- Include CKEditor version 4.1.2.
- Added very simple validation for uploaded images.
- Added new config variable called CKEDITOR_BROWSEABLE_UPLOADED_IMAGES to activate / desactivate thumbnail creation when we don't want the user to browse his uploaded images.
- Fixing ckeditor in inlines admin
#. Remove deprecation django.conf.urls.defaults #.
- Include CKEditor version 4.0.2.
- Remove unwanted static files from distribution.
- Use Pillow instead of PIL since it builds on all systems.
- Include CKEditor version 3.6.2.
- Initial work on Django aligned theme.
- Fix schema slash removal issue on media url generation. Thanks mwcz
- Added compatibility for South. Thanks 3point2
- Prevented settings from leaking between widget instances. Thanks 3point2
- Fixed config_name conflict when verbose_name is used as first positional argument for a field. Thanks 3point2
- Refactored views to allow use of file walking with local paths. Thanks 3point2
- Added command to generate thumbnails. Thanks 3point2
- Migrated from using media to static file management.
- Added ability to configure CKeditor through a CKEDITOR_CONFIGS settings. Thanks jeffh for the input.
- Removed buggy url include check.
- Egg package corrected to exclude testing admin.py and models.py.
- Enforce correct configuration.
- Changed upload behavior to separate files into directories by upload date. Thanks loop0 .
- Added ability to limit user access to uploaded content (see the CKEDITOR_RESTRICT_BY_USER setting). Thanks chr15m for the input.
- Added initial set of much needed tests.
- General cleanup, light refactor.
- csrf_exempt backwards compatability. Thanks chr15m .
- Include resources, sorry about that.
- More robust PIL import. Thanks buchuki .
- Better CKEDITOR_MEDIA_PREFIX setting error.
- Included README.rst in manifest.
- Added CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PREFIX setting. Thanks chr15m for the input.