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zml edited this page May 17, 2021 · 6 revisions

VanillaGradle provides very few user-facing tasks, since most of its work is done during the resolution of Configurations.

Most tasks will be triggered automatically during IDE imports. The one exception is decompile, since it is CPU-intensive and unnecessary for basic development.


Generate a decompiled sources variant of the active Minecraft version using ForgeFlower. This is not required for development, but is helpful to enable IDE inspections and provide a better viewing experience.


Displays all Minecraft versions that can be targeted with the available data.


Generate run configurations for Eclipse. This task is run automatically by Buildship on import.

There is one user-modifiable parameter, preserveExisting, which defaults to false. If this property is set to true, any existing run configurations with the same names as the project's configurations will not be overwritten. This can be used if testing local modifications to the run configurations, but means that any changes from the Gradle project will not be applied to the Eclipse configurations.


Clear the current version of VanillaGradle cache. This is not normally necessary, but could help to free up some disk space.


Perform tasks necessary for preparing a full development workspace, including downloading assets and natives necessary to run the Minecraft client. This task is normally run automatically on IDE import.

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