All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- 13.0.1 Private Assets not working after Moulinette Cloud update
- Necessary fixes and changes for new Moulinette Cloud servers
- Look & Feel compatibility with WFRP4e
- Moulinette Board
- 12.1.1 : fix build/package
- 12.1.2 : missing export/import functionalities
- Moulinette Board (early access only)
- Support for v12
- 11.8.1: optimize queries based on client (missing client)
- Improve thumbnail generation (for scenes) to mitigate/avoid memory leaks
- Notification when conflicting modules installed and enabled at the same time as Moulinette
- Remove tooltip for "bring your own assets" for tabs which don't support it (like icons)
- Content management (hide content from certain creators/packs)
- 11.7.3: hide markdown texts (introduced by Obsidian plugin)
- 11.7.2: local assets not listed (due to URI malformed error)
- 11.7.1: rolling back wildcard fix (interferring with ScenePacker)
- Moulinette doesn't index files with non-lowercase extensions (like MP3)
- Moulinette doesn't handle wildcard paths (like "/some-path/{token1,token2}.jpg")
- 11.6.1: Style compatibility with GURPS #71
- 11.6.1: Moulinette Core fails indexing scenes on certain filenames #68
- 11.6.2: Authentication with Patreon always fails
- 11.6.3: Rollback of 11.6.1 (causing issues with sounds)
- 11.6.4: Moulinette download/upload files that already exist
- Download manager (progressbar)
- Discord integration (into main)
- Support for SoundPad improvements
- Support player mode (required for moulinette-compendiums)
- 11.3.1: Fix invalid configuration (dev mode)
- Support for Discord authentication (non-Patreon creators)
- 11.2.2: Improve download/upload management (specially for ScenePacker) with retries and additional logging
- 11.2.3: Fix download abort when 1 download fails
- Moulinette Sounds Opus Support #64
- 11.1.2: Crashes while indexing own s3 files #12
- 11.1.1: Fix folder names disappear when expand/collapsing, even core data folders
- Cache baseURL for S3 (fix for non-performant workaround introduced in 11.0.7)
- 11.0.9: Fix fileExists for S3
- 11.0.8: Fix folder creation for S3 and special characters (&,+)
- 11.0.7: Fix for V11 and S3
- 11.0.6: Official support for V11
- 11.0.5: Indexed packs have invalid path on The Forge
- 11.0.4: Fix for The Forge (Bazaar). Invalid URLs for thumbs.
- 11.0.3: Fix uninitialized windows position (=> errors)
- Improvement on how Moulinette stores the position of the window
- Indexes are now world-specific
- Index folders from multiple sources
- Optimizations for The Forge (hosting provider) & S3
- Export & Import sources configurations
- Module filters (ex: scenes can be filtered with "gridless")
- 10.8.1: help information displayed even when search results
- API for retrieving the URL of an asset
- Marketplace integration (available assets)
- Tooltips to guide user (authentication, moulinette support)
- 10.6.0: Help still recommending V9 (rather than V10)
- 10.6.1: Moulinette Window opens with width of 200px (first time)
- 10.6.2: Animated tiles not animated any more
- #56 Feature: Add hotkey to choose image browser
- 10.5.0: #59 After update, file picker no longer works
- Make dropdown list mode configurable
- New interface general availability
- 10.3.1: fix for Ernie's modern UI
- 10.3.2: fix #2 for Ernie's modern UI
- New interface (auto-scroll lists, breadcrumbs, actions)
- New interface for FilePicker
- Improved footer
- Whole word search & regex search
- 10.2.1: folder expand not working in Moulinette FilePicker
- 10.2.2: sound indexing doesn't work on The Forge
- 10.2.3: fix for 10.2.2 which breaks local hosting (not on the Forge)
- Configure sources for scenes (compatibility with The Forge)
- Improved UI for "in progress" indexing
- 10.1.1: fix tentative for null options (bucket)
- 10.1.2: fix V10 compatibility
- Filter sources based on type
- UI improvements
- Configure sources for scenes
- 10.0.1: fix v10 packaging issues
- 10.0.2: folder view doesn't list subfolders systematically
- 10.0.3: focus should not go back to search field when selecting a new creator/pack
- 10.0.3: #49 : Pressing ENTER brings up default picker instead of searching
- 10.0.4: fix for null while getting S3 source
- 10.0.5: FileExists check fails when game hosted on The Forge #39
- Compatibility with V10
- Major version based on FVTT
- Moulinette Shortcuts (presets)
- Configuration to enable/disable available content from Moulinette Cloud
- 4.8.1 : fix packaging
- 4.8.2 : fix prefabs tab not working any more
- Moulinette API (searchUI & assetPicker)
- Support for thumb sizes
- 4.6.1: Fix confusing Moulinette message when supporting platinum creators
- Moulinette UI vertically resizable
- Manage sources (for indexing process)
- #36 Cannot figure how to add more images
- 4.5.1: #40 Non-host GMs can't use Moulinette for games hosted on The Forge
- 4.5.2: Rollback 4.5.1, causing issues
- Configuration for highlighting Moulinette Cloud packs in dropdown lists
- Configuration to enable/disable controls in FVTT menus
- Moulinette Layer : support for left/right clicks. Implementation done by submodules. Release for everyone.
