the dashboard would be the following:
+Query Link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1835817](https://dune.com/queries/1835817)
+* [ttps://dune.com/queries/1836624](ttps://dune.com/queries/1836624)
+### Active User and New User Statistics Analysis
+For a public blockchain, the growth trend of new users is a critical analysis that reflects the popularity of the chain. We can start by identifying the first transaction date for each address (`users_initial_transaction` CTE in the query below) and then use it to calculate the number of new users per day. By associating the daily active user data with the daily new user data, we can create a comparative chart. The number of active users for a given day can be obtained by subtracting the number of new users on that day from the daily active user count. Considering the possibility of no new users on certain dates, we use a LEFT JOIN and the `coalesce()` to handle potential null values. The SQL query is as follows:
+``` sql
+with users_details as (
+ select block_time,
+ "from" as address
+ from polygon.transactions
+ union all
+ select block_time,
+ "to" as address
+ from polygon.transactions
+users_initial_transaction as (
+ select address,
+ min(date_trunc('day', block_time)) as min_block_date
+ from users_details
+ group by 1
+new_users_daily as (
+ select min_block_date as block_date,
+ count(address) as new_users_count
+ from users_initial_transaction
+ group by 1
+active_users_daily as (
+ select date_trunc('day', block_time) as block_date,
+ count(distinct address) as active_users_count
+ from users_details
+ group by 1
+select u.block_date,
+ active_users_count,
+ coalesce(new_users_count, 0) as new_users_count,
+ active_users_count - coalesce(new_users_count, 0) as existing_users_count
+from active_users_daily u
+left join new_users_daily n on u.block_date = n.block_date
+order by u.block_date
+FORK this daily user statistics query, adjust the date to monthly statistics using `date_trunc('month', block_time)`. This will enable us to calculate the number of active users and new users per month.
+For these two queries, we can add the following visualizations:
+1. Bar Chart: Display the daily (or monthly) count of active users and new users. Since the proportion of new users is relatively low, set it to use the secondary Y-axis.
+2. Area Chart: Compare the proportion of new users and existing users.
+Adding these visualizations to the dashboard will result in the following display:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1836744](https://dune.com/queries/1836744)
+* [ttps://dune.com/queries/1836854](ttps://dune.com/queries/1836854)
+## Native Token Analysis
+### MATIC Price Trend
+Dune's Spells `prices.usd` provides price of Polygon chain tokens, including the native token MATIC. Therefore, we can directly calculate the average price on a daily basis.
+``` sql
+select date_trunc('day', minute) as block_date,
+ avg(price) as price
+from prices.usd
+where blockchain = 'polygon'
+ and symbol = 'MATIC'
+group by 1
+order by 1
+Since the query results are sorted in ascending order by date, the last record represents the average price for the most recent date, which can be considered as the "current price". We can generate a Counter chart for it, setting the "Row Number" value to "-1" to retrieve the value from the last row. Additionally, we can add a Line to display the daily average price for the MATIC token. After adding these charts to the dashboard, the display will be as shown below:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1836933](https://dune.com/queries/1836933)
+### Addresses with the highest holdings of the MATIC token
+Addresses with the highest holdings of the MATIC token are of interest to us, as they often have the potential to influence the token's price movements. The following query retrieves the top 1000 addresses. MATIC is the native token of the Polygon chain, and the details of its transfers are stored in the `polygon.traces` table. Please note that we haven't differentiated between contract and non-contract addresses in this query. Due to the low transaction gas fees on Polygon, we have omitted the calculation of gas consumption for performance reasons.
+``` sql
+with polygon_transfer_raw as (
+ select "from" as address, (-1) * cast(value as decimal) as amount
+ from polygon.traces
+ where call_type = 'call'
+ and success = true
+ and value > uint256 '0'
+ union all
+ select "to" as address, cast(value as decimal) as amount
+ from polygon.traces
+ where call_type = 'call'
+ and success = true
+ and value > uint256 '0'
+select address,
+ sum(amount) / 1e18 as amount
+from polygon_transfer_raw
+group by 1
+order by 2 desc
+limit 1000
+Considerations in the above query: The `value` in the `polygon.traces` is of type `uint256`, which is a custom type in Dune SQL. If you directly compare it with the numerical value 0, you will encounter a type mismatch error that prevents comparison. Therefore, we use syntax like `uint256 '0'` to convert the value 0 into the same type for comparison. Alternatively, you can use type conversion functions like `cast(0 as uint256)`. You can also convert the `value` to double, decimal, bigint, or other types before comparison, but in such cases, be mindful of potential data overflow issues.
