- Added
public var urlSession: URLSession
variable toEudiWallet
class. This variable can be used to set a custom URLSession for network requests. Allows for custom configuration of the URLSession, such as setting a custom timeout interval or Self-Signed certificates.
- Library updates
The flow is supported by existing methods:
1 - An issue offer url is scanned. The following method is called: public func resolveOfferUrlDocTypes(uriOffer: String, format: DataFormat = .cbor, useSecureEnclave: Bool = true) async throws -> OfferedIssueModel
2 - If OfferedIssueModel.isTxCodeRequired
is true, the call to issueDocumentsByOfferUrl
must include the transaction code (parameter txCodeValue
- Note: for the clientId value the
is used.
- Update eudi-lib-ios-openid4vci-swift dependency to version 0.1.5
- Fixes iOS16 offer url parsing issue
updated with new PID docType
- Update eudi-lib-ios-siop-openid4vp-swift to version 0.1.1
- Fix openid4vp certificate chain verification (PresentationSession's
properties) - Add
property to PresentationSession
- Update eudi-lib-ios-siop-openid4vp-swift to version 0.1.0
- Added wallet configuration parameter
public var verifierLegalName: String?
(used for Openid4VP preregistered clients)
###Update eudi-lib-ios-siop-openid4vp-swift to version 0.1.0
@Published public var mdocModels: [any MdocDecodable] = []
Openid4vp, BLE: Support sending multiple documents with same doc-type
- DocElementsViewModel: added
public var docId: String
- PresentationSession / func sendResponse: itemsToSend dictionary is keyed by docId (and not docType)
Refactoring for issuing documents with IssuerSigned cbor data
OpenID4VCI: fix for filtering resolved identifiers Support mdoc Authentication for OpenId4Vp #46
OpenID4VCI fix
OpenID4VCI: Allow partial issuing when some documents fail to issue
OpenID4VCI: Fixed issuing with https://dev.issuer.eudiw.dev
/// Resolve OpenID4VCI offer URL document types. Resolved offer metadata are cached
public func resolveOfferUrlDocTypes(uriOffer: String, format: DataFormat = .cbor, useSecureEnclave: Bool = true) async throws -> [OfferedDocModel]
/// Issue documents by offer URI.
public func issueDocumentsByOfferUrl(offerUri: String, docTypes: [OfferedDocModel], format: DataFormat, promptMessage: String? = nil, useSecureEnclave: Bool = true, claimSet: ClaimSet? = nil) async throws -> [WalletStorage.Document]
// PresentationSession @Published public var deviceEngagement: String?
use the following code to convert to QR code image:
let qrImage = DeviceEngagement.getQrCodeImage(qrCode: d)
Updated eudi-lib-ios-siop-openid4vp-swift
to v0.0.74
Updated eudi-lib-ios-openid4vci-swift
to v0.0.7
Updated eudi-lib-ios-siop-openid4vp-swift
to v0.0.73
Updated eudi-lib-ios-openid4vci-swift
to v0.0.6
- Refactor MdocDecodable (DocType, DocumentIdentifier, createdAt),
- OpenID4VP draft 13 support
- Internal updates for security checks
- Updated presentation definition parsing
- Updated eudi-lib-ios-siop-openid4vp-swift to 0.0.72
- Fixed mDOC authentication MAC validation error for mDL document type
- Added delete documents func
- Storage manager functions are now
async throws
- extractDisplayStrings is recursive (cbor elements can be dictionaries)
- NameValue: added
var children: [NameValue]
property (tree-like structure) - MdocDecodable: added 'var displayImages: [NameImage]' property
- Add isMandatory property to DocElementsViewModel structure
methods do not run on main actorPresentationSession
: add `readerCertIssuerValid`` (is verifier certificate trusted)PresentationSession
: change `readerCertIssuer`` (has verifier certificate common name)MdocDecodable
: add extension method:public func toJson() -> [String: Any]