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366 lines (301 loc) · 9.04 KB

Unit Tests

Unit tests are located under test directory

Available unit tests

Unit tests for exchanges

Tests cover the following :

  • retrieving tickers

  • retrieving order books

  • retrieving trades

  • retrieving klines

  • testing an order

  • retrieving open orders

  • retrieving closed orders

  • retrieving a single order

  • retrieving available balances


Optional file test/config/config.json can be used to indicate the pairs having open/closed orders for a given exchange

Unit tests will not create any orders automatically


Unit tests for services

Tests cover the following :

  • MarketCap tickers

  • Sending notification using PushOver

  • TickerMonitor alerts

Misc unit tests

Tests cover the following :

  • WS sessions

  • Gateway services

Running tests

Tests can be run using one of the run bash scripts under test directory

├── run
└── tests
    ├── exchanges
    │   ├── balances
    │   │   └── run
    │   ├── closedOrders
    │   │   └── run
    │   ├── klines
    │   │   └── run
    │   ├── openOrders
    │   │   ├── run
    │   │   └── scripts
    │   ├── order
    │   │   └── run
    │   ├── orderBooks
    │   │   └── run
    │   ├── pairs
    │   │   └── run
    │   ├── run
    │   ├── testOrder
    │   │   └── run
    │   ├── tickers
    │   │   └── run
    │   └── trades
    │       └── run
    ├── server
    │   └── run
    ├── services
    │   ├── fxConverter
    │   │   └── run
    │   ├── marketCap
    │   │   └── run
    │   ├── pushover
    │   │   └── run
    │   ├── run
    │   └── tickerMonitor
    │       └── run
    ├── sessions
    │   └── run
    └── ws
        └── run

Every run script will run all tests in sub-directories

Environment variables

Test suites can be customized through environment variables :

Name Type Default Description



Used to define gateway http uri




Used to define gateway ws uri




In case an API key is configured on gateway to restrict access


string[] (comma-separated)


Used to only perform unit testing for a list of exchanges. By default, all enabled exchanges will be processed


string or integer[] (comma-separated)


Used to trace all http requests made to the gateway (disabled by default)

  • If value is ALL, all requests will be traced

  • If value is a comma-separated list of HTTP codes, only requests for those http codes will be traced



temporary directory of the OS

Directory where trace should be saved


When traces are enabled, informations regarding each REST request will be saved to disk


Example to run all tests for MarketCap module, with traces

cd test/tests/services/marketCap

It should generate an output similar to

Traces will be saved in '/tmp/20181112_115607_29081'
Please wait during initialization...

  GET /marketCap/symbols
    ✓ it should return the list of symbols (344ms)
  GET /marketCap/coins
    ✓ it should return the list of coins (59ms)
  GET /marketCap/coins {"symbols":["BTC","ETH"]}
    ✓ it should return a list of coins containing only BTC & ETH
  GET /marketCap/tickers
    ✓ it should return first 100 tickers
  GET /marketCap/tickers {"limit":5}
    ✓ it should return first 5 tickers
  GET /marketCap/tickers/BTC
    ✓ it should return a single ticker for BTC
  GET /marketCap/tickers/INVALID
    ✓ it should fail with a 404 error (GatewayError.InvalidRequest.ObjectNotFound) when requesting a single ticker for an invalid symbol
  GET /marketCap/tickers {"symbols":["BTC","ETH"]}
    ✓ it should return tickers for BTC & ETH

8 passing (469ms)

Directory /tmp/20181112_115607_29081 will contain traces for each REST request

└── marketCap
    ├── GET_marketCap.coins
    │   ├── 001_200
    │   │   ├── request.json
    │   │   └── response.json
    │   └── 002_200
    │       ├── request.json
    │       └── response.json
    ├── GET_marketCap.symbols
    │   └── 001_200
    │       ├── request.json
    │       └── response.json
    ├── GET_marketCap.tickers
    │   ├── 001_200
    │   │   ├── request.json
    │   │   └── response.json
    │   ├── 002_200
    │   │   ├── request.json
    │   │   └── response.json
    │   └── 003_200
    │       ├── request.json
    │       └── response.json
    ├── GET_marketCap.tickers.BTC
    │   └── 001_200
    │       ├── request.json
    │       └── response.json
    └── GET_marketCap.tickers.INVALID
        └── 001_404
            ├── request.json
            └── response.json

Content of /tmp/20181112_115607_29081/marketCap/GET_marketCap.tickers/003_200/request.json

    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/marketCap/tickers",
    "timestamp": 1542020170.07,
    "params": {
        "symbols": [
    "json": false

Content of /tmp/20181112_115607_29081/marketCap/GET_marketCap.tickers/003_200/response.json

    "httpCode": 200,
    "body": [
            "symbol": "BTC",
            "name": "Bitcoin",
            "circulating_supply": 17372012,
            "price_usd": 6406.1049,
            "percent_change_1h": -0.08,
            "percent_change_1d": -0.08,
            "percent_change_7d": -0.15,
            "volume_24h_usd": 3120534126.1266,
            "last_updated": 1542009997,
            "market_cap_usd": 111286930723.4185,
            "rank": 1,
            "price_btc": 1
            "symbol": "ETH",
            "name": "Ethereum",
            "circulating_supply": 103150460,
            "price_usd": 210.4854,
            "percent_change_1h": -0.39,
            "percent_change_1d": -0.39,
            "percent_change_7d": -0.8,
            "volume_24h_usd": 1294093048.2094,
            "last_updated": 1542009997,
            "market_cap_usd": 21711669585.6914,
            "rank": 2,
            "price_btc": 0.032857
    "timestamp": 1542020170.073,
    "duration": 3


Running all tests

In order to run all tests, script run in test directory should be started

cd test
cd test/tests/services/pushover
API_KEY=myapikey ./run
cd test/tests/exchanges
API_KEY=myapikey EXCHANGES=binance,bittrex ./run

Testing order creation

In order to test order creation, script test/test/tests/exchanges/openOrders/scripts/createOrder can be used

cd test/tests/exchanges/openOrders/scripts
./createOrder -h
  --help, -h        display help                                       [boolean]
  --exchange, -e    exchange identifier                               [required]
  --orderType, -t   orderType (buy|sell)     [required] [choices: "buy", "sell"]
  --pair, -p        pair (X-Y)                                        [required]
  --targetRate, -r  target rate (float)
  --quantity, -q    quantity to buy/sell (float)
  --uri, -u         base gateway uri (http://{host}:{port})
                                              [default: ""]
  --apiKey, -k      API key declared on gateway
  --dry             only simulate orders

When provided with quantity & rate, script will perform the following :

  • try to create order

  • automatically cancel order if it was successfully created

Otherwise, script will perform the following :

  • try to create an order with an invalid quantity or invalid rate (ie: < min)

  • compute targetRate as lowest(ask) / 10 for buy order and highest(bid) * 10 for sell orders (to ensure order will stay open)

  • try to create an order with a valid quantity

  • automatically cancel order if it was successfully created