+We can further analyze the distribution of MATIC token holdings among the top 1000 addresses based on the above query. We can fork the previous query and make slight modifications to achieve this.
+``` sql
+with polygon_transfer_raw as (
+ -- same as above
+polygon_top_holders as (
+ select address,
+ sum(amount) / 1e18 as amount
+ from polygon_transfer_raw
+ group by 1
+ order by 2 desc
+ limit 1000
+select (case when amount >= 10000000 then '>= 10M'
+ when amount >= 1000000 then '>= 1M'
+ when amount >= 500000 then '>= 500K'
+ when amount >= 100000 then '>= 100K'
+ else '< 100K'
+ end) as amount_segment,
+ count(*) as holders_count
+from polygon_top_holders
+group by 1
+order by 2 desc
+Generate a Bar Chart and a Pie Chart for the above two queries respectively. Add them to the dashboard, and the display is as follows:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1837749](https://dune.com/queries/1837749)
+* [ttps://dune.com/queries/1837150](ttps://dune.com/queries/1837150)
+* [ttps://dune.com/queries/1837781](ttps://dune.com/queries/1837781)
+## Smart Contract Analysis
+### Number of Created and Suicided Contracts
+``` sql
+select type,
+ count(*) / 1e6 as transactions_count
+from polygon.traces
+where type in ('create', 'suicide')
+ and block_time >= date('2023-01-01') -- Date conditions are added here for performance considerations
+group by 1
+order by 1
+Since we have restricted the values of the `type` and specified the sorting order, we can ensure that two records are returned and their order is fixed. Therefore, we can generate Counter-type visualizations for the values in the first and second rows respectively.
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1837749](https://dune.com/queries/1837749)
+### Daily (Monthly) Contract Created and Suicided Count
+We can calculate the daily (monthly) count of newly created and suicided contracts by date. Considering the cumulative count is also valuable, we first use a CTE to calculate the daily count, and then use the window function `sum() over (partition by type order by block_date)` to calculate the cumulative count by date. The `partition by type` is used to specify separate aggregations based on the contract type.
+``` sql
+with polygon_contracts as (
+ select date_trunc('day', block_time) as block_date,
+ type,
+ count(*) as transactions_count
+ from polygon.traces
+ where type in ('create', 'suicide')
+ group by 1, 2
+select block_date,
+ type,
+ transactions_count,
+ sum(transactions_count) over (partition by type order by block_date) as accumulate_transactions_count
+from polygon_contracts
+order by block_date
+Similarly, we can adjust the date to monthly, and calculate the count of newly created and suicided contracts on a monthly basis.
+The above queries generate Bar Chart and Area Chart respectively. After adding them to the dashboard, the resulting display is as follows:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1837749](https://dune.com/queries/1837749)
+* [ttps://dune.com/queries/1837144](ttps://dune.com/queries/1837150)
+* [ttps://dune.com/queries/1837781](ttps://dune.com/queries/1837781)
+### Transaction Count Statistics for Top Smart Contracts
+The top smart contracts in each blockchain usually generate the majority of transaction counts. We can analyze the top 100 smart contracts with the highest transaction counts. In the output results, we have added a link field for convenience, allowing you to directly query the transaction list for each smart contract by clicking on the link.