- 4.3.1: Moulinette Cloud : images from TTV now showing up
- 4.3.2: Moulinette Tiles search not working when Moulinette Cloud disabled
- 4.3.3: Fix ScenePacker downloads fail (when spaces in file path)
- Moulinette Layer : support for left/right clicks. Implementation done by submodules.
- 4.2.1: Tabletop Audio (and other) folders with space in their name cannot be expanded
- 4.2.2: Small improvements and bug fixes for ScenePacker & prettifier
- 4.2.3: WebM not indexed as image/tile any more
- New control buttons for soundpad, soundboard, favorites and faceted search
- Help interfaces
- Control buttons harmonized (vertically)
- 4.1.1: New Search UI not working due to missing commit in release
- 4.1.2: Export to Moulinette Cloud broken if spaces in image path
- 4.1.3: Workaround for bucket configuration "null"
- Keybind from FoundryVTT (doesn't require extra module anymore)
- 4.0.1: Module version for 9.x release
- 4.0.2: Remove support for FVTT 0.7 and 0.8
- 4.0.3: TTA & Ivan Duch sounds not listed due to new structure
- First attempt to support 0.9.x version
- Warning on Patreon Integration when user is authenticated but not supporting Moulinette (yet)
- Link to support Moulinette (Patreon Integration)
- 3.12.1 : Use ForgeVTT FilePicker to speed up upload (eTag)
- Default view should be "list view"
- Folder view not working in Moulinette Sounds
- Show lifespan support on Patreon
- New Moulinette icon
- Add packId for Scene Packer integration
- "Forge" removed from all the UI (to avoid confusion with The Forge)
- Default shortcut has been changed to "CTRL+M" (CTRL+F is too common)
- Selected pack remains selected after changing tab (until new selection)
- Previews : search for assets among creators
- Selected pack remains selected when changing tab (if matching pack exists)
- Favorites : history, groups
- Improved workflow for Patreon integration
- Support for multiple concurrent sessions (5$+)
- 3.4.1: Attempt to fix the issues with Patreon login/connect
- 3.4.2: Patreon UI for Warhammer system
- 3.4.3: Moulinette Picker still enabled when configuration is off
- Support for Moulinette Cloud (all)
- Progressbar for Cloud update
- Switch to Moulinette Cloud (new servers)
- Show pledges and gifts on patreon window
- Claim a gift from a creator
- Configuration to disable Moulinette Cloud
- Patreon : disconnect & reconnect buttons
- Warning message when token will expire in less than 30 minutes
- Error message when token is expired
- 3.2.1: Fix Filepicker with "List view"
- UI modes (compact/default)
- Window position and width saved/restored
- 3.1.8: Missing settings when default FilePicker used
- 3.1.7: Indexing not working on S3
- 3.1.6: Search when "All publishers" selected
- 3.1.5: Folder collapsing when clicking on assets
- 3.1.4: Workaround for "The Forge" (index.json & server-side caching)
- 3.1.3: Workaround for "The Forge" (index.json & server-side caching)
- 3.1.2: .mp3 and .wav not indexed
- 3.1.1: Downloading fails for names with spaces
- Moulinette FilePicker for images and imagevideo
- Remove warning for missing index.json files
- Browse mode by creator (rather than pack)
- New view mode (browse)
- Data caching
- Drag & drop after scrolling down > 100 assets
- Download to S3 storage
- Dependencies not properly handled for BW packs
- Indexing fails if "&" in pack names
- Postpone download after drop
- Don't capitalize publisher/pack names
- Sessions last 24 hours
- Patreon integration enabled by default
- support for assets caching
- for ignoring some files
- moulinette.json for metadata
- Compatibility with FVTT 0.8.5
- Capabilities for downloading all dependencies
- Capabilities for new scene UI
- Capabilities for prefabs
- Capabilities for pinning soundboard
- DisplayMode : tiles / list
- Integration with Moulinette Cloud and Patreon (preview)
- 1.6.3 : Lazy-loading fix (SvenWerlen/moulinette-tiles#4)
- 1.6.1 & 1.6.2 : Fix Forge's Bazaar regression
- Support for Forge's Bazaar (Thx: @Kakaroto!!)
- Support for existing sources (modules can define their own sources)
- Support for S3 as storage
- All Forgotten Adventures assets but 1 for showcase purposes
- Configuration for hiding showcase content
- Modules can add macros to core compendium
- Pagination (display 100 assets and autoload on scroll)
- Core engine