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» Home / Usage / Bot Commands

Guest [0]

  • help - display all available commands
    • Usage: !help
    • Short: !h
  • forgiveprev - forgive last team kill
    • Usage: !forgiveprev
    • Short: !fp
  • forgiveall - forgive all team kills
    • Usage: !forgiveall
    • Short: !fa
  • hs - display headshot counter
    • Usage: !hs
  • register - register yourself as a basic user
    • Usage: !register
  • spree - display current kill streak
    • Usage: !spree
  • stats - display current map stats
    • Usage: !stats
  • bombstats - display bomb stats
    • Usage: !bombstats
  • ctfstats - display Capture the Flag stats
    • Usage: !ctfstats
  • freezestats - display freeze/thawout stats
    • Usage: !freezestats
  • teams - balance teams
    • Usage: !teams
  • time - display the current server time
    • Usage: !time

User [1]

  • xlrstats - display full player statistics
    • Usage: !xlrstats [<name>]

Moderator [20]

  • country - get the country of the player
    • Usage: !country <name>
  • leveltest - get the admin level for a given player or myself
    • Usage: !leveltest [<name>]
    • Short: !lt [<name>]
  • list - list all connected players
    • Usage: !list
  • nextmap - display the next map in rotation
    • Usage: !nextmap
  • mute - mute or unmute a player
    • Usage: !mute <name> [<seconds>]
  • seen - display when the player was last seen
    • Usage: !seen <name>
  • shuffleteams - shuffle the teams
    • Usage: !shuffleteams
    • Short: !shuffle
  • warn - warn user
    • Usage: !warn <name> [<reason>]
    • Short: !w <name> [<reason>]
    • Available short form reasons: tk, obj, spec, ping, spam, camp, lang, racism
  • warninfo - display how many warnings the player has
    • Usage: !warninfo <name>
    • Short: !wi <name>

Admin [40]

  • admins - list all the online admins
    • Usage: !admins
  • aliases - list the aliases of the player
    • Usage: !aliases <name>
    • Short: !alias <name>
  • bigtext - display big message on screen
    • Usage: !bigtext <text>
  • say - say a message to all players
    • Usage: !say <text>
  • force - force a player to the given team
    • Usage: !force <name> <blue/red/spec> [<lock>]
  • nuke - nuke a player
    • Usage: !nuke <name>
  • kick - kick a player
    • Usage: !kick <name> <reason>
    • Short: !k <name> <reason>
  • warnclear - clear the user warnings
    • Usage: !warnclear <name>
    • Short: !wc <name>
  • tempban - ban a player temporary for the given period
    • Usage: !tempban <name> <duration> [<reason>]
    • Short: !tb <name> <duration> [<reason>]
    • Max ban duration: 24 hours

Full Admin [60]

  • scream - scream a message in different colors to all players
    • Usage: !scream <text>
  • slap - slap a player (a number of times)
    • Usage: !slap <name> [<amount>]
    • Default amount: 1
    • Max amount: 10
  • swap - swap teams for player A and B (if in different teams)
    • Usage: !swap <playerA> <playerB>
  • version - display the version of the bot
    • Usage: !version
  • veto - stop voting process
    • Usage: !veto
  • ci - kick player with connection interrupt
    • Usage: !ci <name>
  • ban - ban a player for 7 days
    • Usage: !ban <name> <reason>
  • baninfo - display active bans of a player
    • Usage: !baninfo <name>
    • Short: !bi <name>

Senior Admin [80]

  • banlist - display the last entries of the banlist
    • Usage: !banlist
  • kiss - clear all player warnings
    • Usage: !kiss
  • kill - kill a player
    • Usage: !kill <name>
  • lookup - search for player in database
    • Usage: !lookup <name>
    • Short: !l <name>
  • map - load given map
    • Usage: !map <ut4_name>
  • maps - display all available maps
    • Usage: `!maps
  • maprestart - restart the map
    • Usage: !maprestart
  • moon - activate Moon mode (low gravity)
    • Usage: !moon <on/off>
  • cyclemap - start next map in rotation
    • Usage: !cyclemap
  • setnextmap - set the given map as nextmap
    • Usage: !setnextmap <ut4_name>
  • permban - ban a player permanent
    • Usage: !permban <name> <reason>
    • Short: !pb <name> <reason>
  • putgroup - add a client to a group
    • Usage: !putgroup <name> <group>
    • Available Groups: user, regular, mod, admin, fulladmin
  • unban - unban a player from the database
    • Usage: !unban <ID>

Head Admin [100]

  • putgroup - add a client to a group
    • Usage: !putgroup <name> <group>
    • Available Groups: user, regular, mod, admin, fulladmin, senioradmin
  • ungroup - remove admin level from a player
    • Usage: !ungroup <name>
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