+``` sql
+with contract_summary as (
+ select "to" as contract_address,
+ count(*) as transaction_count
+ from polygon.transactions
+ where success = true
+ group by 1
+ order by 2 desc
+ limit 100
+select contract_address,
+ 'PolygonScan' as link,
+ transaction_count
+from contract_summary
+order by transaction_count desc
+Generating a Bar Chart and a Table Chart for this query. Adding them to the dashboard, the display is as follows:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1838001](https://dune.com/queries/1838001)
+### Analysis of Daily Transaction Volume for the Most Active Smart Contracts
+We can analyze the daily transaction volume for the top smart contracts with the highest cumulative transaction count. This can provide insights into the popularity and lifespan of different smart contracts in different stages. Given the large amount of data, we will only analyze the top 20 contracts.
+``` sql
+with top_contracts as (
+ select "to" as contract_address,
+ count(*) as transaction_count
+ from polygon.transactions
+ where success = true
+ group by 1
+ order by 2 desc
+ limit 20
+select date_trunc('day', block_time) as block_date,
+ contract_address,
+ count(*) as transaction_count
+from polygon.transactions t
+inner join top_contracts c on t."to" = c.contract_address
+group by 1, 2
+order by 1, 2
+We first query the top 20 smart contracts with the highest historical transaction volume. Then, we calculate the daily transaction volume for these smart contracts. We add three different types of visualizations for the query:
+1. Bar Chart: Displays the daily transaction volume for different smart contracts, stacked together.
+2. Area Chart: Displays the daily transaction volume for different smart contracts, stacked together. We set "Normalize to percentage" to adjust the chart to display in percentages.
+3. Pie Chart: Compares the cumulative transaction volume percentages for these top 20 smart contracts.
+After adding these charts to the dashboard, the result is shown in the following:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1838060](https://dune.com/queries/1838060)
+### The most active smart contracts in the last 30 days
+In addition to analyzing all historical transaction data, we can also perform a simple analysis on the most active smart contracts in recent. For example, we can analyze the top 50 smart contracts that have been the most active in the last 30 days.
+``` sql
+select "to" as contract_address,
+ 'PolygonScan' as link,
+ count(*) as transaction_count
+from polygon.transactions
+where block_time >= now() - interval '30' day
+group by 1, 2
+order by 3 desc
+limit 50
+As it is a recent active projects, it may have been newly deployed and launched. Therefore, we have added hyperlinks to the query and created a Table. The display is as follows:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1838077](https://dune.com/queries/1838077)
+## Summary
+Above, we have conducted a preliminary analysis of the Polygon Chain from several aspects, including blocks, gas consumption, transactions, users, native tokens, and smart contracts. Through this dashboard, we can gain a general understanding of the Polygon chain. In particular, through the analysis of top smart contracts, we can identify popular projects. This allows us to choose specific projects of interest for further analysis.
+So far, SixDegreeLab has completed overview analyses for multiple blockchains, which you can find here:
+* [Blockchain Overview Series](https://dune.com/sixdegree/blockchain-overview-series)
+## SixDegreeLab introduction
+SixDegreeLab([@SixdegreeLab](https://twitter.com/sixdegreelab))is a professional on-chain data team dedicated to providing accurate on-chain data charts, analysis, and insights to users. Our mission is to popularize on-chain data analysis and foster a community of on-chain data analysts. Through community building, tutorial writing, and other initiatives, we aim to cultivate talents who can contribute valuable analytical content and drive the construction of a data layer for the blockchain community, nurturing talents for the future of blockchain data applications.
+Feel free to visit [SixDegreeLab's Dune homepage](https://dune.com/sixdegree).
+Due to our limitations, mistakes may occur. If you come across any errors, kindly point them out, and we appreciate your feedback.
+# 18 Uniswap Multi-Chain Data Comparative Analysis
+Uniswap is one of the leading decentralized exchanges (DEX) in the DeFi space. The Uniswap smart contract was initially deployed on the Ethereum blockchain in 2018, and it has since expanded to other chains such as Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, and Celo in 2021 and 2022. It continues to gain momentum with a new proposal to deploy on the Binance Smart Chain (BNB). In this article, we will explore how to analyze the performance of Uniswap across multiple chains in 2022. Please note that Celo chain is not included in this analysis as it is not currently supported by Dune.
+Dashboard for this tutorial: [Uniswap V3 Performance In 2022 Multichains](https://dune.com/sixdegree/uniswap-v3-performance-in-2022-multi-chains)
+All queries in this tutorial are executed using the Dune SQL.
