CryptoBot for trading cyrptocurrenies.
How to Run:
- Download neccesary libraries, python, etc.
- Get twitter token or comment it out this feature wasn't very good, discord server token, binance tokens, etc.
- Add tokens to config file.
- Also change discord channel ID to your own channel ID. (lines 180, 220 and 308)
- Start the program.
- Use !price "exchange" and !predict "exchange", to view the bots thought process. "exchange" refers to BTCUSDT, DOGEBTC and all other coins on binance.
- !price will start showing predictions on the same graph as prices once there are enough predictions.
- Once, you are happy with the bots predictions stop the program. (Recommended time to run before next step would be 1 week, but no idea if the bot is even good)
- Uncomment out lines 160 - 163, this will allow the bot to buy and sell. Also comment out lines 166 and 167, to stop messing with the bots brain.
- Delete crypto.txt and start program.
- !status will show current trades and price change. It will show nothing if no trades were made.
Warning: Your entire binance account will be used by the bot, you could lose everything. You can still make trades yourself, however the bot will make any trades it sees fit.