Output messages use the following format (except for the firmware information message)
'{' <timestamp> (':'|'>') <length> ' ' <data> '}'
<timestamp> : integer number,
each tick represents 1 millisecond,
number is given in hex presentation,
fixed length of 8 digits
<length> : data bits received, or status code
number is given in hex presentation,
fixed length of 2 digits
for status codes bit 7 is set, see table
<data> : received data payload, or additional information
Status Codes
Status Code | Description | Information in data |
80 | No error | N/A |
81 | Timeout | N/A |
82 | Bad start bit timing | Observed bit timing in µs |
83 | Bad data bit timing | Observed bit timing in µs |
84 | Collision detected (loopback) | N/A |
85 | Collision detected (no change) | N/A |
86 | Collision detected (wrong state) | N/A |
87 | Settling time violation | N/A |
90 | System is idle | N/A |
91 | System has failure (bus low) | N/A |
92 | System has recovered | N/A |
A0 | Can not process command | N/A |
A1 | Bad argument to command | N/A |
A2 | Queue is full | N/A |
A3 | Bad command | N/A |
A4 | Buffer overflow | N/A |
NOTE The observed bit timing is shifted by 8 bits to the left, and the lower 8 bits code the data bit where the timing error occured.
participant USB
participant Device
participant DALI
USB ->> Device: `S1 10 FF00`
activate Device
Device -->> DALI: 0xFF00
Device -->> USB: `{00000011>10 FF00}
deactivate Device
participant USB
participant Device
participant DALI
USB ->> Device: `Q1 10 FF00`
activate Device
Device -->> DALI: 0xFF00
Device -->> USB: `{00000011>10 FF00}
Note over DALI: no one replies
Device -->> USB: `{00000015:81 0000}
deactivate Device
USB -->> Device: `Q1 10 FF90'
activate Device
Device -->> DALI: 0xFF90
Device -->> USB: {00000020:10 FF90}
DALI -->> Device: 0xC4
Device -->> USB: {00000026:08 C4}
deactivate Device