+Interestingly, during the completion of this tutorial, the Uniswap Foundation launched a new round of bounty program, focusing on analyzing Uniswap's performance across multiple chains on January 25, 2023. This tutorial hopes to provide some insights and ideas, and participants can further expand on these queries to participate in the bounty program. We wish you the best of luck in earning the generous rewards. You can find more information about the Unigrants program and the [Bounty #21 - Uniswap Multichain](https://unigrants.notion.site/Bounty-21-Uniswap-Multichain-b1edc714fe1949779530e920701fd617) here.
+## Key Content of Multi-Chain Data Analysis
+As mentioned in the description of the "Bounty #21 - Uniswap Multichain" activity, when analyzing DeFi applications like Uniswap, the most common metrics we need to analyze include trading volume, trading value, user base, and Total Value Locked (TVL). Uniswap deploys smart contracts for numerous liquidity pools that facilitate trading pairs of different tokens. Liquidity providers (LPs) deposit funds into these pools to earn transaction fee rewards, while other users can exchange their tokens using these liquidity pools. Therefore, a more in-depth analysis can also include liquidity pool-related and LP-related metrics.
+In this tutorial, we will primarily focus on the following topics:
+* Overview of total trading activity (number of trades, trading volume, user count, TVL)
+* Daily trading data comparison
+* Daily new user comparison
+* Yearly comparison of new liquidity pools created
+* Daily comparison of new liquidity pools
+* TVL comparison
+* Daily TVL
+* Liquidity pool with the highest TVL
+The Dune community has created a comprehensive trade data Spells called "uniswap.trades", which aggregates transaction data from Uniswap-related smart contracts on the mentioned four blockchains. Most of our queries can directly utilize this table. However, there is currently no Spells available for liquidity pool-related data, so we will need to write queries to aggregate data from different blockchains for comparative analysis.
+It is important to note that in this tutorial, we primarily focus on the data from 2022. Therefore, there are date filtering conditions in the related queries. If you want to analyze the entire historical data, simply remove these conditions.
+## Summary of Overall Trading Activity
+We can write a query directly against the "uniswap.trades" to summarize the total trading volume, number of trades, and count of unique user addresses.
+``` sql
+select blockchain,
+ sum(amount_usd) as trade_amount,
+ count(*) as transaction_count,
+ count(distinct taker) as user_count
+from uniswap.trades
+where block_time >= date('2022-01-01')
+ and block_time < date('2023-01-01')
+group by 1
+Considering that the result data can be quite large, we can put the above query into a CTE (Common Table Expression). When outputting from the CTE, we can convert the numbers into million or billion units and conveniently aggregate data from multiple chains together.
+We will add 3 Counter charts for the total trading volume, number of trades, and user count. Additionally, we will add 3 Pie charts to display the percentage of trading volume, number of trades, and user count for each chain. Furthermore, we will include a Table chart to present detailed numbers. All these charts will be added to the dashboard, resulting in the following display:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1859214](https://dune.com/queries/1859214)
+## Daily Transaction Data Comparative Analysis
+Similarly, using the `uniswap.trades magical` table, we can write a SQL query to calculate the daily transaction data. The SQL query is as follows:
+``` sql
+with transaction_summary as (
+ select date_trunc('day', block_time) as block_date,
+ blockchain,
+ sum(amount_usd) as trade_amount,
+ count(*) as transaction_count,
+ count(distinct taker) as user_count
+ from uniswap.trades
+ where block_time >= date('2022-01-01')
+ and block_time < date('2023-01-01')
+ group by 1, 2
+select block_date,
+ blockchain,
+ trade_amount,
+ transaction_count,
+ user_count,
+ sum(trade_amount) over (partition by blockchain order by block_date) as accumulate_trade_amount,
+ sum(transaction_count) over (partition by blockchain order by block_date) as accumulate_transaction_count,
+ sum(user_count) over (partition by blockchain order by block_date) as accumulate_user_count
+from transaction_summary
+order by 1, 2
+Here, we summarize all transaction data from 2022 based on date and blockchains. We also output the cumulative data based on the date. It's important to note that the cumulative user count in this aggregation is not an accurate representation of "cumulative unique user count" since the same user can make transactions on different dates. We will explain how to calculate the unique user count separately in later queries.
