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File metadata and controls

102 lines (63 loc) · 4.38 KB



When a smart contract is being written, front-end developer receives file representation of it in the format called Application Binary Interface (ABI). One ABI per each contract, new ABI for every update of a contract.

Information about how to interact with a contract (methods names, arguments & returns types etc.) is included in this ABI file. It is not human-readable enough, so extraction of that information becomes a challenge. Guessing is not an option and we need to have correct type definitions for each contract in TypeScript. They can be generated automatically by a script, taking a list of ABIs as an input, giving usable TS type definitions and even runtime code as its output.

Given, that a front-end developer needs to do this with every contracts update, such tool would save a lot of time and prevent mistakes of misusing smart contracts.


In your project install this package like so:

yarn add @supercolony/typechain-polkadot

Now you can use it to generate TS definitions & runtime code for your ABIs.

(!) Currently, only ABIs of version 3 (i.e. have V3 property) are supported.

Given, that you've put input files in path/to/input folder, and want generated code to land in path/to/output folder, run the following command:

npx typechain-polkadot --in path/to/input --out path/to/output

(i) Both generated code and ABI files are meant to stay in your source code and be committed. You have a full ownership of the generated code and can use however you like. Though, we will provide examples further.


Input folder path/to/input should contain {contract name}.contract and/or {contract name}.json files.

When your contract is represented by a {contract name}.contract file, generated code will also have means to deploy such contract to blockchain. E.g. corresponding class will have a static namespace Contract.constructors available.


For each given contract (e.g. ABI in path/to/input/{contract name}.json), a class is generated and put in path/to/output/contracts/{contract name}.ts file. Instance of this class will provide an access point to the contract methods, which already have type definitions for arguments, call options, return values etc.

Methods Nameing

Some contract methods have a trait specified in their original full name (i.e. come in a format MethodTraitName::method_tail_name). Generated code's methods' names come primarily as camelCased method_tail_name (methodTailName). In a case of transformed names overlap, their original name is used.


The contract instance contains several namespaces that can be useful in different cases:

  • query namespace - Contains both read-only & mutating methods but treats them all as RPC calls.
const {
	value, // Typed result value
	gasConsumed // : bigint
} = await conrtact.query.methodName(
	arg1, ..., argN, // Typed arguments
	options // : CallOptions
  • buildExtrinsic namespace - These methods build SubmittableExtrinsic objects (i.e. what is natively done via ContractPromise.tx in polkadot{.js}).
const submittableExtrinsic = conrtact.query.buildExtrinsic(arg1, ..., argN, options);
  • tx namespace - For signing & sending transactions at once.
const successResponse = await conrtact.tx.methodName(arg1, ..., argN, options);
  • methods namespace - Behaves according to description in ABI: RPC calls for read-only methods and transactions for the mutating ones. Type definitions will reflect that.
const { value, gasConsumed } = await conrtact.methods.readOnlyMethod(arg1, ..., argN, options);

const successResponse = await conrtact.methods.mutatingMethod(arg1, ..., argN, options);


For usage examples in TypeScript, please, refer to this repo: