NODE_ENV = development or production
PORT = Any port for the server API
MONGO_URI = Mongo DB Atlas connection URI
JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = Random string of alphanumeric characters
JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET = Random string of alphanumeric characters
JWT_EMAIL_TOKEN_SECRET = Random string of alphanumeric characters
JWT_FORGOT_PASSWORD_TOKEN_SECRET = Random string of alphanumeric characters
MAIL_USERNAME = Email id of the account used to send the verification email
MAIL_PASSWORD = password for the account used to send the verification email
OAUTH_CLIENT_ID = Google client id for using gmail along with nodemailer
OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET = Google client secret for using gmail along with nodemailer
OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN = Google refresh token to send mails using gmail account in nodemailer
GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID = Google oauth 2.0 client id for using google oauth strategy of passport.js
GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET = Google oauth 2.0 client secret for using google oauth strategy of passport.js
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID = Github client id for using github strategy of passport.js
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET = Github client secret for using github strategy of passport.js
TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = Twitter consumer key for using twitter strategy of passport.js
TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = Twitter consumer secret for using twitter strategy of passport.js
LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID = Linkedin client id for using linkedin strategy of passport.js
LINKEDIN_CLIENT_SECRET = Linkedin client secret for using linkedin strategy of passport.js
COOKIE_SESSION_KEY = Random string of alphanumeric characters
PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID = Paypal client id to accept paypal payments
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY =AWS S3 storage bucket's secret access key for the aws-sdk
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID = AWS S3 storage bucket's secret access ID for the aws-sdk
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = Stripe secret key for accepting credit/debit card payments
FRONTEND_BASE_URL = URL for server side
BACKEND_BASE_URL = URL for the client side