+Since our goal is to analyze the data performance across different chains, we can focus on the specific values as well as their proportions. Proportional analysis allows us to visually observe the trends of different chains over time. With this in mind, we generate the following charts: Line Chart for daily transaction volume, Bar Chart for daily transaction count and daily unique user count, Area Chart for cumulative transaction volume, transaction count, and unique user count, and another Area Chart to display the percentage contribution of each daily transaction data. The resulting charts, when added to the dashboard, will appear as follows:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1928680](https://dune.com/queries/1928680)
+## Daily New User Analysis
+To analyze the daily new users and make comparisons, we first need to calculate the initial transaction date for each user address. Then, we can calculate the number of new users for each day based on their initial transaction dates. In the following query, we use a CTE called `user_initial_trade` to calculate the initial transaction date for each user address (`taker`) without any date filtering conditions. Then, in the CTE `new_users_summary`, we calculate the number of new users for each day in 2022. Additionally, we summarize the daily active users in the CTE `active_users_summary`. In the final output, we subtract the number of new users from the number of daily active users to obtain the number of retained users per day. This allows us to generate visualizations comparing the proportions of new users and retained users.
+``` sql
+with user_initial_trade as (
+ select blockchain,
+ taker,
+ min(block_time) as block_time
+ from uniswap.trades
+ group by 1, 2
+new_users_summary as (
+ select date_trunc('day', block_time) as block_date,
+ blockchain,
+ count(*) as new_user_count
+ from user_initial_trade
+ where block_time >= date('2022-01-01')
+ and block_time < date('2023-01-01')
+ group by 1, 2
+active_users_summary as (
+ select date_trunc('day', block_time) as block_date,
+ blockchain,
+ count(distinct taker) as active_user_count
+ from uniswap.trades
+ where block_time >= date('2022-01-01')
+ and block_time < date('2023-01-01')
+ group by 1, 2
+select a.block_date,
+ a.blockchain,
+ a.active_user_count,
+ n.new_user_count,
+ coalesce(a.active_user_count, 0) - coalesce(n.new_user_count, 0) as retain_user_count,
+ sum(new_user_count) over (partition by n.blockchain order by n.block_date) as accumulate_new_user_count
+from active_users_summary a
+inner join new_users_summary n on a.block_date = n.block_date and a.blockchain = n.blockchain
+order by 1, 2
+To generate different visualizations for these queries, displaying the daily number and proportion of new users, daily number and proportion of retained users, daily cumulative number of new users, and the proportion of new users for each chain in 2022, we can create the following charts:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1928825](https://dune.com/queries/1928825)
+The queries mentioned above include the comparison of daily new users and daily retained users, as well as their respective proportions. However, since the results are already grouped by blockchain, it is not possible to display both the daily number of new users and the daily number of retained users in the same chart. In this case, we can utilize the Query of Query in the Dune SQL to create a new query using the previous queries as the data source. By selecting a specific blockchain from the query results, we can display multiple metrics in a single chart, as we no longer need to group by blockchain.
+``` sql
+select block_date,
+ active_user_count,
+ new_user_count,
+ retain_user_count
+from query_1928825 -- This points to all returned data from query https://dune.com/queries/1928825
+where blockchain = '{{blockchain}}'
+order by block_date
+Here we will define the blockchain to be filtered as a parameter of type List, which will include the names (in lowercase format) of the four supported blockchains as options. We will generate two charts for the query results, displaying the daily number of new users and their respective proportions. After adding the charts to the dashboard, the display will be as follows:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1929142](https://dune.com/queries/1929142)
+## Comparative Analysis of Annual New Liquidity Pools
+Dune's current Spells do not provide data on liquidity pools, so we can write our own queries to aggregate the data. We welcome everyone to submit a PR to the Spellbook repository on Dune's GitHub to generate the corresponding Spells. Using the PoolCreated event to parse the data, we will gather data from the four blockchains together. Since Uniswap V2 is only deployed on the Ethereum chain, we have not included it in the scope of our analysis.
