This Git repository documents, configures and automates the management and setup of the Sovereign Cloud Stack hardware environment. This environment is build in the context of the VP18 project workpackage and in running at a colocation of JH Computers.
The main goals of this environment are:
- Runtime environment for the blueprint of the "SCS Turnkey Solution"
- Run, test and demontrate all components
- Demonstration showroom for interested parties (A blueprint for potential SCS operators to get an idea of the OSISM setup)
- Training and demonstration environment
- Testing of new releases (Environment for the future execution of QA tests)
- Reproduce and analyze production problems on a real system
- Develop and test topics that can only be analyzed, tested or reproduced on a real system
- Dogfooding / continuous operation with real workload
- Develop operational procdures
- Develop and test certification tests
- Provide a network testing lab for:
- Switch/network automation
- Sonic packaging
- Evaluating network architecture concepts
- Test environment to evaluate and test concepts and implementations in layer-3 underlay networking with SONiC
- Test environment to evaluate and test improvements to the monitoring stack
- Run a "production-like" experimentation and testing plattform
- Standards
- Documentation of the System
- Operational procedures
- Documentation of the system setup
- Installed Hardware Devices
- Other documentation
This is list is incomplete.
You can gather the passwords using the following command: (see also information about vault in the System Runbook
./landscape_ctl -o -s <key>
./landscape_ctl -o -s keystone_admin_password