+``` sql
+with pool_created_detail as (
+ select 'ethereum' as blockchain,
+ evt_block_time,
+ evt_tx_hash,
+ pool,
+ token0,
+ token1
+ from uniswap_v3_ethereum.Factory_evt_PoolCreated
+ union all
+ select 'arbitrum' as blockchain,
+ evt_block_time,
+ evt_tx_hash,
+ pool,
+ token0,
+ token1
+ from uniswap_v3_arbitrum.UniswapV3Factory_evt_PoolCreated
+ union all
+ select 'optimism' as blockchain,
+ evt_block_time,
+ evt_tx_hash,
+ pool,
+ token0,
+ token1
+ from uniswap_v3_optimism.Factory_evt_PoolCreated
+ union all
+ select 'polygon' as blockchain,
+ evt_block_time,
+ evt_tx_hash,
+ pool,
+ token0,
+ token1
+ from uniswap_v3_polygon.factory_polygon_evt_PoolCreated
+select blockchain,
+ count(distinct pool) as pool_count
+from pool_created_detail
+where evt_block_time >= date('2022-01-01')
+ and evt_block_time < date('2023-01-01')
+group by 1
+We can generate a Pie Chart to compare the number and proportion of newly created liquidity pools on each chain in 2022. Additionally, we can create a Table chart to display detailed data. After adding these charts to the dashboard, the display will look as follows:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1929177](https://dune.com/queries/1929177)
+## Daily Comparison of New Liquidity Pools
+Similarly, by adding a date to the grouping condition in the query, we can calculate the daily count of new liquidity pools on each chain.
+``` sql
+with pool_created_detail as (
+ -- 此处SQL同上
+daily_pool_summary as (
+ select date_trunc('day', evt_block_time) as block_date,
+ blockchain,
+ count(distinct pool) as pool_count
+ from pool_created_detail
+ group by 1, 2
+select block_date,
+ blockchain,
+ pool_count,
+ sum(pool_count) over (partition by blockchain order by block_date) as accumulate_pool_count
+from daily_pool_summary
+where block_date >= date('2022-01-01')
+ and block_date < date('2023-01-01')
+order by block_date
+We can generate a Bar Chart for the daily count of new liquidity pools and an Area Chart to display the daily count percentage. Additionally, we can create an Area Chart to showcase the cumulative count of newly created liquidity pools. The visualizations can be added to the dashboard for display, as shown in the following image:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1929235](https://dune.com/queries/1929235)
+## Total Value Locked (TVL) Comparison Analysis
+Different tokens have different prices. When comparing TVL, we need to convert the locked amounts (quantities) of these tokens to USD values by associating them with the `prices.usd` Spells. Only then can we perform the aggregation. Each trading pair represents an independent liquidity pool with its own contract address. The TVL represents the total value, in USD, of all tokens held by these contract addresses. To calculate the current token balances in a pool, we can use the `evt_Transfer` table under the `erc20` Spells to track the inflows and outflows of each pool and derive the current balances. Each pool consists of two different tokens, so we also need to obtain the decimal places and corresponding prices of these tokens. Let's take a look at the query code:
+``` sql
+with pool_created_detail as (
+ -- The SQL here is the same as above
+token_transfer_detail as (
+ select p.blockchain,
+ t.contract_address,
+ t.evt_block_time,
+ t.evt_tx_hash,
+ t."to" as pool,
+ cast(t.value as double) as amount_original
+ from erc20_arbitrum.evt_Transfer t
+ inner join pool_created_detail p on t."to" = p.pool
+ where p.blockchain = 'arbitrum'
+ union all
+ select p.blockchain,
+ t.contract_address,
+ t.evt_block_time,
+ t.evt_tx_hash,
+ t."from" as pool,
+ -1 * cast(t.value as double) as amount_original
+ from erc20_arbitrum.evt_Transfer t
+ inner join pool_created_detail p on t."from" = p.pool
+ where p.blockchain = 'arbitrum'
+ union all
+ select p.blockchain,
+ t.contract_address,
+ t.evt_block_time,
+ t.evt_tx_hash,
+ t."to" as pool,
+ cast(t.value as double) as amount_original
+ from erc20_ethereum.evt_Transfer t
+ inner join pool_created_detail p on t."to" = p.pool
+ where p.blockchain = 'ethereum'
+ union all
+ select p.blockchain,
+ t.contract_address,
+ t.evt_block_time,
+ t.evt_tx_hash,
+ t."from" as pool,
+ -1 * cast(t.value as double) as amount_original
+ from erc20_ethereum.evt_Transfer t
+ inner join pool_created_detail p on t."from" = p.pool
+ where p.blockchain = 'ethereum'
+ union all
+ select p.blockchain,
+ t.contract_address,
+ t.evt_block_time,
+ t.evt_tx_hash,
+ t."to" as pool,
+ cast(t.value as double) as amount_original
+ from erc20_optimism.evt_Transfer t
+ inner join pool_created_detail p on t."to" = p.pool
+ where p.blockchain = 'optimism'
+ union all
+ select p.blockchain,
+ t.contract_address,
+ t.evt_block_time,
+ t.evt_tx_hash,
+ t."from" as pool,
+ -1 * cast(t.value as double) as amount_original
+ from erc20_optimism.evt_Transfer t
+ inner join pool_created_detail p on t."from" = p.pool
+ where p.blockchain = 'optimism'
+ union all
+ select p.blockchain,
+ t.contract_address,
+ t.evt_block_time,
+ t.evt_tx_hash,
+ t."to" as pool,
+ cast(t.value as double) as amount_original
+ from erc20_polygon.evt_Transfer t
+ inner join pool_created_detail p on t."to" = p.pool
+ where p.blockchain = 'polygon'
+ union all
+ select p.blockchain,
+ t.contract_address,
+ t.evt_block_time,
+ t.evt_tx_hash,
+ t."from" as pool,
+ -1 * cast(t.value as double) as amount_original
+ from erc20_polygon.evt_Transfer t
+ inner join pool_created_detail p on t."from" = p.pool
+ where p.blockchain = 'polygon'
+token_list as (
+ select distinct contract_address
+ from token_transfer_detail
+latest_token_price as (
+ select contract_address, symbol, decimals, price, minute
+ from (
+ select row_number() over (partition by contract_address order by minute desc) as row_num, *
+ from prices.usd
+ where contract_address in (
+ select contract_address from token_list
+ )
+ and minute >= now() - interval '1' day
+ order by minute desc
+ ) p
+ where row_num = 1
+token_transfer_detail_amount as (
+ select blockchain,
+ d.contract_address,
+ evt_block_time,
+ evt_tx_hash,
+ pool,
+ amount_original,
+ amount_original / pow(10, decimals) * price as amount_usd
+ from token_transfer_detail d
+ inner join latest_token_price p on d.contract_address = p.contract_address
+select blockchain,
+ sum(amount_usd) as tvl,
+ (sum(sum(amount_usd)) over ()) / 1e9 as total_tvl
+from token_transfer_detail_amount
+where abs(amount_usd) < 1e9 -- Exclude some outlier values from Optimism chain
+group by 1
+The explanation of the above query is as follows:
+* CTE `pool_created_detail`: Retrieves data for all created liquidity pools across different chains.
+* CTE `token_transfer_detail`: Filters out token transfer data for all Uniswap liquidity pools by joining the `evt_Transfer` table with `pool_created_detail`.
+* CTE `token_list`: Filters out the list of tokens used in all trading pairs.
+* CTE `latest_token_price`: Calculates the current prices of these tokens. Since the price data in `prices.usd` may have a time delay, we first retrieve data from the past 1 day and then use `row_number() over (partition by contract_address order by minute desc)` to calculate the row number and return only the rows with a row number of 1, which represents the latest price records for each token.
+* CTE `token_transfer_detail_amount`: Joins `token_transfer_detail` with `latest_token_price` to calculate the USD value of token transfers.
+* The final output query summarizes the current TVL for each blockchain and the total TVL across all chains.
+Generates a Pie Chart and a Counter chart respectively. Adds them to the dashboard, resulting in the following display:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1929279](https://dune.com/queries/1929279)
+### Daily TVL (Total Value Locked) Comparative Analysis
+When analyzing daily TVL amounts, we need to add a date grouping dimension. However, the result obtained at this point is the daily change in TVL, not the daily balance. We also need to accumulate the balances by date to obtain the correct daily balances.
+``` sql
+with pool_created_detail as (
+ -- The SQL here is the same as above
+token_transfer_detail as (
+ -- The SQL here is the same as above
+token_list as (
+ -- The SQL here is the same as above
+latest_token_price as (
+ -- The SQL here is the same as above
+token_transfer_detail_amount as (
+ -- The SQL here is the same as above
+tvl_daily as (
+ select date_trunc('day', evt_block_time) as block_date,
+ blockchain,
+ sum(amount_usd) as tvl_change
+ from token_transfer_detail_amount
+ where abs(amount_usd) < 1e9 -- Exclude some outlier values from Optimism chain
+ group by 1, 2
+select block_date,
+ blockchain,
+ tvl_change,
+ sum(tvl_change) over (partition by blockchain order by block_date) as tvl
+from tvl_daily
+where block_date >= date('2022-01-01')
+ and block_date < date('2023-01-01')
+order by 1, 2
+We discovered that there are some abnormal data on the Optimism chain, so we added the condition abs(amount_usd) < 1e9 in the above query to exclude them. Generate an Area Chart for this query. Add it to the dashboard, and the display is as follows:
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1933439](https://dune.com/queries/1933439)
+## Top Flow Pools by TVL
+By aggregating the TVL (Total Value Locked) by the contract address of each flow pool, we can calculate the current TVL for each pool. However, if we want to compare the trade pairs more intuitively using the token symbols, we can join the tokens.erc20 Spells to generate the trade pairs. In Uniswap, the same trade pair can have multiple service fee rates (different pool addresses), so we need to aggregate them by the trade pair name. Here is the SQL to achieve this:
+``` sql
+with pool_created_detail as (
+ -- The SQL here is the same as above
+token_transfer_detail as (
+ -- The SQL here is the same as above
+token_list as (
+ -- The SQL here is the same as above
+latest_token_price as (
+ -- The SQL here is the same as above
+token_transfer_detail_amount as (
+ -- The SQL here is the same as above
+top_tvl_pools as (
+ select pool,
+ sum(amount_usd) as tvl
+ from token_transfer_detail_amount
+ where abs(amount_usd) < 1e9 -- Exclude some outlier values from Optimism chain
+ group by 1
+ order by 2 desc
+ limit 200
+select concat(tk0.symbol, '-', tk1.symbol) as pool_name,
+ sum(t.tvl) as tvl
+from top_tvl_pools t
+inner join pool_created_detail p on t.pool = p.pool
+inner join tokens.erc20 as tk0 on p.token0 = tk0.contract_address
+inner join tokens.erc20 as tk1 on p.token1 = tk1.contract_address
+group by 1
+order by 2 desc
+limit 100
+We can generate a Bar Chart and a Table chart to display the data for the flow pools with the highest TVL (Total Value Locked).
+Query link:
+* [https://dune.com/queries/1933442](https://dune.com/queries/1933442)
+## SixDegreeLab introduction
+SixDegreeLab([@SixdegreeLab](https://twitter.com/sixdegreelab))is a professional on-chain data team dedicated to providing accurate on-chain data charts, analysis, and insights to users. Our mission is to popularize on-chain data analysis and foster a community of on-chain data analysts. Through community building, tutorial writing, and other initiatives, we aim to cultivate talents who can contribute valuable analytical content and drive the construction of a data layer for the blockchain community, nurturing talents for the future of blockchain data applications.
+Feel free to visit [SixDegreeLab's Dune homepage](https://dune.com/sixdegree).
+Due to our limitations, mistakes may occur. If you come across any errors, kindly point them out, and we appreciate your feedback.